Title: Sunray Independent School District
1Sunray Independent School District
- 2006
- Performance Report
2District and Campus Ratings
- District Acceptable
- High School Acceptable
- Middle School Recognized
- Elementary Recognized
32006 TAKS Results Subgroups
42006 TAKS Results Subgroups/Compared to State
Region Results
53rd Grade
64th Grade Logitudinal
75th Grade Longitudinal
86th Grade Longitudinal
97th Grade Longitudinal
108th Grade Longitudinal
119th Grade Longitudinal
1210th Grade Longitudinal
1311th Grade Longitudinal
14SDAA Examinations
152004/2005 TAKS/SDAA Participation
16Criteria for meeting AYP
- 1. AYP performance requirements are met if the
percent Met Standard for all students and each
student group summed across grades 3-8 and 10 in
reading/language arts and mathematics meets or
exceeds AYP standard. - The AYP standards for 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 are
46.8 percent for reading/language arts and 33.4
percent for mathematics based on a formula
provided by USDE. The 2004-2005 standard is 53
for reading/language arts and 42 for
mathematics. The 2005-2006 standards are the same
as last year. - The AYP standards gradually increase.
- By 2013-2014, the standards are 100 percent for
both reading/language arts and mathematics.
17- 2. AYP participation requires 95 percent of all
students and each student group to be tested to
meet participation requirements, calculated
separately for reading math. - 3. Other AYP requirements must be met for all
students 70 graduation rates for high schools
and 90 attendance rates for middle and
elementary schools.
18District Campus AYP
- Meets AYP and Participation
19TELPAS At Least One Proficiency Level Increase
in English Reading
- 3rd -5th 5/12 42
- 6th-8th 5/13 38
- 9-11th 6/12 50
- 4 other HS stayed at Advanced or Advanced High
20TELPAS - LEP with Advanced /Advanced High
Rating in English Reading
- 3rd-5th 58
- 6th-8th 44
- 9-12th 67
- Advanced High
- 3rd-5th 8
- 6th-8th 38
- 9-12th 33
21Attendance Rates
- 00-01 '01-02 '02-03 03-04 04-05
- State 95.5 95.6 95.6 95.7 95.7
- Region 16 95.7 95.5 95.6 95.8 95.7
- Sunray 97.2 96.7 96.8 97.3 96.7
227th and 8th Drop-out Rate
'03-04 '04-05 State
0.2 0.2 Region16 0.2 0.1 Sunray 0 0
23Completion Rate
24Retention Rates
25 in Advanced Courses
- 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
- State 19.3 19.4 19.7 19.9 20.5
- Region1616.3 16.6 17.4 18.2 17.7
- Sunray 26.3 23.3 23.3 21.1 23.2
27Sunray Elementary
28SES TAKS Data from AEIS
Grade 3
Grade 3 Summary Reading scores reported are
from the first administration. Hispanic students
made significant gains in reading and math.
Scores show a decrease in the scores of the white
sub-group in reading and math.
29SES TAKS Data from AEIS
Grade 4
Grade 4 Summary Made improvements at the campus
level and in each sub-group in Reading Math.
Campus had a significant reduction in Writing.
Significant gaps between Hispanic and white
sub-groups in all areas. At-Risk performed
poorly in all areas, but especially in math.
30SES TAKS Data from AEIS
Accountability Subset
Campus Summary The economically disadvantaged
sub-group and the LEP sub-group are performing
significantly lower than the other sub-groups.
Had overall improvement in reading and math, but
a decrease in writing.
31SES Attendance Data from AEIS
Summary Attendance decreased overall for the
campus. Had an increase in attendance for
Hispanic, Special Education, LEP sub-groups,
but a decrease in the white and economically
disadvantaged sub-groups.
32Strategies for Attendance Improvement
- Attendance Incentive Program
- CAT Monitoring
- Parent Notification
- Saturday School and Summer School
33Strategies for TAKS Improvement
- Use of Released Tests
- Practice testing on computerized assessment to
diagnosis during the school year - Use of TAKS Practice Materials
- Reading Specialist and Intensive Instruction
- Accelerated Reading Instruction (after school)
- Accelerated Math Instruction (after school)
- Bobcat Breakout Lab
35SMS TAKS Data from AEIS
Grade 5
Grade 5 Summary Reading scores continue to rise
in all groups except Eco Disadvantaged. Math and
Science went up in all subgroups and we will
still continue to focus on Eco. Disadvantaged.
