Title: Strategic Groups and Choice of Promotional Tools
1Strategic Groups and Choice of Promotional Tools
Empirical Evidence from Portugal and New
Zealand Zhilin Yang, City University of Hong
KongKim Shyan Fam, City University of Hong Kong
- 9th Multi-cultural Marketing Conference
- Montego Bay, Jamaica, December 11-14 2003
2Research Questions
- 1.Do differences in strategic approach warrant a
different set of promotional tools? - 2.Does environmental uncertainty influence a
retailers choice of promotional tool?
3Research Hypotheses
H1 That Discounters will prefer price
markdowns/in-store displays more than
other promotion tools H2 That High
Profile/Price retailers will dislike price
markdowns/in-store displays as it will
damage their image. H3 That retailers who
perceived environmental uncertainty will prefer
price markdowns due to its less risky
nature. H4 That Discounters will allocate a
larger proportion of their promotional
budget to price markdowns than High Profile/Price
retailers. H5 That High Profile/Price retailers
will allocate a larger proportion of
their promotional budget to mass media than
4Research Methodology
Portugal New Zealand
Sampling Frame Yellow Pages list of clothing and shoes retail stores in 5 cities Yellow Pages list of clothing and shoes retail stores in 5 cities
Questionnaire Distribution Methods Delivered by post to Managers 2 waves of mailing 3 weeks apart Delivered by post to Managers 2 waves of mailing 3 weeks apart
Definition of size of retailers Large retailers with 6 or more outlets in the chain (franchise retailers inclusive) Small retailers between 1-5 outlets, majority of sample has 1 outlet Large retailers with 6 or more outlets in the chain (franchise retailers inclusive) Small retailers between 1-5 outlets, majority of sample has 1 outlet
Research Instruments 7 promotion tools 10 items relating to strategic orientation of the firm 7 promotion tools 10 items relating to strategic orientation of the firm
Scale 1 strongly disagree/ very unimportant, 7 strongly agree/ very important 1 strongly disagree/ very unimportant, 7 strongly agree/ very important
Response Rate 161 responses (94) 287 responses (39)
Characteristics of Respondents
Characteristics Portugal n 161 Portugal n 161 New Zealand n 287 New Zealand n 287
Characteristics N Per cent n Per cent
Clothing Stores 146 90.6 213 74.2
Shoe Stores 15 9.4 74 25.8
Independent Retailers 110 68.3 256 89.2
Chain Stores 51 31.7 31 10.8
- H1- Discount strategic group prefers PMIS
supported - H2- High Profile group dislikes PMIS supported
- H3- Environmentally uncertain retailers prefer
PMIS supported - H4 H5 partially supported
- Portuguese Discounters apportion a larger
promotion - budget to PMIS than High Profile retailers, but
not reflected - in the NZ sample (H4)
- Portuguese High Profile retailers apportion more
budget - to MM, but not reflected in the NZ sample (H5)
- Findings supported earlier studies that
retailers strategy affects choice of promotional
tools - High Profile retailers do not like PMIS as it
would cheapen their store image - Perceived environmental uncertainty will lead to
the use of short-term promotional tools like PMIS - Location could play a role in choice of
promotional tools like sparsely populated NZ
where Discounters spend more on MM instead of
PMIS Portuguese retailers choice