Title: The Structure of the Nucleon
1The Structure of the Nucleon
- Introduction
- Meson cloud effects two-component model
- Strange form factors
- Results
- Summary and conclusions
Roelof Bijker ICN-UNAM
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3Internal Structure of the Proton
- Anomalous magnetic moment of the proton (Stern,
1930s) - Spatial structure of the proton (Hofstadter,
1950s) - Scaling quark structure of the proton
(Friedman, Kendall, Taylor, 1960s) - EMC effect, spin crisis (1988)
- Form factor ratio (2000)
- Investigate the structure of the nucleon through
the electromagnetic and weak form factors in the
space- and time-like regions
4Form Factors
Structure of particles described by form factors
Elastic Scattering Q2 2Mnw
Form factors hide our ignorance of how the
composite particle is constructed.
5Nucleon Electromagnetic Current
Dirac and Pauli form factors
Sachs form factors
6The Structure of the Nucleon
- Introduction
- Meson cloud effects two-component model
- Strange form factors
- Results
- Summary and conclusions
7Vector Meson Dominance
Photon couples to nucleon via vector meson
(?,?,?) Adjust high Q2 behaviour to pQCD
scaling Include the finite width of ? meson
Two-component model Intrinsic structure
(valence quarks) Meson cloud
(quark-antiquark pairs)
8Electromagnetic Currents
- Isoscalar em current
- Isovector em current
- Strange em current
9Dirac and Pauli Form Factors
Intrinsic form factor
10Iachello, Jackson, Lande, PLB 43, 191
(1973) Iachello, Wan, PRC 69, 055204 (2004)
Bijker, Iachello, PRC 69, 068201 (2004)
- Electromagnetic form factors
- Static properties
12The Structure of the Nucleon
- Introduction
- Meson cloud effects two-component model
- Strange form factors
- Results
- Summary and conclusions
13Strange Form Factors
- The strangeness distribution is a very sensitive
probe of the nucleons properties - The strange (anti)quarks come uniquely from the
sea there is no contamination from up or down
valence quarks - New data from SAMPLE, HAPPEX, PVA4 and G0
Collaborations - ? meson mostly strange quarks
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15Weak Currents
- Neutral weak vector current
- Weak axial current
16Strange form factors
- Nucleon em form factors
- Proton weak form factor
17- Charge symmetry
- Strange form factor
- Static properties
18Ideally mixed states
Physical states
Mixing angle (Jain, 1988)
Strange Dirac and Pauli form factors
19- Meson-nucleon couplings
- Current-meson couplings
Quark in the vector mesons couples only to the
quark vector current of the same flavor with a
flavor-independent strength
Jaffe PLB 229, 275 (1989)
20Isoscalar Couplings
Four parameters
One constraint
21Strange Couplings
One constraint no net strangeness contribution
to the electric charge
Reduction of the number of parameters!
- Two-component model for the electromagnetic and
weak vector currents - Intrinsic structure
- Isoscalar mesons
- Isovector mesons
23The Structure of the Nucleon
- Introduction
- Meson cloud effects two-component model
- Strange form factors
- Results
- Summary and conclusions
24Electromagnetic Form Factors
25Electric Form Factors
Andivahis (1994), Christy (2004), Qattan (2004)
Herberg (1999), Passchier (1999), Zhu (2001),
Golak (2001), Schiavilla (2001), Madey (2003),
Bermuth (2003), Warren (2004),
26Neutron magnetic form factor
Preliminary results from the CLAS collaboration
(JLab) Nucleon05 Vineyard
27Scaling Behavior
- Dimensional analysis (Brodsky, Farrar), pQCD
(Brodsky, Lepage) - Polarization transfer data
- Quark orbital angular momentum (Miller,Ralston)
- Valid in VMD in an intermediate Q2 region, but
not in the asymptotic region (Iachello)
28pQCD (Belitsky)
29Strange Form Factors
Nucleon05 Riska, Maas, Kox,
SAMPLE PLB 583, 79 (2004) HAPPEX
30HAPPEX PRC 69, 065501 (2004)
arXivnucl-ex/0506011 PVA4 PRL 93, 022002
(2004) PRL 95, 152001 (2005)
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32G0 PRL 95, 092001 (2005)
33Time-like form factors Q2lt0
Experimentally, the time-like form factors can
be probed through (Frascati)
or the inverse reaction (CERN, FNAL) Theoreticall
y, the space- and time-like form factors are
related by analytic continuation
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35Comparison between the 1973 and 2004 VMD
36The Structure of the Nucleon
- Introduction
- Meson cloud effects two-component model
- Strange form factors
- Results
- Summary and conclusions
37Summary and Conclusions
- The nucleon has a complex structure valence
quarks and meson cloud - Space-like form factors well reproduced
- Neutron data in the space- and time-like regions
seem to be inconsistent (Hammer et al.,
Tomasi-Gustafsson Rekalo, Brodsky et al., ) - pQCD not reached up to 10 (GeV/c)2
- New experiments to study the nucleon form factors
for higher values of Q2 - Extension to strange form factors reduces by one
the number of parameters. Excellent description
of the SAMPLE, HAPPEX, PVA4 and G0 data.
- Extend two-component model to baryon resonances
- Strange form factors
- Axial form factors
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41N-? Transition From Factors
- Two-componet model (Iachello Wan, IJMPA 20,
1846 (2005)) - Generic structure
- Intrinsic form factors from previous study of
baryon resonances (Bijker, Iachello, Leviatan, AP
236, 69 (1994)) - Isovector vector meson ?
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43Other theoretical calculations
Vector meson dominance Lomon, Iachello,
Hammer Relativistic chiral soliton model
Goeke, Holzwarth Lattice QCD
Schierholz Relativistic constituent quark model
Miller, Simula, Giannini, Plessas, Metsch
44Vector Meson Dominance
45Relativistic Constituent Quark Models