36SMS TAKS Data from AEIS
Grade 6
Grade 6 Summary Reading scores and Math scores
dropped from 2005, however still stay above the
state scores in all subgroups. None of our
scores are dangerously low in any area.
37SMS TAKS Data from AEIS
Grade 7
Grade 7 Summary All subgroups are above state
averages, but we will still strive to improve in
our math which have some subgroups in the 70s
38SMS TAKS Data from AEIS
Grade 8
Grade 8 Summary Most of our subgroups in
Reading dropped, as well Math remaining low in
most subgroups. Social Studies remains low in
Hispanic and Eco. Disadvantaged subgroups.
39SMS Attendance Data from AEIS
We want these to increase each year. Small
decreases from 04-05 in a couple of subgroups,
8TH graders have brought down the overall average
the last couple of years. Gold Performance
Acknowledgement for Attendance.
40Strategies for Attendance Improvement
- Attendance Incentive Program with recognition
every six weeks for perfect attendance. - CAT team Monitoring
- Parents called when students do not show up for
more than one day of school. - Parent Notification for students that miss
extreme numbers of days. - Saturday School
41Strategies for TAKS Improvement
- Use of Released Tests
- Use of TAG on COMPASS program to make tests for
benchmarking. - Use of TAKS Practice Materials including
Measuring Up for Math, Science and some Reading. - New PAseries will be used for our reading
practice. This is an online testing format. - Use of Bobcat Breakout for those students
struggling and falling behind in classroom
42Sunray Middle School
- Gold Performance Acknowledgements
- Attendance 2004-2005
- Writing
- Science (5th grade)
- Social Studies (8th grade)
- Comparable Improvement Math
43Sunray High School AEIS2006
442006 SHS TAKS Data from AEIS
Grade 9
Grade 9 Summary Reading scores came up
dramatically. Math was up somewhat in all
subgroups. We need to target Math in all
subgroups because score at too lownot near 70
target. Math scores were above the state by 6,
but scores need to come up. Groups to target
Hispanic and Economically Disadvantaged
452006 SHS TAKS Data from AEIS
Grade 10
Grade 10 Summary Significant gains in ELA
scores. Math down in all groups except White
subgroup. Science had gains only in the White
subgroup. Social Studies down overall for the
first time only had gains in the White subgroup.
Concern This is the exit-level group for
2006-2007concern for Hispanic and Economically
Disadvantaged subgroups.
462006 SHS TAKS Data from AEIS
Grade 11
Grade 11 Summary Scores overall were down in
ELA. Social Studies and Math had overall gains.
Science scores were up only in the White and
Economically Disadvantages subgroups. Still
concerns about the overall scores of Math and
Science and the subgroups of those subject areas.
472006 SHS Attendance Data from AEIS
We want these to increase each year. Small
decreases in all subgroups from 03-04. Hispanic
subgroup is the most significant change in
attendance . Attendance remains strong above
state percentages.
48SHS Completion Rate Data from 2006 AEIS
Our completion rate is up from 2004. Our White
subgroup continues to be the area of concern.
49Strategies for Attendance Improvement
- Attendance Incentive Program
- Exemption Policy
- Bobcat Scholarship
- SCAT Monitoring
- Parent Notification
- Saturday School and Summer School
- STAR ProgramNEW 06-07
- Learning LabNEW 06-07
- Morning TutorialsNEW Time 06-07
50Strategies for Dropout Improvement
- Timely Identification of At Risk
- TAKS Remediation Intensive Instruction
- Saturday School for Attendance Problems
- Credit Recovery and Accrual in Summer School and
Saturday School - SCAT Monitoring Intervention Plans
- CHAMPS Academy
- Recovery with GED and CHAMPS
- WBL Program
- Personal Graduation Plans for At Risk
- Priority of Services for Migrant Students
- CATE Collaboration Team on Student Connection to
Sunray High School - GED Prep Program at SHS Via Video ConferenceNEW
Dec. 2006
51Strategies for TAKS Improvement
- Use of Nova Net
- Use of Released Tests/Benchmark Testing
- Use of TEA TAKS Study Guides
- Practice Testing Days for Diagnosis of Strong and
Weak Areas at Mid-year - Use of TAKS Practice Materials
- 1-on1 Intensive Instruction for TAKS ELL failures
- TAKS Class for Senior Retakers
- Summer TAKS Class Before July Testing
- Learning Lab for Senior Retakers for TAKS
Prep--NEW - Placement in Core Area Class for Senior
Retakers--NEW - Saturday School for ELL Students for Lang. Dev.
