Title: Cascading Style Sheets
1Lesson 6
- Cascading Style Sheets
- Dynamic HTML
2Dynamic HTML
- Not a new version of standard HTML
- A technology not a tool
- Regular HTML
- Scripting (Javascript, Jscript, VBScript)
- Dynamic style sheets
- Cascading Style Sheets
- DOM (Document Object Model)
- Positioning
- Filtering
3Browser Incompatibilies
- the main incompatibilities are in the Document
Object Model - IE uses a more complete document object model
than Netscape and exposes all elements of a page
including the HTML elements - the Netscape Document Object Model is more
restrictive in what can be changed and manipulated
4Cascading Style Sheets
- A definition of how a browser should display the
elements of a document. - Absolute positioning
- using JavaScript any page element can be
positioned to exact coordinates in the viewing
area - fore and backgrounds can be aligned
- content can be organized within blocks instead of
in a table cell - with a little Javascript and absolute
positioning content can be animated - you can detect a usering selecting a content
- There is no standard for Dynamic HTML
- DHTML is made up of a number of technologies
- the real power of DHTML comes from scripting
6What is CSS
- A technology that works with HTML but is not HTML
- separate code that enhances the capabilities of
HTML by allowing you to redefine the way HTML
tags work - Similar to styles in a word processor
- for instance could be redefined to use
bold for emphasis, a 14 pt font, the times font
and an italic style
7CSS Properties
- Font
- Text
- List Mouse
- Color
- Background
- Border Margin
- Positioning
- Visability
- Letter form, size, boldface, italic
- Kerning, Leading, alainment, case
- Bullets and indentation
- borders, text, bullets rules backgrounds
- Behind the page or behind a single page element
- Margins, padding, borders, width,height
- Exact placement on the screen
- Whether one element appears and how much of it is
8CSS Rules
- You can set up rules to tell a specific HTML tag
how to display its content or create generic
rules and then apply them as you need them - There are 3 types of rules
- HTML Selector - the text portion of a tag is
called the selector.The selector is used in a CSS
rule to redefine how the tag displays - p font bold 14pt times - redefined the
tag - Class - a class is a free agent rule that can
be applied to any HTML tag. Classes can be named
anything you want - .myClass font bold 20 pt times
- ID - id rules are similar to class rules ID
selectors are usually applied only once per page
to a particular HTML tag to create an object for
use with a JavaScript function - object1 position absolute, top 10px
9Parts of a CSS Rule
- Selectors - identify the tag, class or ID
- Properties - identify what is being defined
- Values - property values (numbers, size)
selector property value
HTML, class or ID
10Where to put CSS rules
- In an HTML tag
- .
- In the document head ( to affect the whole
document) - use HTML comments to hide the style definitions
the same why you hide JavaScript - In an external document
- linked or imported into your document this way
you can have a consistant style across a number
of documents
11Grouping Style Rules
- selectors may be group assigned a new style by
separating the desired selectors wit a comma
ahead of the style definition
h1 , h2 , h3 font-family bookman old
style font-style italic
12Style Sheet Properties
- Syntax Properties
- applies to the appearance of text, borders, and
background properties - Layer Properties
- Applies to the position, visibility and other
layer properties
13Syntax properties
Font font-family family-name
generic-family font-style normal
italic font-varient normal small-caps font-weigh
t normal bold font-size xx-large x-large
large medium small x-small xx-small
larger smaller percentage length
14Syntax properties
Background bacground-color colorname none
rrggbb background-image url none Ex backgrou
nd-color blue background-image
15Syntax properties
Text text-transform capitalize uppercase
lowercase none text-decoration none
underline blink line-through text-align right
center left justify text-indent length
em , ex , pc , pt , in , mm , cm percent Ex
text-transform lowercase text-decoration
16Syntax properties
Miscellaneous color none colorname
rrggbb list-style-type disk circle square
decimal lower-roman upper-roman lower
alpha upper-alpha none float none left
right (same as Javascript align
property) clear none left right
both (forces an element that is adjacent to a
floated element to
start on the next line) white-space none block
inline list-item (horiz or vertical
blank space between words)
17Layer properties
Positioning position absolure
relative top length percent auto position of
top of container left length percent
auto position from left of container height lengt
h auto actual height of layer width length
percent auto actual width of container clip sha
pe auto crop the view of the layer clip
18Layer properties
positioning visibility NS4-show hide
inherit IE4-visible hidden
inherit background-color colorname none
rrggbb layer-background-color colorname none
rrggbb include-source HTML filename background-i
mage url filename z-index auto integer (
order of placement in the stack of layers 1
is the bottom )
19In the lab...
- go to http//webmonkey.com
- search for CSS
- work through the
- Mulders Stylesheet Tutorial