Title: Week 10 Project week 1 Diffusion
1Week 10- Project week 1 - Diffusion
- Today
- Project forms
- Assignment
- Examples
- Second Test
2Meetings and Project Progress Forms
- Teams must met with me in Kirk 212 every Tuesday
and Thursday with project form completed. These
forms are available on the web site for section7 - www.egr.uri.edu/che/course/egr106
3First Assignment of Project
- EGR106 Section 7
- Due April 8, 2008 after class
- Instructions The first problem in this
assignment asks the team to write and test a
program using a function. Name your file
diffusion.m and submit it along with the answer
to question 2 to m_cedrone_at_cox.net. - 1. Using the following information, create a
program using a function that will output the
diffusivity of carbon D - in iron from an
input that is the temperature in degrees
centigrade. - DDoe(-Q/RT)
- where Do 2.2x10-4 m2/sec, Q29300 cal/mole,
R1.987 cal/mole.K, T temp in oK ( ie K
273C) - 2. Plot out the diffusivity in units of m2/sec
against temperature in units of 1000/K (degrees
Kelvin) from 300C to 1200C. Hint - take logs of
the equation above. Put your team name as the
title of the figure. - These programs will be discussed at the meetings
on Thursday April 10th.
4Assignment 9 Question 1
- Example of function diffusionC to calculate
diffusivity at any temperature for carbon in BCC
iron. - gtgt diffusionC(773) Note input is temperature
in oKelvin - ans
- 1.1423e-012
- gtgt diffusionC(1273)
- ans
- 2.0500e-009
- gtgt
5 Assignment 9 Question 2
6Future Programs.
- Input-
- Temperature in oC, depth for desired carbon
concentration, desired carbon concentration,
average carbon concentration in steel and surface
carbon concentration. - Program-
- Calculates the time required to meet input
conditions. - Output-
- To reach 0.06 wt Carbon concentration
at0.0005 takes56hours at500 C
7Future Programs.
Diffusion profiles for carbon at 500oC after
50,500,5000 and 50000 secs
8Second Test
- Question 1
- gtgt A1,2,3B4,5,6
- gtgt CA.B - command line needed
- C
- 4 10 18
9Second Test
C 2.3355 1.6184 -0.8421 gtgt AC -
check answer ans 7.0000 5.0000
- Question 2
- gtgt A2,3,34,2,96,-7,2B751
- gtgt det(A)
- ans
- 152
- gtgt CA\B
10Second Test
- Question 3
- function zarearect(x,y)
- Finds the area of a rectangle
- Inputs are x and y for width and length
- Simple demo
- zxy
- Question 4
- gtgt arearect(4,5)
- z
- 20
- ans
- 20
11Second Test
- Question 5
- gtgt A2,4,8,1012,14B2,4,68,10,12
- gtgt CAB
- C
- 36 48 60
- 96 132 168
- 136 188 240 YES
- Question 6
- gtgt DBB
- ??? Error using gt mtimes
- Inner matrix dimensions must agree. NO
12Second Test
- Question 7.
- gtgt A2,44,8B1,23,4
- gtgt CAB
- C
- 14 20
- 28 40
2x1 3x414 2x24x420 4X13x828 4x28X440
13Second Test
Question 8 solution xlinspace(0,180,181)
ysind(x) zcosd(x) wtand(x) subplot(2,2,1)
plot(x,y) subplot(2,2,2) plot(x,z) subplot(2,2,
4) plot(x,w)
14Second Test
- Question 9.
- Would the following commands run and if not can
you correct them? - xv 20.1,2
- yv xv.4 3xv.2 1 need period for
element by element - plot(x,y need correct data and parenthesis
(xv,yv) - end