Title: The Finger Lakes Institute presents:
1The Finger Lakes Institutepresents
- Educational Outreach programs at the Finger Lakes
Institute - Eric Primrose
- Education Outreach Coordinator
- The Finger Lakes Institute (FLI) is dedicated to
the promotion of environmental research and
education about the Finger Lakes and surrounding
environments. In collaboration with regional
environmental partners and state and local
government offices, the Institute fosters
"environmentally-sound" development practices
throughout the region, and disseminates the
accumulated knowledge to the general public. - Web site http//fli.hws.edu
3Goals of FLI
- Advance, coordinate, and disseminate scientific
understanding about the Finger Lakes environment
- Provide interdisciplinary training for the next
generation of environmental researchers,
educators, economists, and policy makers - Serve as a clearinghouse for environmental
information about the region - Enhance understanding of environmental issues by
regional economists, policy makers and the
general public - Create and disseminate educational resources and
opportunities at all levels
4The primary foci of FLI
- Research
- Advance, coordinate, and disseminate scientific
understanding of the Finger Lakes - Serve as a clearinghouse for research information
and environmental issues on Finger Lakes - Educational Outreach
- Improve and expand the already successful Science
on Seneca Program - Interdisciplinary training for local science
students - Create and disseminate K-12 educational
5Why the Finger Lakes Region?
- Diversity
- Natural Resources Rochester, Syracuse, many
small cities - Tourism Recreation Millions
Wineries/Fisheries/parks - Tax Base Billions
- Competing UseAgricultural, Commercial,
Industrial, Residential, Natural
6Opened June 8, 2004
The FLI building A Green Facility
- Geothermal Heating and Cooling Systems
- Wind Energy
- Solar Energy
- Recycled Building Materials
- Environmentally Friendly Interior furnishings
- Natural Resource Conservation (toilets, hot water
heaters) - Open for tours or presentations
7FLI Research vessels
- The William Scandling
- 65 Foot Research Vessel1976
- The J.B. Snow
- 25 Foot Pontoon boat 2004
8FLI Educational Outreach
- Science on Seneca
- Environmental Studies Summer Youth Institute
- Teacher Education Programs
- Presentations, guest lecturer, lessons
9Science on Seneca
- Enables regional science teachers to use The
William Scandling as an outdoor classroom on
Seneca Lake - Science teachers must complete a day-long
training session - Two training sessions are held annually on
Saturdays in the fall and spring. - For a of 15 per group, teachers may bring their
classes back to Geneva to conduct aquatic and
environmental research on Seneca Lake using all
the resources of our unique floating classroom
10Science on Seneca
- Initiated in 1986 by
- Don Woodrow, Emeritus Geoscience
- Sedimentology Stratigraphy
- Bill Ahrnsbrak, Emeritus Geoscience
- Physical Oceanography, Meteorology
- Ken Carle, Emeritus Chemistry
- Environmental Chemistry
11Science on Seneca (SOS)
- Founding Objectives
- Enhance teaching of environmental science
- Introduce students to scientific field studies
- Expand the Seneca Lake database
- To provide science content, resources and
standards based curricula for science teachers - Expose local high school science students to HWS
12Science on Seneca
- Recent Growth
- Mellon Foundation Support
- Video Microscope on the William Scandling
- Pre-Cruise Kits (delivery few weeks before)
- Finger Lakes Institute
- K-12 Educational Outreach Coordinator
- NYS Standard based Science curricula
- New SOS web site
- Web-based Data Entry / Retrieval
- Suggestions Welcomed
13Science on Seneca
- HWS Faculty
- John Halfman, Hydrogeochemistry
- Christine de Denus, Inorganic Chemistry
- Tara Curtin, Geolimnology
- Jim MaKinster, Science Education
- Staff
- Eric Primrose, FLI K-12 Educational Outreach
- Barbara Halfman, SOS Coordinator
14Barb Halfman SOS Logistics
- Reserve Half-Day trip on HWS Scandling
- First come, First served
- Limit 20 People (including help).
- Bring Parents/Teachers to Help (3/cruise)
- Contact Barbara Halfman (315) 781-3606
15All new SOS web site!
- http//fli.hws.edu/sos
- Home for more teacher and student resources,
curriculum, and lesson ideas - Peer reviewers needed
16 SOS research activities
- Zebra Quagga Mussels Impact on Ecology
- Chloride Story Bedrock Source Sodium (Na)
Evidence - Environmental Monitoring
- Human Impacts on water quality
- Environmental and Climate Change
17Zebra Quagga Mussels
Zebra Rebound Quagga Introduction
Zebra Introduction
Zebra Die Off
18Zebra Mussel Impact on Nutrient Cycle and Seneca
lake ecology
Dissolved Nutrients
Zebra Quaggas
Fish (Lake Trout) Other Organisms
Bacterial Decomposition
Dead Organics
Chlorophyll Nutrient Data
Post Zebras
Death 1st Wave
19Source Chloride Sodium Ions
20Source Chloride Sodium Ions
- Glacier excavated Seneca Lake much deeper than
others, intersecting the rock salt layers deep in
the bedrock - Groundwater seepage in to Seneca Lake transports
NaCl in to Seneca Lake at a higher rate than
other lakes
21Environmental Studies Summer youth Institute
- A two-week summer camp featuring a college-level
interdisciplinary environmental studies program - Designed as an introduction to environmental
issues and perspectives on nature. - Extensive field work in the Finger Lakes and
Adirondacks - The most fun youll have while learning something!
22Environmental Studies Summer youth Institute
- Topics include
- Alternative energy
- Conserving endangered ecosystems
- Field studies
- Sustainable land use
- Camping, hiking, canoeing, and observing the
23Teacher Education
- Project WET
- Project WILD
- SOS teacher training workshops
24Teacher Education
- Project WET
- A nonprofit water education program and publisher
for educators and young people ages 5-18. The
program facilitates and promotes awareness,
appreciation, knowledge, and stewardship of water
resources through the dissemination of
classroom-ready teaching aids and the
establishment of internationally sponsored
Project WET programs.
25Teacher Education
- Project WILD is one of the most widely-used
conservation and environmental education programs
for students K-12. - The program emphasizes wildlife because of its
intrinsic and ecological values, as well as its
importance as a basis for teaching how ecosystems
function. In the face of competing needs and
pressures affecting the quality and
sustainability of life on earth, Project WILD
addresses the need for human beings to develop as
responsible citizens of our planet. -
26Questions?Eric PrimroseEducation Outreach
CoordinatorFinger Lakes InstituteHobart and
William Smith Colleges