Chapter 05: Analysis Techniques - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 05: Analysis Techniques


It is also a documentation tool of course ; ... 5.5.2 Usability. May include consideration of: The required training time for the users; ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 05: Analysis Techniques

Chapter 05 Analysis Techniques
  • We will review and apply the techniques that can
    be used to document the software requirements.
  • 5.1 Vision
  • Can be broken up into
  • Introduction
  • Business Case
  • Stakeholders Descriptions and Goals
  • Software Overview
  • Summary of Software Features
  • It needs to be kept short
  • Example See Separate Vision Document
  • A very short introduction.
  • Making the business case in important (as is
    evaluating alternatives e.g. other similar
  • Identifying the end users and researching their
    abilities and needs is important.
  • Note the use of a basic, but very useful, System
    Context Diagram

  • Note the very terse list of features.
  • 5.2 Functional Model
  • Can be broken up into
  • GUI Prototype Screenshots
  • Brief Use Cases
  • Use Case diagrams
  • Some Detailed Use Cases
  • Some System Sequence Diagrams
  • Prototyping Techniques and GUI design are seen in
    other chapters
  • 5.2.1 Brief Use Cases
  • A use case describes sequences of actions a
    system performs that yields an observable result
    of value to a particular actor. I.e. A use case
    is a narrative document that describes the
    sequence of events of an actor (an external
    agent) using a system to complete a process.

  • Example of a brief use case for a computerised
    shop Buying items in a shop
  • Use Case Buy Items
  • Actors Customer, Cashier
  • Description A Customer arrives at a checkout
    with items to purchase. The Cashier records the
    items to be purchased and collects payment. On
    completion, the Customer leaves with the items.
  • A brief use case must remain short but yet
    encapsulate the entire process from an actor
    point of view.
  • An actor in an entity external to the system
  • Kinds of actors include
  • roles that people play
  • computer systems
  • electrical or mechanical devices
  • A use case is a relatively large end-to-end
    process description that typically includes many
    steps or transactions it is not normally an
    individual step or activity in a process.
  • Initially all actors and all the most
    important/critical use cases need to discovered
    and documented in a brief format.

  • Use Cases and GUI prototyping should occur in
    parallel and feed off each other.
  • 5.2.2 Use Case Diagram
  • The use cases can be summarised very simply using
    a use case diagram (UML)

  • 5.2.3 Detailed Use Cases
  • Complex, important use cases may need to be
    detailed further
  • We add a typical course of event section to the
    use case it describe the happy path of events
    of the process
  • We can also add an alternatives section that list
    the main options
  • Example See Use Case Separate Document
  • Detailing a use case can take time it is
    necessary for the most important/critical
    processes of the future system
  • 5.2.4 System Sequence Diagrams
  • A system sequence diagram shows the sequence of
    input and output events for the entire system or
    some use case.
  • It brings us a step closer to design.
  • They can be obtained by reading very carefully
    the use cases (and correct them if necessary)

  • Example of System Sequence Diagram (UML) for the
    Buy Items Use Case
  • You must read the Buy Items Use Case in its
    detailed format (see separate document) to
    understand where the SSD above comes from.

  • Sequence diagrams can become very (too) complex
    try to keep them simple create more than one
    for a given use case if necessary.
  • In the UML, we can use the loop, alt, opt (and
    others) operators to indicate iterations,
    alternatives, or optional sequences.

  • 5.2.5 Tutorial
  • A Library system See Separate Document
  • 5.2.6 Conclusion on Functional Model
  • It takes time to document a good, verified,
    agreed, functional model
  • It must the composed of
  • GUI Prototype Screenshots
  • Brief Use Cases
  • Use Case diagrams
  • Some Detailed Use Cases
  • Some System Sequence Diagrams
  • 5.3 Data Model
  • It can be broken into
  • Basic Data Descriptions
  • Entity Relationship Diagram
  • 5.3.1 Basic Data Description
  • Some of the data manipulated by software are
    un-related to each other and are quite simple.
    For example an address, a user name, a country
    name etc.
  • For this kind of data it is important to identify
    all the inputs and outputs that the system will
    manipulate (as well as their frequency).

