Title: Welcome Spreadsheet 1
1Welcome!Spreadsheet 1
- Text by Jane Dickerson
- Graphics by Carl Hendrickson
22. Summary.
- 1. Type your name in a cell
- 2. Cntrl-End Home Keys Arrow Keys
- 3. Goto Command(Highlighting)
- 4. Double entry of data(Formula Bar)
- 5. Calculation point(Enter Key)
- 6. Column widths
- 7. Text Wrap of Cells Manual Adjustments of
cell widths.
33.Start Spreadsheet in WORKS
44.Load File Activity 7-1
Step A-1
55.Put your Name in Cell C1
66.Save As..Spreadsheet ..in your folder
77.Cntrl-End..Jumps to end-of-file
88.Press Home..Moves to first column
99. UP Arrow moves 1-cell up!
1010.Press F5 to get the GOTO Box
1111.Type B4 in box Click OK
1212..If you forget F5, Use Edit-Goto
1313.Locate Cell B-4(1100)
1414.Click-Drag to Cell D-4
Note B4D4
1515.Press F5type B2D17
1616.Result Goto (B2D17)
1717.Goto A-12 Type ..Compact Disks
Cell Reflectedin FormulaBar Also...
1818.Goto B12 .. Ans type the value 25
Note..Value of Total Expenses is
990..before Enter is Pressed.
1919.After ENTER, The total is recalculated to 1015!
2020.Type September in E2..What happeded to the
2121.Can September fit into a 4-character
2222.On the E-F border..Drag the column E to the
right until September Appears!
2323.September is 10 Charactersif the column is
only 9 characters wide..What happens to the Word?
2424.Locate Cell A1
2525.Type Personal Budget for the Summer
Note text spills over into the next cell(B-1)
2626.Note..Cell Text Over-run after leaving cell A1.
2727.Format / Text Alignment....is next..In Cell
2828.Next..Check Text Wrap Box.
2929.Note 2-Rows of text in A-1
Text Wrap in a cell..
3030. Choose Format/Column Width!
3131.Click on Best Fit!
3232.Result of Best-Fit!
Note..The A-Column is wide enough now to
accommodate the complete text in one cell.
3333.Go anywhere in column A and Find the Column
Width Handle.
3434.If your Quick-Save Tool Bar is
invisible..Click View-Tool-Bar
3535.Click Quick-Save icon..Or Cntrl-S
3636.Final View of Spreadsheet-1
3737.Immediate Save Off as Spreadsheet-2..
3838. Summary.
- 1. Type your name in a cell
- 2. Cntrl-End Home Keys Arrow Keys
- 3. Goto Command(Highlighting)
- 4. Double entry of data(Formula Bar)
- 5. Calculation point(Enter Key)
- 6. Column widths
- 7. Text Wrap of Cells Manual Adjustments of
cell widths.
39The EndSpreadsheet 1
- Text by Jane Dickerson
- Graphics by Carl Hendrickson