Title: public class NarcoticDeckController extends SolitaireReleasedAdapter
1Design Criteria Independence Enable independent
controllers to be written for independent moves
// Initialize Controllers for DeckView deckView.se
tMouseAdapter( new ResetDeckController (
new DealFourController (this, new
// Initialize Controllers for DeckView deckView.se
tMouseAdapter(new NarcoticDeckController (this))
public class NarcoticDeckController extends
SolitaireReleasedAdapter Solitaire
narcoticGame null public
NarcoticDeckController(Solitaire game)
super(game) narcoticGame game
public void mousePressed
(java.awt.event.MouseEvent me) // Find
the deck from our model Deck d (Deck)
narcoticGame.getModelElement("deck") Pile
p1 (Pile) narcoticGame.getModelElement("pile1")
Pile p2 (Pile) narcoticGame.getModelEleme
nt("pile2") Pile p3 (Pile)
narcoticGame.getModelElement("pile3") Pile
p4 (Pile) narcoticGame.getModelElement("pile4")
if (!d.empty()) // Deal four
cards Move m new DealFourMove(d, p1,
p2, p3, p4) if (m.doMove(narcoticGame))
// SUCCESS have solitaire game
store this move narcoticGame.pushMove(
m) // have solitaire game refresh
widgets that were affected
else // Must be a request to reset the
deck. Move m new ResetDeckMove (d, p1,
p2, p3, p4) if (m.doMove(narcoticGame))
narcoticGame.pushMove (m) // refresh
all widgets that were affected by this move.
Decorated Design
2Design Criteria Singleton Useful when exactly
one object is needed to coordinate actions across
the system
Enable anyone at anytime to access core logic
Pros Ease of programming Cons Cannot be used to
implement a Java interface (i.e.,
public class UserManager public static
boolean authorize(String u, String p) //
validate (u,p) combination is valid
Enable anyone at anytime to access core logic
Pros Restrict to a single instance Cons
Introduces state into a global system
Unanticipated challenge with testing
public class UserManager / The singleton
instance. / private static UserManager inst
null / Deny any attempt to construct
outside of class. / private UserManager()
/ Method to construct or return singleton
instance. / public static UserManager
getInstance() if (inst null)
inst new UserManager() return
inst public boolean authorize(String u,
String p) // validate (u,p) combination
is valid