Title: 491B 200203
1GEF/EEE 491B 2002/03 symtbl.ppt
Produits de développement et maintenance du
logiciel Software Work Products and Maintenance
C.D. (Terry) Shepard, BSc, MA, PhD, PEng SB 4019
x6031 Home 541 0631 email shepard_at_rmc.ca
2symtbl - Module Interface Specification (MIS) - 1
Interface syntax define ST_MAXSYMS 50
/maximum number of symbols/ define
ST_MAXSYMLEN 20 /maximum symbol length/
3symtbl MIS - 2
Interface semantics state variables tbl set of
tuple of (sym string, loc integer) state
invariant 1. tbl ST_MAXSYMS 2. (t 0
tbl)(t.sym ST_MAXSYMLEN) 3. (t1 , t2 0
tbl)(t1 t2 v t1.sym t2.sym)
assumptions st_s_init is called before any of
the other access routine. All string parameters
are legal C strings.
4symtbl MIS - 3
access routine semantics 1 st_s_init transition
tbl exceptions none st_s_add(sym, loc)
transition tbl tbl c ltsym, locgt
exceptions exc (sym gt ST_MAXSYMLEN
st_maxlen (loc1)(ltsym, loc1gt 0
tbl) st_exsym tbl ST_MAXSYMS
st_full) st_g_exsym(sym) output out
(loc)(ltsym, locgt 0 tbl) exceptions none
5symtbl MIS - 4
access routine semantics 2 st_s_loc(sym,
loc) transition tbl (tbl - ltsym, loc1gt) c
ltsym, locgt
where ltsym, loc1gt 0 tbl exceptions exc
(loc1)(ltsym, loc1gt 0 tbl) st_notexsym st_g_lo
c(sym) output out loc, where ltsym, locgt 0
tbl exceptions exc (loc1)(ltsym, loc1gt 0
tbl) st_notexsym st_g_siz output out
tbl exceptions none
6symtbl MID - 1
state variables struct char symST_MAXSYMLEN1
int loc tblST_MAXSYMS int tblcnt state
invariant 1. Every symbol in tbl0..tblcnt-1
contains a null. 2. There are no duplicate
symbols in tbl0..tblcnt-1. 3. tblcnt 0
7symtbl MID - 2
abstraction function tbl ltsym, locgt(i0
0..tblcnt-1)(sym tbli.sym v loc
tbli.loc) access routine semantics
1 st_s_init transition tblcnt
0 exceptions none st_s_add(sym, loc)
transition tblcnt, tbltblcnt tblcnt 1,
ltsym, locgt exceptions exc (sym gt
ST_MAXSYMLEN st_maxlen findsym(sym)
8symtbl MID - 3
access routine semantics 2 st_g_exsym(sym)
output out findsym(sym) NOTFOUND
exceptions none st_s_loc(sym, loc)
transition tblfindsym(sym).loc loc
exceptions exc findsym(sym) NOTFOUND
st_notexsym st_g_loc(sym) output out
tblfindsym(sym).loc exceptions exc
findsym(sym) NOTFOUND st_notexsym st_g_siz
output out tblcnt exceptions none
9symtbl MID - 4
local constants define NOTFOUND -1 local
functions findsym string v integer findsym(s)
(i0 0..tblcnt-1)(s tbli.sym i true
10symtbl makefile 1
INC ../include CFLAGS -I(INC) export
symtbl.o symtbl_e.o symtbl_b symtbl_b.o
symtbl.o cc -o symtbl_b symtbl_b.o
symtbl.o tcov symtbl_b.o cc -a -c -I(INC)
symtbl.c cc -a -o symtbl_b symtbl_b.o
symtbl.o symtbl_b tcov symtbl.c rm -f symtbl.o
tcov version is dangerous to leave around
11symtbl makefile 2
symtbl_i symtbl_i.o symtbl_e.o symtbl.o cc -o
symtbl_i symtbl_i.o symtbl_e.o symtbl.o symtbl_b.
