Title: Learning Theory
1Chapter 8
2Pop Quizzes So Far This Exam
3What is Learning?
4Learning Defined
- A relatively permanent change in the behavior of
an organism due to experience
5Classical Conditioning
- Pavolov (p. 316)
- (Review)
6What was Pavlovs Original Field of Study?
7Figure 8.3 P. 317
8Pavlovs Research
9Prior to Conditioning
10After Conditioning
11Basic Concepts
- Unconditioned
- US Unconditioned Stimulus the US reliably
produces the UR - UR Unconditioned response usually based in
physiology such as salivation, sweating,
blinking, or other reflexive responses
- Conditioned
- CS Conditioned Stimulus a CS is a neutral
stimulus prior to conditioning but produces CR
after conditioning - CR Conditioned Response same type of response
as UR but occurs in response to CS
- Know that re-acquisition of a learned behavior is
typically faster than initial acquisition of that
same learned behavior
13Acquisition and Re-Acquisition
- I havent done it in years, but I picked it up
almost immediately. - Bad habits can resume with the same intensity as
they had when initial efforts to extinguish them
began - If addiction is drug seeking behavior, then
what implications for addiction?
- Diminished Responding When the CS No Longer
Signals an Impending US
- Said Differently When the CS is no longer
paired with the US (p. 319)
- Makayla developed an intense fear of flying five
years ago when she was in a plane crash. The
fact that she can again fly without distress
indicates that her fear has undergone ______?
- The tendency to respond to a stimulus similar to
the CS. (p. 320)
- Pavlov and his students noticed that a dog
conditioned to the sound of one tone also
responded somewhat to the sound of a different
tone never paired with food.
- Generalization can be adaptive, as when toddlers
taught to fear moving cars in the street resond
similarly to trucks and motorcycles.
22Generalization Examples (p. 320)
- Toddlers, cars, motorcycles, trucks
- Argentine Writer who was tortured black shoes.
- Abused Children and Angry Face of Unknown
Strangers - All of these are in the text on p. 320
23Generalization Examples (p. 320)
- What diagnosis is associated with Stimulus
24Generalization Examples (p. 320)
- PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
25CC and PTSD PopQuiz
- 14. Months after she was attacked and robbed,
Courtneys heart pounds with fear merely at the
sight of the place in which she was attacked.
The location of here attack is most likely a(n)
____________ - Conditioned Stimulus (CS-US-UR/CR)
- The learned ability to distinguish between a two
similar conditions (p. 320)(One is the CS One
is not)
- Pit Bulls v. Golden Retrievers (p. 320)
- What other examples of discrimination?
28Discrimination (Tones)
29Applications of Classical Conditioning (p. 324)
- Former Crack Cocaine Users Triggers
- Alcohol Use and Consequences
- Taste that accompanies drug immune response
- What else?
30Operant Conditioning (p. 326)
- Target behavior operates on the environment to
produce rewarding or punishing behavior
31Operant v. Classical
32Operant Conditioning v. Classical Conditioning
(p. 326)
- Operant Conditioning
- Operates on Environment
- In theory, the organism can choose to respond
or not - r-R
- Reinforcement FOLLOWS response (AFTER)
- Skinner
- Classical Conditioning
- Response to Environment
- Organism doesnt have any control
- CS-US-UR Produces CR
- Conditioned Stimulus PRECEDES response (Before)
- Pavlov
33Classical v. Operant p. 339
34Respondent v. Operant (Popquiz)
- Bandura Pavlov
- Skinner Bandura
- Bandura Skinner
- Pavlov Skinner
- The study of respondent behavior is to __________
as the study of operant behavior is to ___________
35Operant Conditioning Reinforcement v. Punishment
- A reinforcer is any stimulus that increases the
frequency of the target behavior - A punishment is any stimulus that decreases the
frequency of the target behavior
36Operant Conditioning Reinforcement v. Punishment
- Skinners Work was Built on Thorndikes
- From last time, remember the Law of Effect?
(p. 327)
37Skinner Built on Thorndike
B. F. Skinners work elaborated what E. L.
Thorndike called
- Shaping
- Observational learning
- Latent learning
- The law of effect
38Thorndike, Again (Video)
39Thorndike, Again (Graphic, p. 327)
Trial and Error Successive Trials Resulted in
Faster Responses
40Operant Conditioning
41Operant Conditioning Skinner Boxes
- Skinner developed a special tool to study operant
conditioning called an operant chamber - Virtually everyone calls an operant chamber a
Skinner Box - Can you think of any real life Skinner Boxes?
- What about Video Poker?
