Title: A New You: Health for Every Body
1A New You Health for Every Body
Lesson 7 Motivators to Move
2What keeps you from being more active?
3 Slide 6
Slide 4
Why I'm not more active
Ring of Excuses
Excuses, excuses
4I do not have time!
It only takes a minute to start (it all counts!)
Be productive at the same time
Turn off the tube
5I can not afford a club or the equipment!
Walking is free
Change how you do everyday tasks
Household equipment (filled jugs, rope, can
rubber bands)
6I hate it, exercise is boring!
Recapture the zest of joyful play
Change the E word to enjoyment
Variety is key
The best activity is the one you do!
7I am too old.
Can reduce the risk of falling
Help maintain an independent lifestyle
Improve ability to perform every day tasks
8I am too tired.
It boosts your energy! You feel better all day!
The best argument FOR being active!
9I get sore. I could get hurt!
No pain, no gain is a myth
Medical concerns, contact a healthcare provider
Gradually increase
10I am too fat!
Fitness is important indicator of health
Water aerobics are gentle to the body
Physical activity healthful food choices can
help stabilize weight
11None of my friends exercise.
Urge friends family to join you
Help yourself and others (pets too)
Need support from family friends
12I do not like to sweat!
Select breathable, loose clothing
Shower after strenuous activities
Try swimming or water aerobics
13I do not have the right clothes.
Good shoes are a great investment in you
Find appropriate support garments
Comfort over fashion
14It is too cold outside!
Wear outdoor gear
Warm up first
Find indoor equipment
15I have kids!
Ask friends family to help
Use nap time
Do activities together
16Excuses, excuses A Lesson of New You
Developed by Mary Kay Wardlaw
Project Education Specialist WIN the Rockies