Title: Tibetan Buddhism at Mount Wutai Five Terraces
1Tibetan Buddhism at Mount Wutai (Five Terraces
2Shambhala t
- Another sacred space said to be in northern Asia
- Note rings of mountains surrounding a central city
3What makes a place sacred?
- Miracles, the strange, a numinous presence,
popular stories and history
4- Manjusri
- Bodhisattva of Wisdom
- Sword Symbol of sharp insight
5Hoar frost on the Central Terrace
- Weird weather (_at_ 10,000 ft)
6- Manjusri
- And one of the five temples on
- the Five Terraces
7Strange Lights (since the 7th century)
8 9- Clouds above the central monastery, 1991
10Famous teachers
11Miraculous Visions
- Bamboo Grove Temple
- One of several built
- in the Tang Dynasty
- (7th-8th centuries)
- based on visions had
- by resident monks
12- Manjusri with flaming halo, mounted on lion
- Frequently seen in visions, as shown on the Rubin
Museum map of Mount Wutai
13Proximity to Inner Asia (Mongolia/Tibet)
14View from Space
- http//wikimapia.org/lat39.008113lon113.56945
z6l0mav2 - Search Wikimapia for Wutai shan
- Inner Asian steppe brown, dry terrain to
northwest - Chinese agriculture green, wetter terrain to
15- Tibetan pilgrims from Amdo traveling by foot
- Chinese pilgrims catching a ride walking
16(No Transcript)
17Flat-topped Peaks (Terraces)
18West Central North (central village)
- View from atop South Terrace (covering 125 sq
19South West Central North East
20Bodhisattva Peak White Stupa
21- 108 stairs to the
- top of Bodhisattva
- Peak (the main
- temple at Wutai)
- Imperial Residence
- from 17th-20th
- centuries
22- Bodhisattva
- Peak (est. 4th c.)
- (Golden Roof)
- White Stupa
- (built by Nepali
- in 13th century)
23Wall Mural at Potola Palace, Lhasa(Only 4
Terraces with temples) Bodhisattva Peak
White Stupa
24Stupa (pagoda) sign of Buddhas mind
- Disciple of Tsongkapa 2) As depicted on
Eastern Terrace - (founder of Dalai Lamas sect)
- 1) As depicted in Tibetan art
26- Multi-ethnic
- Ritual (19th century)
- Chinese
- Buddhist
- Monks
- (in yellow robes)
- Tibeto-
- Mongols
- Monks
- (in red robes)
- Manchus
- Chinese
- Officials
- (in blue, with queues)
27Modern Multi-ethnic Buddhists
- Chinese Tibetan Buddhists (yellow-orange robes)
- Chinese Buddhists
- Tibeto-Mongol (brown, black, grey, blue
robes) - Tibetan Buddhists
- (red, burgundy robes)
28- Cham Tibetan- style masked
dance as part of yearly festival
29 30(No Transcript)
31For Younger StudentsFun to find details on the
- Yeti, Camels, Tigers (chasing people, being
killed) - The Great Wall (an inner part of it)
- Prostrating pilgrims
- Qing officials firing off canons
- Dragon Kings on the peaks (little green men)
- Naked bathers (being shot by emperor)
- Holy mother children (hint look for red halo)
- Buddhas footprint on a rock
- Burning books flying birds
- A hand catching someone falling off cliff
32Resources for Teaching (in English)
- from the Tang Dynasty (7th-8th centuries)
- Chinese poetry about the mountain
- Dunhuang paintings of the mountain
- Japanese Monks diary of travel there
- From the Qing Dynasty (17th-20th centuries)
- Tibeto-Mongol poetry about the mountain
- Tibeto-Mongol paintings of the mountain
- American ambassador met 13th Dalai Lama there
- From Modern Chinese states (1911-present)
- British Buddhists experiences there in 1930s
- Modern tourist maps of the mountain
- JIATS articles Tibetan Buddhism at Mount Wutai