Title: Theoretical Modelling of
1 Theoretical Modelling of The Neoclassical
Tearing Mode in Tokamaks (Threshold
Mechanisms) Howard Wilson Department of
Physics, University of York, Heslington, York,
YO10 5DD
- Schematic overview of physics
- Drive mechanisms
- Bootstrap current and the neoclassical tearing
mode - Threshold mechanisms
- Transport effect
- Polarisation current effect
- Key unresolved issues in understanding
- Analytic calculation
- Existing theoretical formalism, highlighting the
challenges - Identification of new physics
- The requirements of numerical simulations
- Summary
3Tearing Mode Theory Ampères Law
d2y/dr2m0J (via Ampères law)
Integrate Ampères law across current layer
Obtained by matching to solution of ideal MHD
4(Modified) Rutherford Equation the basic NTM
- Contributions to J
- Ohmic current
- Bootstrap current
- Combine components
- Many islands should grow at all rational
surfaces - Theory suggests tokamak confinement should be
Bootstrap term dominates
5Cross-field transport provides a threshold for
- In the absence of sources in the vicinity of the
island, a model transport equation is - For wider islands, c?gtgtc???? p flattened
- For thinner islands such that c?c???
- pressure gradient sustained
- bootstrap current not perturbed
Thin islands, field lines along symmetry
Wider islands, field lines see radial variations
6Lets put some numbers in (JET-like)
Ls10m c?3m2s1 kq3m1
- There are complications which theory must
address - (1) This width is comparable to the orbit width
of the ions - (2) It assumes diffusive transport across the
island, yet the length scales are comparable to
the diffusion step size - (3) It assumes a turbulent perpendicular heat
conductivity, but takes no account of the
interactions between the island and turbulence - To understand the threshold, the above three
issues must be addressed - a challenging problem, involving interacting
7Electrons and ions respond differently to the
island Localised electrostatic potential is
associated with the island
- Electrons are highly mobile, and move rapidly
along field lines - electron density is constant on a flux surface
(neglecting c?) - For small islands, the E?B velocity dominates
the ion thermal velocity - For small islands, the ion flow is provided by
an electrostatic potential - this must be constant on a flux surface
(approximately) to provide quasi-neutrality - Thus, there is always an electrostatic potential
associated with a magnetic island (near
threshold) - This is required for quasi-neutrality
- It must be determined self-consistently
- resulting E?B flow influences ion profiles
across small islands
8An additional complication the polarisation
- For islands with width ion orbit (banana)
width - electrons experience the local electrostatic
potential - ions experience an orbit averaged electrostatic
potential - the effective E?B drifts are different for the
two species - a perpendicular current flows the polarisation
current - The polarisation current is not divergence-free,
and drives a current along the magnetic field
lines via the electrons - Thus, the polarisation current influences the
island evolution - a quantitative model remains elusive
- if stabilising, provides a threshold island
width ion banana width (1cm)
9Combining the effects further modifies the
Rutherford Equation
- The modified Rutherford equations becomes
Equilibrium current gradients
Bootstrap current
Inductive current
polarisation current
10The Modified Rutherford Equation summary
- Need to generate seed island
- additional MHD event
- poorly understood
- Stable solution
- saturated island width
- well understood?
