Title: Cryptography: Securing the Information Age
1Cryptography Securing the Information Age
Source www.aep.ie/product/ technical.html
- Definitions
- Why cryptography is important?
- Available technologies
- Benefits problems
- Future of cryptography
- Houston resources
3Essential Terms
- Cryptography
- Encryption
- Plain text ? Cipher text
- Decryption
- Cipher text ? Plain text
- Cryptanalysis
- Cryptology
Source http//www.unmuseum.org/enigma.jpg
4Information Security for
- Defending against external/internal hackers
- Defending against industrial espionage
- Securing E-commerce
- Securing bank accounts/electronic transfers
- Securing intellectual property
- Avoiding liability
5Threats to Information Security
- Pervasiveness of email/networks
- Online storage of sensitive information
- Insecure technologies (e.g. wireless)
- Trend towards paperless society
- Weak legal protection of email privacy
6Types of Secret Writing
Secret writing
- Steganography covered writing is an art of
hiding information
- Popular contemporary steganographic technologies
hide information in images
New York Times, August 3rd, 2001
8Hiding information in pictures
Image in which to hide another image
Image to hide within the other image
9Retrieving information from pictures
Image with other hidden within
Recreated image
10Digital Watermarks
Source http//www.digimarc.com
11Types of Secret Writing
Secret writing
12Public Key Cryptography
- Private (symmetric, secret) key the same key
used for encryption/decryption
- Problem of key distribution
- Public (asymmetric) key cryptography a public
key used for encryption and private key for
- Key distribution problem solved
13Currently Available Crypto Algorithms (private
- DES (Data Encryption Standard) and derivatives
double DES and triple DES
- IDEA (International Data Encryption Standard)
- Blowfish
- RC5 (Rivest Cipher 5)
- AES (Advance Encryption Standard)
14Currently Available Crypto Algorithms (public key)
- RSA (Rivest, Shamir, Adleman)
- DH (Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Algorithm)
- ECDH (Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement
- RPK (Raike Public Key)
15Currently Available Technologies
- PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) a hybrid encryption
- Message is encrypted using a private key
algorithm (IDEA)
- Key is then encrypted using a public key
algorithm (RSA)
- For file encryption, only IDEA algorithm is used
- PGP is free for home use
16Authentication and Digital Signatures
- Preventing impostor attacks
- Preventing content tampering
- Preventing timing modification
- Preventing repudiation
- By
- Encryption itself
- Cryptographic checksum and hash functions
17Digital Signatures
- Made by encrypting a message digest
(cryptographic checksum) with the senders
private key
- Receiver decrypts with the senders public key
(roles of private and public keys are flipped)
18PKI and CA
- Digital signature does not confirm identity
- Public Key Infrastructure provides a trusted
third partys confirmation of a senders
- Certification Authority is a trusted third party
that issues identity certificates
19Problems with CAs and PKI
- Who gave CA the authority to issue certificates?
Who made it trusted?
- What good are the certificates?
- What if somebody digitally signed a binding
contract in your name by hacking into your
- How secure are CAs practices? Can a malicious
hacker add a public key to a CAs directory?
20Currently Available Technologies
- MD4 and MD5 (Message Digest)
- SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm version 1)
- DSA (The Digital Signature Algorithm)
- ECDSA (Elliptic Curve DSA)
- Kerberos
- OPS (Open Profiling Standard)
- VeriSign Digital IDs
21JAVA and XML Cryptography
- java.security package includes classes used for
authentication and digital signature
- javax.crypto package contains Java Cryptography
Extension classes
- XML makes it possible to encrypt or digitally
sign parts of a message, different encryption for
different recipients, etc.
22XML Crypto Document
Listing 1. Information on John Smith showing his
bank, limit of 5,000, card number, and
expiration date
v2' John Smith CreditCard Limit'5,000' Currency'USD'
4019 2445 0277 5567
Bank of the Internet
(Source http//www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/xm
23XML Crypto document
Listing 2. Encrypted document where all but name
is encrypted
John Smith ryptedData Type'http//www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc
Element' xmlns'http//www.w3.org/2001/
04/xmlenc' eA23B45C56
(Source http//www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/x
24Benefits of Cryptographic Technologies
- Data secrecy
- Data integrity
- Authentication of message originator
- Electronic certification and digital signature
- Non-repudiation
Source http//www.princeton.edu/hos/h398/matrix.
25Potential Problems with Cryptographic
- False sense of security if badly implemented
- Government regulation of cryptographic
technologies/export restrictions
- Encryption prohibited in some countries
Source http//www.tudor-portraits.com/Mary20Scot
26How Secure are Todays Technologies?
- 250,000 machine cracks 56 bit key DES code in 56
- IDEA, RC5, RSA, etc. resist complex attacks when
properly implemented
- distributed.net cracked 64 bit RC5 key (1,757
days and 331,252 people) in July, 2002
- A computer that breaks DES in 1 second will take
149 trillion years to break AES!
- Algorithms are not theoretically unbreakable
successful attacks in the future are possible
27How Secure are Todays Technologies?
- Encryption does not guarantee security!
- Many ways to beat a crypto system NOT dependent
on cryptanalysis, such as
- Viruses, worms, hackers, etc.
- TEMPEST attacks,
- Unauthorized physical access to secret keys
- Cryptography is only one element of comprehensive
computer security
28The Future of Secret Writing
- Quantum cryptanalysis
- A quantum computer can perform practically
unlimited number of simultaneous computations
- Factoring large integers is a natural application
for a quantum computer (necessary to break RSA)
- Quantum cryptanalysis would render ALL modern
cryptosystems instantly obsolete
Source http//www.media.mit.edu/quanta/5-qubit-mo
29When will it happen?
- 2004 10-qubit special purpose quantum computer
- 2006 factoring attacks on RSA algorithm
- 2010 through 2012 intelligence agencies will
have quantum computers
- 2015 large enterprises will have quantum
- Source The Gartner Group
30What is to be done?
- The Gartner Group recommends
- Develop migration plans to stronger crypto by
- Begin implementation in 2010
31The Future of Secret Writing (continued)
- Quantum encryption
- No need for a quantum computer
- A key cannot be intercepted without altering its
- It is theoretically unbreakable
- Central problem is transmitting a quantum message
over a significant distance
Source http//qubit.nist.gov/Images/OptLat.jpg
32Houston Resources
- University of Houston
- Crypto courses
- Ernst Leiss
- Rice University Computer Science Dept
- Crypto research and offers crypto training
- Dan Wallach (security of WAP, WEP, etc.)
- Companies
- RSA Security
- Schlumberger
- SANS Institute
33- Your questions are welcome!