Title: PERU
Prepared by Karina Gallardo
2Facts about Peru
- Area extension
- 1 285 216 km2 (almost two times Texas)
Peru is Here!!!
- Official language
- Spanish
- Also, Quechua
- Aymara, and many other dialects are spoken
3Weather Depends on the region, in general
North Coast Very Hot Central South Coast
Warm Mountains Cold Jungle Very hot
Karinas hometown Huasahuasi Known as Peruvian
Potato Capital
Lima Capital City
4Lima Capital City
5Lima Tradition
6Lima Perus largest city (pop.8 million)
7Peruvian Coast
8Peruvian Coast
9Andes Mountains
10Lakes Canyons
11Lake Titicaca altitude approx. 12000 ft.
12Valleys site of agricultural activity
14The Amazon Jungle
15The Amazon Jungle
21Peru Multicultural
22Peru Multicultural
23Peru Multicultural
24History Pre Inca Civilizations
25Peru Land of the Incas
26Macchu-Picchu Lost City of the Incas
27Macchu Picchu Our Pride
28Some traditional festivities
Inti Raymi (Sun worship) June 24th
Masque carnival (February)
29Some traditional festivities
Dancing with scissors
Good Friday Ayacucho
Virgin Mary procession
30Peruvian Food hmmm.
31Beverages Pisco Corn chicha
32Potatoes Peruvian gift to the World
4,500 years ago Peruvian natives developed the
crop from a wild tubercle, Spanish conquerors
took it to Europe by year 1500 ac.
33Potatoes Now
There are about 3000 varieties of Potatoes in
Peru the largest in the World!!!
34We hope you can visit us!Thank youGraciasUrpi