Title: Professor David Brooksbank
1- Professor David Brooksbank
- Board Member
2Enterprise Educators UK
- Aim
- Share practice
- Create learning
- Explore opportunities
- Showcase the power of EEUK
- By
- Focusing on key issues
- Working together!
- Student engagement curriculum
- Student engagement extra curricula
- Staff confidence expertise
- Pedagogies
- Assessment
- Networking in teaching
- Evaluation
4National Support EEUK
- The National Network for Enterprise Educators
- Best Practice issues that members want to
explore - Conference to network anddisseminate
- Newsletters and communications keep network
informed - Research informed teaching
- Celebration of success and members
5Best Practice Events
- Best Practice Events are a flagship activity of
EEUK - Excellent professional development
- Learning and networking opportunities
- Satisfy the needs of our diverse membership
6Communicating with you
- Monthly newsletter
- Website
7Supporting Research
- Disseminate findings
- Supporting through membership and encouragement
to publish or disseminate via ISBE etc - Encouraging publication of enterprise education
research through the International Journal for
Entrepreneurship Education (EE UK discount
available) -
8 - Working in partnership
- Awards
9International EntrepreneurshipEducators Programme
- Programme enterprising outcomes
- Seeking Mastery of Enterprise
- Register for 2010/11 course now
- 6 modules
- Accreditation Options
10International EntrepreneurshipEducators Programme
- Module 1 - Entrepreneurial Educational
Challenges - Module 2 - The Entrepreneurial Mindset
- Module 3 - Entrepreneurial Behaviour, Skill and
Attribute Development - Module 4 - Opportunity Identification and New
Venture Development - Module 5 - Making it happen with People and
Organisations - Module 6 - Bringing it all Together
11International EntrepreneurshipEducators
- The IEEC aims to
- inform our understanding of the challenges and
opportunities facing entrepreneurship education - strengthen and build the global community
- identify the key priorities for development.
12Celebrating Success
- In 2007 we established the first enterprise
educator award the SIFE Award for the best SIFE
University Adviser - In 2009 we awarded EEUK Enterprise Educator
awards at IEEC
13 - JOIN US !!
- www.enterprise.ac.uk