Title: PrimalDual Algorithms for Connected Facility Location
1Primal-Dual Algorithms for Connected Facility
- Chaitanya Swamy Amit Kumar
- Cornell University
2Connected Facility Location (ConFL)
Graph G(V,E), costs ce on edges and a
parameter M 1.
- F set of facilities.
- D set of clients(demands).
- Facility i has facility cost fi.
- cij distance between i and j in V.
3We want to
Cost ?iÎA fi ?jÎD ci(j)j M ?eÎT ce
facility opening cost client assignment cost
cost of connecting facilities.
4Previous Work
- Ravi Selman Look at related problem - connect
facilities by a tour. Round optimal solution of
an exponential size LP. - Karger Minkoff Combinatorial algorithm with
large constant approx. ratio. - Gupta, Kleinberg, Kumar, Rastogi Yener Also
use LP rounding. Get a 9.001-approx. if F V, fi
0 for all i, a 10.66-approx. in the general
case. - Guha, Meyerson Munagala Talwar Gave a
constant approx. for the single-sink buy-at-bulk
5Our Results
- Give primal-dual algorithms with approx. ratios
of 5 (F V, fi 0) and 9 (general case). - Use this to solve the Connected k-Median problem,
and an edge capacitated version of ConFL.
6Rent-or-buy problem
Special case with F V and fi 0, "i. Suppose we
know a facility f that is open in an optimal
solution. What does the solution look like ?
Open facility
Steiner tree. cost of e Mce.
Shortest paths cost of e ce(demand through
7Equivalently, Want to route traffic from clients
to f by installing capacity on edges. 2 choices
I Rent Capacity cost µ rented capacity
(Shortest Paths)
II Buy Capacity fixed cost, 8 capacity (Steiner
ConFL º single-sink buy-at-bulk problem with 2
cable types and sink f.
8Design Guideline
Cluster enough demand at a facility before
opening it. Suppose we run a g-approx. algorithm
for FL, and each open facility serves M clients.
9An Integer Program
xij 1 if demand j is assigned to i. ze 1 if
edge e is included in the Steiner tree.
Min. ?j,i cijxij M ?e ceze (primal) s.t. ?i
xij 1 ?j ?iÎS xij ?eÎ?(S) ze ?S Í V fÏS,
j xij, ze Î 0, 1 (1)
Relax (1) to xij, ze 0 to get an LP.
10What is the dual?
vj º amount j is willing to pay to route its
demand to f. Let yS ?j yS,j. yS º moat
packing around facilities.
vj cij ?SiÎS,fÏS yS,j
11The Algorithm
- Decide which facilities to open, cluster demands
around open facilities. Construct a primal soln.
and dual soln. (v,y) simultaneously. - Build a Steiner tree on open facilities.
- The following will hold after 1)
- (v,y) is a feasible dual solution.
- j is assigned to i(j) s.t. ci(j)j 3vj.
- Each open facility i has M clients, j,
assigned to it s.t. cij vj.
Suppose the 3 properties hold. Let A be the set
of facilities opened, Di j assigned to i cij
vj for iÎA. Then, Di M. Let D1 UiÎA Di.
C ?jÎD1 vj ?jÏD1 3vj.
13Phase 1
Simplifying assumption can open a facility
anywhere along an edge.
Notion of time, t. Start at t0. Initially vj
0, ?j. f is tentatively open, all other locations
are closed. Say j is tight with i (has reached i)
if vj cij. Sj is set of vertices j is tight
14Raise all vj at rate 1. Also raise ySj,j at same
- Keep raising vjs until
- There is a closed location i with which M demands
become tight tentatively open i. Freeze all
these M demands. - j reaches a tentatively open location freeze j.
Now only raise vj of unfrozen demands. Continue
this process until all demands are frozen.
15Execution of the algorithm
M2, time t0
16Execution of the algorithm
M2, time t2
tentatively open location
not open location
unfrozen demand
17Execution of the algorithm
M2, time t3
18Opening locations
Let i be tentatively open. Di j j is tight
with i . ti time when i was tentvely
opened. Note, Di M. But the Dis may not be
19Assigning clients
Consider client j.
20- i(j) location that j is assigned to.
- ci(j)j vj.
- ci(j)j vj 2vk.
- vj ti since j freezes at or after time ti.
- Also vk ti .
- So vk vj and ci(j)j 3vj.
For every open i, all clients in Di are assigned
to i. Di M, so at least M demands j are
assigned to i with cij vj.
21Putting it together
Need to show that (v,y) is feasible.
Almost Could have opened non-vertex
locations. Fix Move all such locations to
vertices. Cost only decreases ! e.g.,
Theorem The above algorithm is a 5-approx. for
23The General Case
- F Í V Cannot open a facility everywhere.
- Facilities have costs Want to open cheap
- Modified Phase 1
- Dual variables, vj, also pay for opening
facilities. - Cluster M demands around terminal locations,
open facilities near terminal locations.
Theorem There is a 9-approx. algorithm for the
general case.
24Let A be the set of terminal locations, Di j
cij vj for iÎA. We ensure Di M. Let D1
UiÎA Di.
Can show, F C ?jÎD1 3vj ?jÏD1 7vj.
2 minjÎDi vj
S ?jÎD1 2vj
25Open Questions
- Better approximation only know an integrality
gap of 2 from Steiner tree. - Multicommodity buy-at-bulk. Multiple source-sink
pairs, route flow from source to sink. Have
different cable types. Kumar et al. give a const.
approx. for multicommodity rent-or-buy. - Unrelated metrics Min. ?i fiyi ?j,i cijxij
?e deze. Can reduce from group Steiner tree get
a O(log n) LB. Matching UB?