o (INC)/symtbl.h (INC)/system.h symtbl_i.o
(INC)/symtbl.h (INC)/system.h symtbl.o
(INC)/symtbl.h (INC)/system.h symtbl_e.o
(INC)/symtbl.h (INC)/system.h symtbl_b.c
symtbl.script pgmgen symtbl.script mv test.c
symtbl_b.c lint symtbl_b.c lint -I(INC)
symtbl_b.c symtbl.c clean rm -f symtbl_i
symtbl_b .o symtbl_b.c symtbl.c.tcov symtbl.c.d
/constants/ define ST_MAXSYMS 50
/maximum number of symbols/ define
ST_MAXSYMLEN 20 /maximum symbol
length/ /types/ /access
routines/ void st_s_init() void
st_s_add(char sym,int loc) int
st_g_siz() /boolean/ int st_g_exsym(char
sym) void st_s_loc(char sym,int loc) int
st_g_loc(char sym) void st_g_dump() /for
testing purposes only/ /exception
handlers/ void st_exsym() void
st_maxlen() void st_notexsym() void st_full()
13symtbl.c 1
- include "system.h"
- include "symtbl.h"
- /constants/
- define NOTFOUND -1
- /types/
- /module state/
- static struct
- char symST_MAXSYMLEN1 /symbol value/
- int loc /symbol location/
- tblST_MAXSYMS /one entry per symbol/
- static int tblcnt /number of symbols in tbl/
- /local functions/
14symtbl.c 2
- /access routines/
- void st_s_init()
- tblcnt 0
- void st_s_add(char sym,int loc)
- if (strlen(sym) gt ST_MAXSYMLEN)
- st_maxlen()
- return
- else if (findsym(sym) ! NOTFOUND)
- st_exsym()
- return
- else if (tblcnt ST_MAXSYMS)
- st_full()
- return
15symtbl.c 3
- void st_s_loc(char sym,int loc)
- int i
- i findsym(sym)
- if (i NOTFOUND)
- st_notexsym()
- return
- tbli.loc loc
- int st_g_loc(char sym)
- int i
- i findsym(sym)
- if (i NOTFOUND)
- st_notexsym()
- include "system.h"
- include "symtbl.h"
- void st_exsym()
- fprintf(sy_excfilp,"Exception st_exsym
occurred\n") -
- void st_maxlen()
- fprintf(sy_excfilp,"Exception st_maxlen
occurred\n") -
- void st_notexsym()
- fprintf(sy_excfilp,"Exception st_notexsym
occurred\n") -
- void st_full()
17symtbl.tplan 1
- Assumptions
- ST_MAXSYMLEN gt length of ST_MAXSYMS - 1 in
string form - ST_MAXINTLEN gt 0
- Â
- Test environment
- PGMGEN driver
- no stubs
- Â
- Test-case selection strategy
- Â
- special values
- Â
- module state
- number of symbols in table 0, 1, ST_MAXSYMS/2,
ST_MAXSYMS - symbol length short, ST_MAXSYMLEN
- Â
- access routine parameters
- st_s_add strings of length 0, 1, ST_MAXSYMLEN
1, 2 ST_MAXSYMLEN - st_s_add, st_s_loc, st_g_loc, st_g_exsym empty
18symtbl.tplan 2
- test cases (cond)
- Â
- normal
- Â
- check st_g_exsym for empty string in empty table
- add the empty string, check and change its
location - for each special module state
- check table length
- check that a very long symbol is not in table
- for each i in 0..ST_MAXSYMS-1
- if i in 0..t_siz - 1
- check t_sym(i) in table with correct location
- check st_s_loc resets location
- else
- check t_sym(i) not in table
- Â
- Â
- Test implementation strategy