- What about certain webpages?
42Operant Conditioning Skinner Boxes (p. 327)
43Skinner Boxes (Again)
44Operant Conditioning Skinner Boxes
- Can you think of any real life Skinner Boxes?
- What about Video Poker?
- What about certain webpages
- What other examples?
45Operant Conditioning Skinner Boxes
- What is Second Life? Do people get lost in it?
- What about World of Warcraft?
- What about other websites? MySpace? Facebook?
- What other examples?
46Operant Conditioning Reinforcement v. Punishment
- A reinforcer is any stimulus that increases the
frequency of the target behavior - A punishment is any stimulus that decreases the
frequency of the target behavior
47Reinforcement Two Types (p. 329)
48What about Addiction?
- Dragging on a cigarette will reduce a nicotine
addicts pangs. (p. 329) - Negative Reinforcement
49Punishment Two Types
- Positive Punishment ADDs a stimulus (similar to
Positive Reinforcement) Example Electric Shock - Negative Punishment SUBTRACTs a stimulus
50Punishment Two Types
51Operant Conditioning
- Shaping (and Auto-Shaping)
52Operant Conditioning Shaping
- An operant conditioning procedure in which
reinforcers guide behavior toward closer and
closer approximations of the target behavior (p.
53Operant Conditioning Successive Approximations
- Responses that are progressively closer to the
final target behavior are reinforced other
behaviors are ignored (p. 329)
54Operant Conditioning Successive Approximations
- Criminality lie, cheat, steal, property crimes,
crimes to person (assault, robbery, rape, murder) - Caffeine, Nicotine, Alcohol, THC, Cocaine /
Heroin, etc.
55Doobie Brothers
- What Were Once Vices are Now Habits
56Operant Conditioning Successive Approximations
- Animal Training (please read the book)
- Shaping and Whinning Children
- Shaping and Development of Athletic Skill
57Operant Conditioning Continuous v. Partial
- Behavior is most quickly established by
Continuous Reinforcement - Continuous Reinforcement most vulnerable to
Extinction - Partial Reinforcement is most resistant to
Extinction (p. 331)
58So What?
59Operant Conditioning Continuous v. Partial
- Use Continuous Reinforcement During Autoshaping /
Establishment of Behavior - Switch to Partial Reinforcement once the behavior
is established - Lean Schedules are most resistant to extinction
60Ratio Schedules
- Fixed-ratio schedule Reinforces a response only
after a specified number of responses. e.g.,
piecework pay. - Variable-ratio schedule Reinforces a response
after an unpredictable number of responses. This
is hard to extinguish because of the
unpredictability. (e.g., behaviors like gambling,
61Interval Schedules
- Fixed-interval schedule Reinforces a response
only after a specified time has elapsed. (e.g.,
preparing for an exam only when the exam draws
close.) - Variable-interval schedule Reinforces a response
at unpredictable time intervals, which produces
slow, steady responses. (e.g., pop quiz.)
62Fixed Variable / Ratio Interval
- A fixed ratio of continuous reinforcement most
quickly establishes the target behavior - But a variable interval schedule of partial
reinforcement will produce the most steady
responding - What is video poker and other gambling? (p.
63Figure 8.10 Reinforcement Schedules (p. 331)
64On the first day of class Professor Wallace tells
her geography students that pop quizzes will be
given at unpredictable times throughout the
semester. Clearly, studying for Professor
Wallaces surprise quizzes will be reinforce on a
__________ schedule.
65Problems with Skinners Model
- Evidence for Cognitive Maps and Latent
Learning is accumulating (p. 334) - Intrinsic Motivation v. Extrinsic
Motivation(p. 335) - But, is it really a reinforcer if it decreases
the frequency of the target behavior? - Biological Predispostions (pp. 335-336)
- Skinners Work has revolutionized many lives
67Skinners Legacy (pp. 336-337)
- Skinners Ideas Provide a Theoretical Foundation
for modern Computer Based Training - Workplaces have been revolutionized by having
productivity defined in specific and measurable
terms - Behavior Modification in Treatment Settings
- B-Mod and MRDD
68Observational Learning
- Albert Bandura and Social Learning Theory
(SLT)(p. 343 et seq)
69Banduras SLT
- Gave us the idea of modeling behavior
- No S-R, r-R, or other paradigm
- Explains Copycat Events (Like Columbine
Copycats) - Basis of criticism of TV Violence, Violent
70In a well-known experiment, preschool children
pounded and kicked a large inflated Bobo doll
that an adult had just beaten on. This
experiment served to illustrate the importance of
- Observational Learning (p. 343)