Title: Heavy Flavor from STAR
1Heavy Flavor from STAR
- Saskia Mioduszewski
- for the STAR Collaboration
- Texas AM University
- 30 May, 2009
2Heavy-Ion Collisions
- Collide heavy ions to create new form of matter
in which quarks and gluons are deconfined - Characterize matter by temperature, density,
degree of thermalization, signatures of
deconfinement - Heavy Flavor represents an important such probe
of the medium
3Why Heavy Flavor?
- Large-mass quarks provide particularly good probe
of medium produced - mc 1.3 GeV, mb 4.8 GeV gtgt Tc, LQCD ?
maintains identity in medium - Created in the initial collisions
- Provides direct connection to transport
properties of medium - What Questions Can be Addressed via Heavy Flavor?
- Open Charm/Beauty energy loss mechanism, degree
of thermalization - Quarkonium deconfinement (dissociation in QGP),
degree of thermalization
4The STAR Detector
Large acceptance 2? coverage at mid-rapidity
Magnet Coils Central Trigger Barrel
(CTB) ZCal Time Projection
Chamber (TPC) Year 2000
Barrel EM Cal (BEMC) Silicon Vertex Tracker
(SVT)Silicon Strip Detector (SSD) FTPCEndcap
EM CalFPD TOFp, TOFr PMD Year 2001
Upgrades Time of Flight, DAQ1000, Heavy Flavor
Tracker, Muon Telescope Detector
QM09 Knoxville TN
5High pT Suppression at RHIC
PLB 655(2007)104
Gluon bremsstrahlung should be reduced for
heavier particles (i.e. heavy quarks) propagating
through medium
6One of the most surprising results from RHIC
Heavy Flavor measured via non-photonic electrons
7One of the most surprising results from RHIC
CuCu data consistent with Npart dependence of
8Do we understand energy loss mechanism?
- Suppression of heavy-flavor decay electrons as
large as for light mesons - Not expected by predictions for radiative energy
loss ? led to inclusion of collisional energy
loss in theoretical calculations - Where is Beauty contribution?
9Electron-tagged correlations to obtain beauty
- Experimental approach
- - non-photonic electrons from semi-leptonic charm
decays are used to trigger on c-c, b-b pairs - back-2-back D0 mesons are reconstructed via
their hadronic decay channel (probe)? - Underlying production mechanism can be
identified using second charm particle
heavy quark production
flavor creation gluon splitting/fragmentation
10Heavy quark production in pp collisions
e-h results agree with e-D0 correlation
- - the B contribution to non-photonic
electrons is 50 at pT5 GeV/c, based on e-h and
e-D correlations
11Conclusions for Open Heavy Flavor
- Data cannot be described by calculations of
radiative energy loss (gluon bremsstrahlung)
alone - Stronger constraint taking into account
significant contribution of beauty - Elastic energy loss component must be included
12Heavy Quarkonium
- Production Mechanism of J/Y state not understood
- Several models exist (COM vs. CSM)
- RHIC provides new data at vs 200 GeV
13Heavy Quarkonium Production
J/Y Production in pp collisions
vs Dependence
STAR strength measurement at high pT
14J/Y Suppression
We expect a suppression of bound states due to
color screening in the Quark Gluon Plasma.
(Matsui Satz, 1986)
Data from SPS, showing J/Y suppression
- Charm cross-section larger at RHIC than SPS
20 cc pairs produced per collision - We have evidence that charm may be partially
thermalized at RHIC ? recombination of cc pairs
to regenerate J/Y ? - Or sequential melting of charmonium (Karsch,
Kharzeev, Satz)
15Heavy Quarkonium Production (and Survival)
- Data consistent with no suppression at high pT
- Indicates RAA increase from low pT to high pT
- AdS/CFT H. Liu, K. Rajagopal and U.A.
Wiedemann, PRL 98, 182301(2007) and
hep-ph/0607062 -
- Two Component Approach X. Zhao and R. Rapp,
hep-ph/07122407 -
Only hadron observed at RHIC with no suppression
at high pT
16J/? Hadron Correlations
- Limits on feed-down from B
- 13 5 (if production in PYTHIA is correct)
17Upsilon Measurements
Run-8 dAu collisions
- Upsilon
- can serve as thermometer of medium (want to
resolve different states) - can help understand J/y suppression vs.
regeneration - ? Need high luminosity
18Future Measurements
- Direct Topological Reconstruction of Open Charm
Hadrons - to help understand energy loss and
thus medium properties
- Surprise at RHIC heavy-quark energy loss does
not follow expectation Do we really understand
energy loss mechanism? - Beauty contribution to heavy flavor decay
electrons is 50 at pT5 GeV/c, indicating that
bottom may be suppressed as well - Need direct measure of open charm hadrons up to
high pT will be possible with planned upgrades - J/Y not suppressed at high pT, contrary to all
other hadrons measured at RHIC - Upsilon measurements will help to understand J/Y
data at low pT (suppression vs. recombination)