Title: Assembly Language
1Assembly Language
- Lecturer Dr. Haris Haralambous
2Please note
- Course pre-requisites
- Digital Logic, Computer Programming
- Gates, flip-flops, truth tables, timing diagrams,
etc. - Computer number systems
- decimal, hexadecimal, binary, octal
- conversions, logical operations, arithmetics
- Computer data formats
3Aims of the course
- Introduction to the modern computer organization
and technology, with emphasis on the programming
and interfacing aspects of the popular Intel
family of microprocessors. - Topics that will be covered
- Introduction to computer organization, the
microprocessor and its architecture, addressing
modes, data movement instructions, arithmetic and
logic instructions, program control instructions,
programming the microprocessor, 8086/8088
hardware specifications, Memory Interface,
4Some Quotes
- DOS addresses only 1 MB of RAM because we cannot
imagine any applications needing
more.Microsoft, 1980 - I dont think its that significantTandy
president John Roach on the IBM PC
- What exactly is a PC?
- Who invented it?
6Other good references
- Irvine R. Kip, Assembly Language for Intel-Based
Computers, 4th edition, Prentice Hall, 2002,
ISBN 0130910139 - William Stallings, Computer Organization and
Architecture Designing for Performance, 6th
edition, Prentice Hall, 2002, ISBN 0130351199 - Computer Systems Architecture, A Networking
Approach, Addison Wesley 2000, ISBN
0-201-64859-8 - Digital Fundamentals, Floyd (8086 Section)
7Useful Web-sites (1)
- Intel Home www.intel.com
- Â
- Intel Processor page http//developer.intel.com/d
esign/processor/ - Â
- Intel Processor Hall of Fame http//www.intel.com
/intel/museum/25anniv/hof/hof_main.htm - Â
- Intel Processor Specs http//www.intel.com/intel/
museum/25anniv/hof/tspecs.htm - Â
- The Intel Museum http//intel.com/intel/intelis/m
8Useful Web Sites (2)
- How Microprocessors Work http//intel.com/educati
on/mpuworks/index.htm - Intel Processor Quick Reference
ckref.htm - Intel Developer Home http//developer.intel.com/Â
- Intel Pentium II http//developer.intel.com/desig
n/PentiumII/Â - Intel Pentium III http//developer.intel.com/desi
gn/PentiumIII/ - Intel Pentium 4 http//developer.intel.com/design
9Useful Web Sites (3)
- Intel Desktop Boards (Motherboards)
http//developer.intel.com/design/motherbd/Â - PC Design Guide (Microsoft and Intel)
http//www.pcdesguide.org/ - AMD Home www.amd.com
- Â
- AMD Athlon http//www.amd.com/products/cpg/athlon
/index.html - PC Guide http//www.pcguide.com/index.htm
- 1.1 Historical background
- 1.2 The microprocessor-based PC system
- 1.3 Number Systems
- 1.4 Computer data formats
- 1.5 Summary
11Historical background (1)
- Mechanical Age B.C. to 1800s
- 500 B.C. Babylonians invented abacus, the first
mechanical calculator - 1642 Braise Pascal invented calculator using
wheels and gears - 1823 Charles Babbage created Analytical Engine
capable of storing data using punch cards
12Historical background (2)
- Electrical Age 1800s to 1970s
- Trigerred by advent of electric motor (conceived
by Faraday) - Motor driven adding machines based on Pascals
idea - John H. Pattersons Mechanical cash register
(NCR) - First applications for computing devices
13Historical background (3)
- 1896
- Hollerith formed tabulating machine company
(todays IBM) - 1930
- Claude Shannon suggests use ofthe binary system
for usewith electronic circuits - 1940
- John Von Neumann proposes reconfigurable
computing by storing programs in memory
14Historical background (4)
1940 - 1950
- First electronic computers
- Vacuum tubes mechanical relays UNIVAC, ENIAC
- 30 tons
- 150 Kwatts
- 80 bytes of memory
15Historical background (5)
- Integrated Circuits Age 1960s present
- Triggered by development of transistor at Bell
Labs, 1948 - 1958 IC technology invented by Jack Kibly of
Texas Instruments - 1971 worlds first microprocessor, Intel 4004
- (4-bit BUS, 4k 4-bit memory, 50kips, 2300
transistors, 10µm technology)
16Historical background (6)
- 1972 first 8-bit µP, Intel 8008, 16k bytes,
50kips - 1973 Intel 8080, 64k bytes, 500 kips, 6000
transistors - 1978 Intel 8086, 16-bit, 1M bytes, 2.5Mips. Base
for 80286 µP, also with 16M bytes - 1986 Intel 80386, 32-bit µP, 32-bit data and
address busses, 4G bytes, 16 to 33 MHz, 275k
transistors, 1µm technology - 1989 Intel 80486 (like 80385 but with numeric
co-processor), 4G bytes 8kb cache, 25 to 50
MHz, 1.2 M transistors, 0.8µm technology
17Historical background (7)
- 1993 Pentium ?p, 64-bit, 4Gb 16kb cache, 150
Mips, 60 to 166 MHz, 3.1M transistors, 0.8µm
technology - 1994, AMD/Cyrix introduces 5x86
- 1 GB hard drive costs 300 (1000 times
cheaper/MB than in 1983!) - 1996, Use of Reduced Instruction Set Computer
(RISC) core to execute 80x86 instructions - AMD K5/K6, Cyrix M1 (6x86), Intel Pentium Pro
18Historical background (8)
- 1997, Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD),
Multimedia Extensions / Matrix Math Extensions
(MMX) - AMD K6, Intel Pentium II, Cyrix/IBM M2 (6x86 MX)
- 1999, More floating point parallelism (Pentium
III) - 2000, 1 GHz processors from AMD and Intel
- 2001, 2 GHz processors from AMD and Intel
- 2003, 3 GHz processors from AMD and Intel
19Rapid Changes
- Moores Law
- Estimates that the number of transistors per chip
doubles every 18 months - Exponential growth!
- Has been true for 20 years!
- 2(20 years / 1.5 years / double) 213.3
10,000 fold performance!
20Moores Law
- If we had similar progress in automotive
technology, today you could buy a Mercedes for
about 2. It would travel at the speed of sound,
and get about 600 miles on a thimble of gas. - - Randall Tobias Former Vice Chairman of ATT
21Chapter 1
- 1.1 Historical background
- 1.2 The microprocessor-based PC system
- 1.3 Number Systems
- 1.4 Computer data formats
- 1.5 Summary
22The µP-based PC system
Memory system
I/O system
DRAM SRAM Cache ROM Flash memory EEPROM
8086 8088 80x86 Pentium Pentium Pro Pentium
II Pentium III Pentium P4
Printer Mouse CD-ROM drive DVD Keybord Monitor sca
23Reasons behind µP technology
- Speed
- Graphics, Numerical Analysis, CAD, DSP
applications - Convenience
- Larger memory, smaller size, lower weight
- Power Dissipation
- Portable PCs and wireless services
- Reliability
- Noise tolerance in adverse environmental
conditions - Cost
- Value for money -gt get more done for the money