Title: Gradient based parameter estimation for signalling pathways
1Gradient based parameter estimation for
signalling pathways
- Steve Wilkinson
- Manchester Interdisciplinary Biocentre,
- Manchester University UK.
Mechanistic Models (e.g. ODEs)
- Proximate parameter tuning overview
- Matlab implementation
- Doing science with parameter estimation
- Yeast cAMP signalling
- Translation Initiation
4Proximate Parameter Tuning Concepts
- For each uncertain (unknown) parameter estimate
- Nominal (most likely) value
- Maximum possible value
- Minimum possible value
- Adjust parameters to fit model outputs to target
values (e.g. time series data, peak height) - while staying as close as possible to the
nominal point.
5Proximate Parameter Tuning (PPT) Algorithm
Initial Parameter Estimates
Calculate First Order Sensitivities
Target Feature Values
Simulated Feature Values
Solve LP sub-problem to calculate parameter
Solve ODE model with adjusted parameters
Fitted parameters
6Linear Programming Implementation (LP-PPT)
Output Error variables
Parameter Deviation variables
Objective function
Key constraint
Subject to
Max error/deviation enforcing constraints
Bounds on max/min parameter deviations
7Summary of PPT Algorithm
- Makes use of prior knowledge of parameter values
- Very general in terms of model and features to be
fitted - Computationally scaleable
- Sensitivity calculation Nparameters
- Optimisation sub-problem Nparameters X
(Nfeatures)3 - Reasonable convergence (but not guaranteed)
- Only a local method but could be combined with
global methods
8Matlab implementation
- Makes use of SBToolbox and SBAddOn
- Efficient calculation of sensitivities by forward
integration - Creates a separate compiled .MEX file for each
9cAMP signalling in yeast
G proteins
Cyr1 (AC)
(3 semi-redundant catalytic subunits)
150 protein targets
10Work in progress
Structural determination of signalling pathways
- Given
- A pool of interacting species
- A list of all possible interactions
(superstructure) - Some measured time series data
- Assuming
- Generalised kinetics e.g. linlog
- Determine
- Smallest subset of interactions to explain
measured data
11Translation Initiation Pathway
12Modelling Strategy
- Model using mass action kinetics
- e.g. eIF2GDP eIF2B gt complex
- Stoichiometric structure 80 known
- Parameter values lt10 known
- Some initial concentrations
- No rate constants
13Available experimental data
- Generated here at MIB using techniques developed
in house - McCarthy group can measure how rate of protein
synthesis varies with varying concentration of
initiation factors. - Data for initiation factors eIF1A, eIF4E, eIF4G
and eIF5B. - Can we use the PPT algorithm
- To fit our model to the data?
- To tell us something new that we can test?
14Model Fitting and Analysis
- Guess reasonable rate constants (nominal values)
- Use upper and lower bounds /- 2 orders of
magnitude - Can we use the PPT algorithm
- To fit our model to the data?
- To tell us something new that we can test?
15Fitting to experiment data
16Fitting to experiment data
17Fitting to experiment data
18Fitting to experiment data
19Parameter Sampling
- Under-determined system many parameter sets
that give good fits - Start fitting algorithm at different sampled
points to get many different fitting parameter
sets - Are there any common features that distinguish
the fitted parameters sets?
20Translational Flux Control Coefficients
Sensitivity of the flux with respect to each
Average unfitted pattern Reactions 11 and 12
Fitted pattern B Reaction 2 controlling
Fitted pattern A Reaction 5 controlling
21Control of Flux
- Fitted models suggest reactions 2 and/or 5 most
important - Met-tRNAiMet is usually in abundance,making the
eIF2B-catalysed - step rate-limiting
- Biochem. Soc. Trans. (2005) 33, (1487-1492)
22Future work
Automated Model Generation
- Target model outputs
- Measured
- Estimated
- Intuitive
- Proximate
- Parameter
- Tuning
- Parameter values ranges
- Assayed
- Correlated
- Calculated de novo
- Intuitive
- First guess model
- Quantitative
- Predictive
- Dicky Dimelow
- Tom Williamson
- Martin Brown
- Doug Kell
- Pedro Mendes