Title: Some Facts about CardioVascular Diseases CVDs
1Some Facts about CardioVascular Diseases (CVDs)
- In USA
- Heart disease affects 61,800,000 per year
- High BP 50,000,000 per year
- Coronary heart disease 12,600,000 per year
- Angina pectoris 6,400,000 per year
- Myocardial Infarction 7,500,000 per year
- Strokes 4,600,000 per year
- Congenital heart disease 1,000,000 per year
- Congestive heart failure 4,790,000 per year
- Rheumatoid heart disease 4,000 per year
2Some Facts about CardioVascular Diseases (CVDs)
- Meaning
- 1 per 2.5 deaths in USA due to Cardiovascular
disease - 2,600 deaths per day average of 1 death every 33
seconds - In 2002, 167,661 people died of stroke
- One person experiences stroke every 53 sec
- On average, one death due to stroke every 3.1
3Cardiovascular Disorders
- Angina pectoris A warning
- Myocardial infarction/heart attack permanent
cardiac damage - Congestive heart failure decrease in pumping
efficiency - Embolism blockage of blood vessels
- Stroke impaired blood flow to the brain
4Angina Pectoris
- A warning signal of coronary heart disease
- Squeezing chest pain and recurring discomfort
- Some part of heart not receiving enough blood due
to blockage - Occurs when heart requires more oxygen
- Implies increased risk of cardiac arrest or heart
5Diagnosis of chest pain
- Cells that are specialized for contraction
- A type of striated muscle
- Each cell contains contractile elements
- Also known as muscle fibers
- Energy is required for contraction
7Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)
- Death of some of the muscle cells of the heart
due to lack of supply of oxygen and other
nutrients - Closure of the artery (occlusion) that supplies
that particular part of the heart muscle with
blood - 98 of the time from the process of
arteriosclerosis ("hardening of the arteries") in
coronary vessels - Minor blockage can also cause heart attack
- Cholesterol plaque rupture causes blood clot
within artery, causing blockage
- Clogging of arteries
- Ends in Cardiac Arrest
- Most common in obese people who consume fatty
substances - Atherosclerosis is up to six times more common in
diabetics than in non-diabetics
9Occlusion of a coronary artery
Lumen half-closed
Normal lumen fully opened to enable easy blood
Lumen almost closed disrupting blood flow
10(No Transcript)
11Formation of atherosclerotic plaque
12A normal heart
13Blocked coronary arteries
14What is Ischemia?
- Lack of blood flow and oxygen to heart muscle
- Occurs when arteries become clogged due to plaque
- Can lead to heart attack
- Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs)
- Are temporary interruptions of the blood supply
to an area of the brain - "mini-strokes
15Coronary Heart disease (CHD)
- 7 million Americans suffer CHD, 1 killer
(500,000 deaths per year) - Caused by narrowing of the coronary arteries
- leads to heart attack
16Congestive Heart Failure
- Occurs when either of 4 heart chambers lose their
ability to keep up with the amount of blood flow - Systolic failure (ventricles fail to contract)
- Diastolic failure (ventricles fail to relax)
- Blood coming into the left chamber from the lungs
may "back up," causing fluid to leak into the
lungs (pulmonary edema) - heart's ability to pump decreases, blood flow
slows down, causing fluid to build up in tissues
throughout the body (edema) - Excessive fluid congests lungs and leads to heart
17Stroke (Cerebral Infarction)
- Stationary clot thrombus
- If it dislodges and moves along with the blood it
is then a embolus - Stroke small cranial arteriole burst
(hemorrhagic stroke) or is blocked by an embolus.
A lack of oxygen causes a portion of the brain to
die. Paralysis or death can result - 1 out of 15 deaths in America is due to stroke
19Mitral valve prolapse
- Affecting 5 of the population, often seen in
young women (genetic basis) - One or more of the flaps become incompetent and
billow into the left atrium, allowing blood
regurgitation (leaky valve) - Valve replacement surgery will correct this
- Inflammation of the cardiac muscle layer
- usually aftermath of viral infection (adenovirus,
echovirus), bacterial or parasitic infections - May weaken the heart and impair its ability to
act as an effective pump - leads to heart failure
- Infection of a heart valve
- Result of Streptococcus bacterial infection
- bacteria in the bloodstream begin to grow and
multiply on the heart valve causing it to
- Decrease in oxygen carrying capacity of blood
- nutrition-iron deficiency lack of B12
- blood loss, bone marrow problems, sickle cell
- 20 of all Americans
- Systolic 140 , Diastolic 90
- Low cardiac output state resulting from low mean
cardiovascular pressure - Low mean cardiovascular pressure can result from
altering of one or the other of the two
determinants of that pressure - Increasing vascular compliance
- Loss of blood volume
24Carbon monoxide poisoning
- Carbon monoxide
- colorless and odorless
- product of burning fuel, wood, coal, etc
- CO binds to hemoglobin instead of oxygen
- higher affinity for iron
25Every year, over 200 people in the United States
die from CO
- 200,000 people per year suffer carbon monoxide
induced heart attack - CO from motor-vehicle exhausts is the single most
common cause of poisoning deaths
26Pulmonary Embolism
- Affects nearly 600,000 Americans every year,
claims 60,000 lives - Blood clot or other material becomes lodged in a
lung artery, blocking blood flow to lung tissue.
- Bulge in the wall of artery due to
- dilation
- weakening of the wall
- accumulation of fatty deposits
- might lead to bursting of blood vessels
- claims 15,000 lives a year
28Fixing a broken heart
- An incision is made
- Insert a guide wire into the brachial or femoral
artery - Thread the wire into the affected coronary artery
30Balloon angioplasty
31Coronary heart bypass
To heart-lung machine
Left descending artery