Panel Data Course Lecture 4 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Panel Data Course Lecture 4


(1) Treat the model as static, and the temporal correlation as a problem. (2) Include a dynamic specification of the model by ... GLS Shrinkage estimators: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Panel Data Course Lecture 4

Panel Data CourseLecture 4
  • Trinity Term 2006
  • Dr David Rueda

  • More on Temporal Dynamics in TSCS/Panel Data.
  • First Difference Estimators.
  • Arellano and Bond.
  • Random Coefficient Models.
  • Stata Session.

More on Temporal Dynamics in TSCS/Panel Data (1)
  • From last week
  • Two options (1) the static and (2) the dynamic
  • (1) Treat the model as static, and the temporal
    correlation as a problem.
  • (2) Include a dynamic specification of the model
    by including a lagged dependent variable into the
  • We can take the models that we did last week a
    little farther. Imagine we have a model that has
    both unit-effects and a lagged dependent
  • What happens if we estimate this model with OLS.
    In other words, we estimate

More on Temporal Dynamics in TSCS/Panel Data (2)
  • Note we are assuming that the errors mean is 0
    and that there is no serial correlation.
  • Lets look at the lagged dependent variable in
    more detail
  • You can see that both uit and Yit-1 contain ai.
    Which means
  • That in our OLS model one of our independent
    variables is correlated with the error terms
    which means we will have biased and inconsistent
    estimates of F and ß.
  • Possible solutions?

First Difference Estimators (1)
  • Anderson and Hsiao (1981) difference the series
    to get rid of the cross-sectional effects
  • which is the same as
  • Using first differences we get rid of the unit
  • But the correlation between the independent
    variables and the errors is still a problem
    (Yit-1 and uit-1 are still correlated).

First Difference Estimators (2)
  • This can be resolved through the use of
    instrumental variables
  • Use a set of variables Z to predict the X that is
    a problem.
  • The Z variables need to be highly correlate to X
    but uncorrelated to uit.
  • Since there is no serial correlation
    (assumption), ?Yit-2 and Yit-2 are correlated
    with ?Yit-1 and Yit-1 but uncorrelated with ?uit.
  • So we can either use ?Yit-2 or Yit-2 as the Z
    (instrument for ?Yit-1).

Arellano and Bond
  • Since we are assuming that the errors mean is 0
    and that there is no serial correlation
  • ?uit is uncorrelated with all Yit and Xit for t-2
    and earlier.
  • Therefore all these variables (Yit-2, Yit-3,
    and Xit-2, Xit-3, ) can be used as instruments
    for ?Yit-1.
  • See Wawro 2002 for details.
  • Strengths of Arellano and Bond
  • Your instruments get better as N is larger.
  • The model can be applied to more complex lags of
  • Weaknesses
  • Same problem as fixed effect model?
  • It is not possible to estimate the effect of time
    invariant factors.
  • Observations are dropped. Why?
  • For the lags we are using as instruments, we lose
    the first observation, etc.

Random Coefficient Models (1)
  • We will not get into this in great detail. Some
  • Back to the main model
  • We have been assuming a common effect for all
  • We could assume instead a unit specific effect
  • We could then use the usual F test to check if
    the unit specific model is a better
  • This method (comparing the two models above and
    choosing the most appropriate one) is, in a way,
    an all-or-nothing approach.
  • Instead we could compromise and find a way in
    between. This is what a random coefficient model
  • What random coefficient models do is to produce
    estimates that are a combination of the
    unit-specific and the pooled estimates.

Random Coefficient Models (2)
  • Steins Shrinkage estimator
  • The linear combination of the unit-specific and
    pooled OLS estimators is determined by the F test
  • GLS Shrinkage estimators
  • The error term is considered to have the usual
    variability of uit but also the variability due
    to the differences in ß across units.
  • The estimates are a combination of the pooled OLS
    ones and of a weighted combination of the
    unit-specific estimates (the units with the
    lowest variance are the most influential).
  • In Stata 8, we can estimate a Hildreth-Houck
    random coefficient model
  • See stata session.
  • In Stata 9 there are other options (xtmixed).

Stata Session
  • See computer class notes.
  • See Stata file in Student_Shared folder
  • It is annotated with explanations of commands and
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