Title: Preparing for Mass Casualty and Pandemic Flu
1Preparing for Mass Casualty and Pandemic Flu
- Richard Branson MSc, RRT
- Associate Professor of Surgery
- University of Cincinnati
- Richard.branson_at_uc.edu
2 Lessons from History
- Sarin gas release - Matsumoto, Japan 1994
- Most severly injured respiratory symptoms
including copious salivation and airway
compromise - All who arrived at the hospital survived
- Mechanical ventilation 8 patients
- Duration of ventilation was short lt 4 hours
- Only 1 patient with anoxia remained ventilated
longer than 1 day - Morita H. et al. Lancet 1995346290-293.
3 Lessons from History
- Sarin gas release - Tokyo, Japan 1994
- Five subway cars on three subway lines
- 5000 people sought medical evaluation
- 11 patients died
- 640 patients treated at St. Lukes International
Hospital - Okamura T. Ann Emerg Med 199628129
4 Lessons from History
- Sarin gas release - Tokyo, Japan 1994
- 528 patients (82.5) mild injuries eye
- 107 with systemic signs and symptoms
- Dyspnea was the third most frequent complaint
- 5 (FIVE) patients required intubation and
mechanical ventilation - 3 required CPR 1 died
- Intubation 3 for CPR, 1 for seizure, 1 for
secretions - All survivors extubated in lt 24 hours
- Okamura T. Ann Emerg Med 199628129
5 Lessons from History
- Copenhagen Denmark 1952 population 1.2 mil
- Polio rate was 238 per 100,000 total
- From July 24 to Jan 1953 2,241 case of polio
1,235 were paralytic - Tracheostomy and manual ventilation were required
in 345 paralysis cases - More than in the previous 10 years
- 70 patients at any one time requiring MV. 3 years
later 25 still required MV - Aug 28 to Sept 3 50 cases a day were admitted
- Lassen HCA. Management of Life-Threatening
Poliomyelitis. E S Livingstone LTD, Edinburgh
and London 1956.
6 Lessons from History
- Copenhagen Denmark 1952 population 1.2 mil
- At the time of the epidemic there were 5
ventilators in Copehagen 3 were chest cuirass - During the first phase of the epidemic
- 31 patients treated with negative pressure
ventilation 27 died!! - Tracheostomy was performed
- Medical students provided manual ventilation
bag-valve- tracheostomy tube - in 4 hour shifts
for up to three weeks - Lassen HCA. Management of Life-Threatening
Poliomyelitis. E S Livingstone LTD, Edinburgh
and London 1956.
7Lessons from History
- Manual ventilation with a self-inflating bag and
CO2 absorber - Rebreathing conserved oxygen (2-4 L/min)
- CO2 absorption produced heat and humidity
8Charity Hospital New Orleans 2005
A caregiver providing manual ventilation to one
patient and receiving comfort from another.
(AJRCCM deBoisblanc 2005)
Scales DC. Emerg Infect Dis. 2003
10Siegel J, et al. Draft Guideline for Isolation
Precautions. 2004.
11Terrorist Attacks
- So called suicide attacks
- Unfortunate experience and expertise from Israel
- Use of explosives and shrapnel (bolts, nails,
nuts) - Predominate injury is lung injury (blast injury)
- 50 of patients who survive to hospitalization
develop ARDS and require mechanical ventilation
12Terrorist Attacks
- 20 attacks gt 10 wounded
- Total of 1475 wounded, 92 ICU admissions, 80
patients requiring MV - 52 of patients had acute lung injury
- Blast injury is the major mechanism
Aschkenasy-Steuer et al Crit Care 200591186
13Pandemic Flu
14 1918 Pandemic Flu
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17Models of Pandemic Flu
- Planning Assumptions
- Attack rate 35 of population
- Hospitalization rate 10 of cases
- Case fatality rate 2 - 50
- Asymptomatic, presymptomatic transmission 3
0 - 50 - Reproduction number 2 people
- Serial interval 2 4 days
- Infectious period peaks day 2(1-8)
- Incubation period 7 (1 8 days)
18Preparing for Pandemic Flu
- Florida (pop 18.3 million)
- 1st Wave/2nd Wave Total
- Cases 3.2 million 6.4 million
- Hospitalized (10) 320,000 640,000
- Dead (5) 160,000 320,000
- Tallahassee Metro (pop 250,000)
- 1st Wave/2nd Wave Total
- Cases 43,750 87,500
- Hospitalized (10) 4,375 8,750
- Dead (5) 2,188 4,375
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20Lessons from History
- To date, bioterrorism has resulted in additional
mechanical ventilation requirements, but at a
manageable volume - Manual ventilation via a secured artificial
airway has been shown to be successful for weeks
21What are the Plausible Scenarios?
