Title: is our Life Sustaining Mother
1E a r t h
is our Life Sustaining Mother
2She is the sole source of
3the air we breathe
4the water we drink
5the food we eat.
6Mother Earth Gaia is our only home!
Her complex and interconnected
ecosystems and resources
are what sustain our very existence.
7Yet we have lost touch with our Earth.
8life possible.
We plunder, consume,
pollute, and destroy
that which makes
9Our short-sighted use of Her resources has
disrupted Earths natural balance and harmony.
10We have consciously and unconsciously declared
an unholy war upon Mother Earth!
- Global climate change is a reality
- and temperatures and oceans are rising worldwide.
12- Fact
- Delicate ecosystems and once abundant species are
disappearing at alarming rates.
13Waters once teaming with life and beauty sit
sterile, stagnant, and stinking.
14Fact Deadly pollution fills our air while holes
appear in our ozone.
Thriving rainforests have been reduced to arid
wastelands and rich farmlands have been paved
over for parking lots.
16Its time to slow down and STOP this senseless
17Our Mother Earth is calling us to awaken...
18and become
grateful guests
and respectful recipients
Of all her abundant gifts.
19Everyday we have choices to make which directly
affect our environment.
20We must make a spiritual commitment...
21to choose to conserve and share
Her resources
with all Earths people
and creatures great and small.
22E a r t h
is our life sustaining Mother.
23She is calling us to
a w a k e n
and become aware and mindful of our daily
24in the kind of car we drive.
We have a choice...
60 mpg
11 mpg
25in the amount of precious water we use.
We have a choice...
26In the temperature we keep our home.
We have a choice...
27to reduce, re-use, and recycle.
We have a choice...
28To plan eco-friendly yards and gardens.
We have a choice...
29in our recreational activities.
We have a choice...
30to support renewable energy and buy
energy-wise appliances.
We have a choice...
31to teach children respect for Mother Earth
We have a choice...
and encourage a love and reverence for
Her beauty, abundance, and gifts.
32As a faith community we have a spiritual duty to
live earth friendly and responsible lives.
33Its time
to create
p e a c e ...
34Mother Earth everyday!
Let us make loving and mindful
choices for our
35Let us walk reverently and respectfully
wherever we are...
on our Earthly journey!
36EcoSpirituality Committee St. Joan of Arc
Church Revised 2006