- Unstable solution
- Threshold
- poorly understood
- needs improved transport model
- need improved polarisation current
11Let us explore the theory on which this is
based Identify weaknesses, and roles for
12An analytic calculation the essential ingredients
- The drift-kinetic equation
- neglects finite Larmor radius, but retains full
trapped particle orbits - We write the ion distribution function in the
form - where gi satisfies the equation
- Solved by identifying two small parameters
Lines of constant W
Self-consistent electrostatic potential
Vector potential associated with dB
rbjparticle banana width wisland width rminor
13An analytic calculation the essential ingredients
- The ion drift-kinetic equation
14Order D0 solution
- To O(D0), we have
- The free functions introduce the effect of the
island geometry, and are determined from
constraint equations on the O(D) equations
No orbit info, no island info
Orbit info, no island info
15Order D solution
- To O(Dd0), we have
- Average over q coordinate (orbit-averagea bit
subtle due to trapped ptcles) - leading order density is a function of perturbed
flux - undefined as we have no information on
cross-field transport - introduce perturbatively, and average along
perturbed flux surfaces
16Note solution implies multi-scale interactions
- Solution for gi(0,0) has important implications
- flatten density gradient inside island
stabilises micro-instabilities - steepen gradient outside could enhance
micro-instabilities - however, consistent electrostatic potential
implies strongly sheared flow shear, which would
presumably be stabilising - An important role for numerical modelling would
be to - understand self-consistent interactions between
island and m-turbulence - model small-scale islands where transport cannot
be treated perturbatively
across X-pt
across O-pt
17Aside Physics of the separatrix multi-layer
- In the separatrix layer, electron parallel
dynamics and cross-field diffusion balance - formalism for collisionless solution developed
by Hazelitine et al - work in progress to understand influence on
particle responses, and hence polarisation
current (work in progress (M James, et al))
Defines transport layer
Far from island
Connects to g(0,0) far from separatrix
Collisional layer connects to Maxwellian
Transport layer (solution not Maxwellian)
18Work in progress Magnetic islands influence ITG
19Geometry magnetic islands in a sheared slab
- We adopt a sheared slab geometry with a
magnetic island - Consider long, thin islands weak variation of
equilibrium in y-direction - Work in island rest frame (ie, an equilibrium
radial electric field exists)
Magnetic field
Flux quantity
Electrostatic potential has 3 pieces
ITG pertbn (linearised)
- We perturb about a Maxwellian with density and
temperature functions of x - Two pieces
- one time independent response to island
perturbation - a time dependent response associated with ITG
- use gyro-kinetic theory to derive particle
responses - For time-dependent pieces, we Fourier transform
perturbations - order kxrikyriltlt1 Kywltlt1, ri/wltlt1
- The equilibrium radial electric field can be
used to define a drift frequency (normalised to
the island diamagnetic drift frequency) - We can also define diamagnetic frequency
associated with ITG instability
A measure of the island rotation frequency in ExB
rest frame (ie an O(1) parameter)
21Ion response time-dependent perturbations
- After much algebra
- perturbatively treat FLR and the parallel
dynamics for the time-dependent ion response - impose quasi-neutrality to derive
- Terms in ad represent flow shear, terms in an
represent flattening of island - anad1 for the case with the island
- anad0 for the case with no island
Doppler-shifted freq
Shear flow
22Local Stability Analysis (1)
- Parameter set hi10, t2, rs/w0.2, Ls/Ln-15,
wE-0.5, b0.12 - Density profile flattened across island
- Doppler shift effect slightly destabilising
- Pressure profile effects substantially stabilise
- ITG mode is most unstable in vicinity of X-point
- Modification to mode structure, and effect on
stability will influence c?
23Return to Calculation
24Order Dd equation provides another constraint
equation, with important physics
- Averaging this equation over q eliminates many
terms, and provides an important equation for
gi(1,0) - We write
- We solve above equation for Hi(W) and
- yields bootstrap and polarisation current
Provides bootstrap contribution
Provides polarisation contribution
25Different solutions in different collisionality
- Eqn for Hi(W) obtained by averaging along lines
of constant W to eliminate red terms - recall, bootstrap current requires collisions at
some level - bootstrap current is independent of collision
frequency regime - Equation for depends on
collision frequency - larger polarisation current in collisional limit
(by a factor q2/e1/2) - Construct current perturbation Amperes law ?
Rutherford eqn - A kinetic model is required to treat these two
collisionality regimes self-consistently - must be able to resolve down to collisional
time-scales - or can we develop clever closures?
26Summary of the Issues
- What is the role of transport in determining the
threshold? - Is a diffusive model of cross-field transport
appropriate? - How do the island and turbulence interact?
- How important is the transport layer around
the island separatrix? - What is the role of the polarisation current?
- Finite ion orbit width effects need to be
included (ie wion banana width) - Influenced by transport layer at separatrix?
- Need to treat the case v?vE?
- An accurate derivation of the electrostatic
potential is required for the polarisation
current (ie quasi-neutrality) it likely
influences the bootstrap current at small island
width too - Glasser term physics.important for STs?
- What provides the initial seed island?
- Experimentally, usually associated with another,
transient, MHD event - How do we determine the island propagation
frequency? - Depends on dissipative processes (viscosity, etc)