- Trauma natural or man-made
- Nerve agents sarin, tabun, VX, soman
- Pulmonary Irritants phosgene, ammonia
- Biologic Agents plague, tularemia, anthrax,
botulism - Radiologic Events nuclear weapon, dirty bomb
22What are the Plausible Scenarios?
23What are the Necessary Features of a Ventilator
for Each Scenario?
- Where will mechanical ventilation be performed?
- Who will perform mechanical ventilation?
- Where will the gas supply come form?
- How long will it last?
- Does the ventilators capabilities match the
needs of the patient, skill of the operator?
24What are the Necessary Features of a Ventilator
for Each Scenario?
- All scenarios except nerve agent exposure require
constant volume delivery, control of airway
pressures, monitoring, alarms, and control of
PEEP and FIO2 - When nerve agents result in paralysis airway
control and short term ventilation good air in
bad air out is all that is necessary - Airway control intubation, LMA, LT
- Ventilation can be as simple as bag-airway
25Device Classification
26Device Classification
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28Ventilator Characteristics
- FDA approved for adults/peds
- Ability to operate without compressed gas
- Battery life 4 hrs
- Volume control
- CMV and IMV
- PEEP to 20 cm H2O
- Utilize both high and low pressure O2 sources
- Control of RR, PEEP, VT, Flow or IE
- Monitor Paw and VT
- Alarms
- Disconnect, apnea, high/low pressure, high
pressure source gas disconnect
29Ventilator Characteristics
- Rugged
- Light weight
- Easy to use
- Gas consumption
- Battery life
- Easy to trigger
- lt10 k
- Vendor support and longevity
- Maintenance
- Training
30Specific Devices
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32Critical Factors
- In a MCI many patients will need ventilation
exceeding not only equipment but staff
capabilities - Likely that critical care RRT will supervise
non-critical care RRT and others in care of the
ventilated patients - The ventilator must have adequate alarms and
monitoring - The ventilator must have a simple interface and
be easy to use
33Critical Factors
- Battery life
- Low gas consumption
- Ability to ventilate adult and pediatric patients
- Rugged
- Ancillary devices circuits, humidifiers,
suction catheters - Personal protective equipment (PPE) protect
34Gas Consumption
Branson RD AARC 2006 Open Forum
35Stockpiling vs. Distribution
- CDC has ventilators in a managed inventory
- Some states have similar stockpiles
- Another plan is to distribute ventilators to
sites around the state where they are used in the
ED, during transport, PACU, etc. - Distribution assures trained staff, appropriate
maintenance, and provides additional equipment to
existing facilities
36Why not cheap, disposable resuscitators?
- Disadvantages
- Requirement for high pressure gas source
- Short term operation (15-40 mins E cylinder)
- Inconsistent volume and rate (pressure cycle)
- No alarms
- Failure to cycle
- Inability to operate with a leak (face mask
ventilation pressure is not reached device sticks
in the inspiratory phase). Questionable with
airway other than ET intubation
37Flow Controlled, Pressure Cycled Automatic
- Advantages
- Inexpensive
- Light weight
- Small easily stored
38Oxylator Pressure cycled during automatic
39Oxylator Automatic Resuscitator and Demand Valve
Expiratory resistance up to 26 cm H2O/L/s (normal
is 4)
40Flow Controlled, Pressure Cycled Resuscitators
- Any role?
- In the hospital where gas supply is virtually
limitless and skilled care givers are present to
monitor device function - However will not adequately ventilate the patient
with stiff lungs (ARDS) - No method to provide PEEP other than increase
expiratory resistance
41The Limiting Factor in Ventilator Deployment is
Compressed Gas
- At the site or ground zero the major limitation
is a supply of compressed gas - Compressed gas shipping is controlled by DOT and
delivery by air is restricted - Cylinders are heavy, require special handling,
and storage
42Mass Casualty Ventilator
Battery power 6 hours (if using 100 O2 26
hrs) Delivers Room air (oxygen if
available) Assist control time cycled, constant
flow and volume CPR 152 ratio (rate 12
b/min) Rate and volume adjustments are
separate High pressure and disconnect alarms
Intended for mass casualty care Pr-hospital
will not meet needs of patients with ARDS
43Why Not NIV?
