Title: Is there a weight of evidence supporting Evolution
1According to pollster George Barna 83 percent of
teenagers in this country today believe that
"moral truth depends on the circumstances. Only
6 percent believe that moral truth is absolute.
Only 9 percent of born again teens believe in
moral absolutes Why are Biblical claims of
authority ignored? Because the Bible does not
match the teaching of the Theory of Evolution,
which is taught as a fact in our schools.
Charles Darwin is held to be a higher authority
than Moses, the Apostles and even our Lord and
Savior Jesus.
Evolution And the Bible
What is Fact and what is Fiction?
Why is there an Evolution/Creation Debate?
Is there a weight of evidence supporting
2Creation A Reality Check
The Leading Lies and Misunderstandings of
Global Flood or Fairy Tale?
- Is the Biblical flood story defensible?
- Where did all the water go?
- How could all the land be covered?
- How did all the animals fit on the ark?
- Is the Global Stratigraphic Column a Fairy Tail?
- What does mount St. Helens have to do with it?
- What does history say?
- What did the ark look like?
- Where did all the races come from?
- Trust the Bible its all true!