Title: S P S S
- Kaenan Hertz, PhD
- Dir. CRM and Market Intelligence
- khertz_at_salliemae.com
2Sallie Mae
- 1 for education loans
- 105b in student loans
- 7 million borrowers
3How Much We Do
- 10-12 million emails per month
- 40-60 email campaigns
- 5-10 direct mail/telephone lists
- 50-75 ad hoc report requests
4The Big Boss
Mark Overend SVP E-Commerce
5What I showed him
6Real Question
- Wheres the ROI in the previous analysis?
7What Marks Boss Asks
Al Lord Chairman and Former CEO
8How SPSS helps us with our ROI
- Provides quick and simple tools for analysis and
presentation - Simplifies our work flow
- Allows for easy automation of repetitive tasks
- Helps uncover insights into data that were
previously hidden - Improves profitability of products and helps
identify ways to decrease servicing costs
9Sample Uses of SPSS Analytics
10Simple Problem Which offer responded better?
11PowerPoint Example Old World
12Response Analysis New World
13Advanced Analyses
14Servicing Costs
15Messy Information moses 10/18/2003143456
0500 GET /search.jsp?termsallie mae home
loans HTTP/1.0 200 1876 http//www.yahoo.com/
Mozilla/4.0 uid12345 session55443 250
Raw Web data
r57.cinet.com - fa608 10/18/2003143456 0500
"GET /stock_quote.jsp?symbolSLM HTTP/1.0" 200
29413 "-" "Mozilla/3.01C-KIT (Win95 U)" "403"
"403-3" 2898
Salliemae.com - ev6400 10/18/2003143456
0500 "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 27432 "-"
"Mozilla/2.0 (compatible MSIE 3.01 Windows 95)"
"739" "739-4" 141
27.iquest.net - fb8701 10/18/2003143456
0500 "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 0 "-" "Mozilla/4.0
(compatible MSIE 4.0 Windows NT)" "193" "193-3"
Manage Loan
17Web Mining for Clem
18Directed Web Plot
19Present Strong Bonds
20Activity Plots Simplify
21Clem Saves Sanity
22What We Learned
- SPSS helps provide quick answers
- Simple to implement SPSS
- Saves time and effort
23ROI Conclusions
- SPSS Base implementation paid for itself
immediately - CLEMENTINE implementation costs covered with 1
campaign - Webmining for CLEMENTINE showed value within 1
24Further Information
Kaenan Hertz, PhD Sallie Mae khertz_at_salliemae.com