- In MCC too many patients not enough staff
- Successful NIV requires additional time up-front
- Success of NIV in hypoxemic respiratory failure
is poor - Airway control is important
- Possible increase in caregiver exposure to
aerosols from coughing high flow - Do not recommend NIV for stockpiling however
repurposing of NIV for invasive ventilation is
44CDC SNSCenters for Disease Control and the
Strategic National Stockpile
- Delivery to marshalling site in 24-72 hours
- 4000 ventilators currently in the stockpile
- 2000 Impact 754 (compressor driven ventilator)
- 2000 LP-10 (piston powered ventilator
SNS is intended for hospital delivery Timing
will not be helpful for EMS needs Ventilators
intended for in-hospital care
45Stockpile Ventilators
46Strategic National Stockpile
47Ventilator Management
- Stored in DSNS air cargo containers
48Additional Equipment
- Current stockpile provides additional equipment
in cases
49Ventilators Surge Capacity
- Current hospital inventory
- Look to local resources
- Every OR has an Anesthesia Workstation including
ventilator and monitoring - University of Cincinnati 28 instant ICU beds
- Transport, home care ventilators
- Manual resuscitators people power
50 Training Triage
- Respiratory therapists will be at the forefront
of the pandemic - Training of staff in PPE and disaster management
is essential - Cross training of non-RT staff to perform some
procedures may be helpful - Triage all patients will receive care some
will receive only pallative care
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- Coordination get to know local and state
disaster planners - Training
- Education
- Safety
- Staffing
- Stockpiling vs. Distribution
- Understand the threat and prepare accordingly
54Continuous En Route Care
Historical Route From Injury to Definitive Care
- Evac Policy -
- 15 Days
- Evac Policy -
- 7 Days
Definitive Care Level 4
- Evac Policy -
- 1 Day
In Theater Hospital Level 3
Field Hospital Level 2
Battalion Aid Station Level 1
55Continuous En Route Care
BAS Level 1
Forward Surgical teams Level 2
Combat Support Hospital, EMEDS, Fleet
Hospital Level 3
Definitive Care Level 4
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57The Challenge
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59Tactical CCATT
- Light
- Noise
- Vibration
- Altitude
- Duration
60Mission Profile
- Rotary Wing
- One tail-to-tail swap
- Space considerations
- Environmental considerations
61Current Equipment Suite
- Good news
- It works well enough
- All services have settled on the same equipment
- Bad News
- Its old
- Its heavy
- Its clumsy
- The pieces are not meant to work together
62Autonomous oxygen control
- In the deployed setting Oxygen is a critical
resource - Assumption-
- it is desirable to decrease FiO2 as long as SaO2
is maintained - Input controller- SaO2
- Output controller- FiO2
63SpO2/FIO2 Controller
- Clinical trial of up to 95 patients
- Four hours of manual and four hours of automatic
FIO2 control in randomized fashion - Impact 754 ventilator Masimo Oximeter
Algorithm via PC - Data collection every 5 seconds
64Start Controller
African American male, scooter versus car, chest
pain, hemoptysis, grade IV liver laceration,
splenic laceration splenectomy, bilateral
pulmonary contusions, pulmonary laceration,
aspiration of blood, and acute lung injury.
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68O2 use L/min
69Autonomous Respiratory Support System
- Integrated system includes
- 6-liter O2 concentrator
- Ventilator, as part of LTM
- Closed-loop FiO2/PEEP controller
70Portable Oxygen Generating System (POGS)
- Closed-Loop Control (CLC)
- Completed CLC between ventilator/pulse
oximeter/O2 concentrator - Based on SpO2, FiO2 and O2 output are regulated
- Max FiO2 0.4, with ventilator settings rate
16 tidal volume 600 mode assist/control - Tested 16-19 March during parabolic flight, NASA
Johnson Space Center
71Oxygen Generation with CLC
- DARPA Grant DAAH01-03-C-R112
- FIO2 range 21-60
- Closed-loop control of oxygenation
- Feedback control of O2 generation/power
- Ventilator managing respiratory parameters
Lightweight Trauma Module
Portable Oxygen Generating System
Closed-Loop Control