- Â
19symtbl.scr 1
- module
- st_
- Â
- accprogs
- lts_init,s_add,g_exsym,s_loc,g_loc,g_sizgt
- Â
- exceptions
- ltexsym,maxlen,notexsym,fullgt
- Â
- globcod
- include "system.h"
- include "symtbl.h"
- Â
- define T_FILLCHAR ''
- Â
- static int i,cur
- Â
- static struct
symtbl.scr 2
- static void t_init()
- cur -1
- static char t_mksym(i,len)
- int i,len
- static char buf2ST_MAXSYMLEN1
- int j
- Â
- sprintf(buf,"d",i) /convert i to ASCII/
- if (len gt strlen(buf))
- for (j strlen(buf) j lt len j) /pad right
with ''/ - bufj T_FILLCHAR
- buflen '\0' /add string terminator/
- return(buf)
symtbl.scr 3
- static int t_siz()
- return(tblcur.syms)
- static char t_sym(i)
- int i
- return(t_mksym(i,tblcur.symlen))
- Â
- static int t_loc(i)
- int i
- return(10i)
- Â
- cases
symtbl.scr 4
- /exceptions (cond)/
- /set and get locations for symbols not in the
table/ - lts_loc(t_mksym(t_siz(),0),0), notexsym, dc, dc,
dcgt - lts_loc("",0), notexsym, dc, dc, dcgt
- ltg_loc(t_mksym(t_siz(),0)), notexsym, dc, dc,
dcgt - ltg_loc(""), notexsym, dc, dc, dcgt
- Â
- /add every symbol in the table/
- for (i 0 i lt t_siz() i)
- lts_add(t_sym(i),0), exsym, dc, dc, dcgt
- t_next()
- /normal case/
23symtbl.scr 5
- /normal case (cond)/
- t_init()
- t_next()
- while (!t_end())
- /check table length/
- lt , noexc, g_siz(), t_siz(), intgt
- /check that a very long symbol is not in
table/ - lt , noexc, g_exsym(t_mksym(0,2ST_MAXSYMLEN)),
0, boolgt -
- for (i 0 i lt ST_MAXSYMS i)
- if (i lt t_siz())
- /check t_sym(i) in table with correct
location/ - lt , noexc, g_exsym(t_sym(i)), 1, boolgt
- lt , noexc, g_loc(t_sym(i)), t_loc(i), intgt
- /check s_loc resets location/
24symtbl_i.c 1
- include "system.h"
- include "symtbl.h"
- define QUIT 0
- define S_INIT 1
- define S_ADD 2
- define G_EXSYM 3
- define S_LOC 4
- define G_LOC 5
- define G_SIZ 6
- define G_DUMP 7
- define BUFLEN 80
- FILE sy_excfilp stderr
25symtbl_i.c 2
- int nextcall()
- int reply
- char s81
- do
- printf("\nEnter command\n")
- printf("\t0quit\n")
- printf("\t1s_init\n")
- printf("\t2s_add\n")
- printf("\t3g_exsym\n")
- printf("\t4s_loc\n")
- printf("\t5g_loc\n")
- printf("\t6g_siz\n")
- printf("\t7g_dump")
- gets(s)
- if (sscanf(s,"d",reply) ! 1)
- reply -1 /user error - stay in loop/
- while (reply lt 0 reply gt G_DUMP)
26symtbl_i.c 3
- main()
- int reply,i
- char s80
- while ((replynextcall()) ! QUIT)
- switch(reply)
- case S_INIT
- st_s_init()
- break
- case S_ADD
- printf("Enter sym")
- gets(s)
- sscanf(s,"s",s)
- i readint("Enter loc")
- st_s_add(s,i)
- break
- case G_EXSYM
- printf("Enter sym")
case G_LOC printf("Enter sym") gets(s)
sscanf(s,"s",s) i st_g_loc(s) print
f("returns d\n",i) break case G_SIZ i
st_g_siz() printf("returns
d\n",i) break case G_DUMP st_g_dump()
break return(0)