Skills Needed for TAKS Testing
52Strategies for TAKS Improvement
- TAKS Conferences with Students on Objectives
Failed - Individual Conferences with Parents of students
who failed TAKS - Personal Graduation Plans for TAKS Failures
- Daily and/or Weekly TAKS Drills in Core Subject
Classes - Individual Educational Plans for students who are
53Accomplishments at SHSFocus on Student Service
- Student Council Dinner for Senior Citizens
- Drug Awareness Programs for Elementary
- FCCLA Reading with Elementary, Ronald Mc Donald
House Supply Drive, Eveline Rivers Coat Drive - NHS Meals on Wheels and Talent Show to Raise
Money and Canned Food for Needy - SHS Jr./Sr. Mentoring Program at Elementary and
Middle Schools - Bullying Awareness ProgramNEW Spring 2006
- 9th Grade Success Class Group Service Projects at
holiday seasonNEW 06-07 - Honors English Class Writes/Reads Childrens
Stories to Elementary
54Sunray High School Gold Performance
- Attendance (2004-2005)
- Recommended High School Program (Class of 2005)
- Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Mathematics
- Comparable Improvement Reading/ELA
552006 Accountability Rating
56Student Demographics
- Ethnicity
- .4 African American (.2) (0.6) (0.4) (0.4)
- 48.2 Hispanic (47.7) (45.5) (42.8) (48.6)
- 50.8 White (51.9) (53.9) (56.8) (50.5)
- .2 Native American (.2) (0) (0) (0.6)
- .4 Asian/Pacific Islander
- Economically Disadvantaged
- 49.2 (51.1) (53.5) (47.7) (52.6)
- Limited English Proficient
- 14.4 (18.2) (16.4) (13.4) (16.3)
- At-Risk 39 36.2
57Staff Data
- Sunray State
- Years Exper. 12.8 11.5
- In District 7.6 7.6
- Turnover Rate 23.2 14.6
- Teachers 47 302,149
58 Enrollment Projections
- 1997-98 600
- 1998-99 622
- 1999-00 587
- 2000-01 544
- 2001-02 528
- 2002-03 498
- 2003-04 493
- 2004-05 525
- 2005-06 537
- 2006-07 555
- 2007-08 545
59Budget History
- Year Revenue Expenditure
- 96/97 3,445,358 3,641,762
- 97/98 3,622,730 3,759,742
- 98/99 3,414,683 3,510,989
- 99/00 3,669,932 3,732,304
- 00/01 3,488,232 3,551,873
- 01/02 4,869,628 4,290,253
- 02/03 4,202,696
4,405,526 - 03/04 3,912,864
3,735,217 - 04/05 5,034,355 4,365,899
- 05/06 5,173,849 4,700,583
- 06/07 5,629,562 4,973,260
- Estimated
60Year Tax Rate Value Budget
Results 96/97 1.46 170,977,055 -196,404 97/98
1.42 187,032,817 -137,012 98/99 1.53 172,813,4
64 -96,306 99/00 1.53 156,254,416 -
62,372 00/01 1.536 163,606,678 -
63,641 01/02 1.571 211,178,300
579,375 02/03 1.572 207,182,288 202,830
2003/04 1.6404 206,128,110
177,647 2004/05
1.6158 247,583,890 668,456
2005/06 1.5885 293,320,490 669,240 2006/2007
1.4449 341,930,020 656,302 Estimated
61Fund Balance - Prior Audits
- 96/97 1,114,216 -196,404
- 97/98 977,205 -137,011
- 98/99 880,899 - 96,306
- 99/00 808,899 - 80,000
- 00/01 801,633 - 7,266
- 01/02 1,297,865 496,232
- 02/03 1,095,037 -202,828
- 03/04 1,272,684 177,647
- 04/05 1,941,140 668,456
- 05/06 2,414,407 473,266
- Maintenance Tax Note Expenditures
- Optimum Fund Balance 2,502,145
62 of Budget per Category
63 of Budget per Category
64Funding Sources
- Local Sources Taxes 85
- State Federal Sources 15
- Grants
- Gifts
65Funding Sources