  • The format of the data needs to be detailed very
    briefly at this stage.
  • Simple English description is usually sufficient,
  • Address composed of Address1 field (100 chars
    max), Address2 field (optional, 100 chars max),
    Postcode (optional, ??), Town/City (50 chars
    max), Region/County (drop down box?), Country
    (drop down box)
  • User Name between 5 to 15 alphanumerical chars
  • Country Name Drop down list (from International
    Standard Organisation)
  • Some research may be necessary to discover what
    information the system need to track E.g. a
    payroll system
  • employment contract (official position
    description, grade (??), hours worked, automatic
    deductions, tax rate etc.
  • All of these are very important to establish
    during the analysis of a payroll system project
    as they maybe more complex than initially thought

  • But sometimes more complex data descriptions are
    necessary using a specific notation E.g.
  • Phone number Local_ExtensionOutside_Number
  • Local_Extension 701 750
  • Outside_Number 9Local_NumberInternational_Num
  • Local_Number PrefixDigit
  • Prefix Digit
  • International_Number 00Country_CodeNational_Nu
  • This is usually straightforward to do but
    beware to research the area properly (E.g. for
    future localisation of the software, if the area
    under consideration is fuzzy)
  • A data Glossary can be used to describe the data
    entities manipulated by the software it is a
    central repository of terms used in the
  • It can also serve as a cross-referencing tool for
    all the terminology used in a project to ensure
  • CASE tools can be used to record the Glossary

  • 5.3.2 Entity Relationship Diagrams
  • If the data that the software will manipulate has
    strong inter-dependence then entity-relationship
    diagrams are necessary
  • This is typical of database systems
  • Even if the software will not contain a database,
    Entity Relationship Diagrams may be necessary if
    the data has some inter-relationships.
  • We may need ERDs for data input, stored,
    transformed and produced within an application.
  • An ERD concentrates solely on data (different to
    an Object Oriented approach where operations (aka
    methods) also need to be identified).
  • Data Entities, Attributes and
  • A data entity is often composed of various
    attributes (i.e. properties).
  • For example an insurance system

  • It is very important to identify all the entities
    that will be manipulated by the software.
  • Some attributes may uniquely identify entities
    (e.g. Registration Number for a vehicle) they
    are called keys. Sometimes entities have no
    natural keys (e.g. a person)
  • During analysis this does not matter
  • During design artificial keys may be created
    (e.g. driver_id, order_number)
  • We only want to identify entities and attributes
    that make sense within the application context
    (e.g. height of a person is not relevant for an
    insurance application).

  • If the entities are related to one another in the
    application context then these relationships need
    to discovered
  • It is a sure sign that an Entity Relationship
    Diagram is necessary.
  • The attributes will need to detailed eventually
  • What is a type for a vehicle?
  • What is the format of a registration number?
  • Etc.
  • This can be done using plain English, or a
    specific notation as seen in section 5.3.1
  • Diagram
  • We can visualise most of this information using
    an entity relationship diagram
  • Many different notations exist and are suitable
    (I use a UML-like notation)
  • Just pick one notation and use it consistently
  • CASE tools can be used
  • E.g. for an insurance system a partial ERD might
    look like

Type Make Model Registration number
Name Address Age
Is Insured
  • We can also record the types of the attributes on
    the diagram (especially is using a CASE tool)
  • To add details to ERDs the multiplicity of the
    relationships should also be recorded
  • The multiplicity records how many instances of an
    entity are related to another entity within a
    relationship (again various notations exists)
  • E.g.


Zero or more many

one to forty

one or more

exactly five
  • Example a job agency software


Name Address Age
Name Contact Workforce

Type Duration
has applied

  • Even on such a very simple example many questions
    need to answered, E.g.
  • Can a person work for more than one company?
  • Does a vacancy always need a company? (yes)
  • Naming the relationship is very important to help
    understanding of the model.
  • We should be able to read the relationships both
    ways E.g.
  • A person works for some companies
  • A company employs some persons
  • Your first ERD will probably be wrong
  • It needs to be refined, discussed with all
    stakeholders it is primarily a communication
    tool to clarify, elicit, the requirements
  • It is also a documentation tool of course
  • You need to model all the information that the
    software will need to know about
  • 5.3.3 Tutorial
  • A Library System See Separate Document

  • 5.3.4 Conclusion on Data Model
  • It can be broken into
  • Basic Data Descriptions
  • Entity Relationship Diagram
  • 5.4 Behavioural Model
  • It is mainly made up of
  • State Machine Diagrams
  • A behavioural model is not always necessary only
    consider using them if you can identify some
    entity for which functions depends on its state
  • In general, business applications have few
    state-dependent entities in the
    telecommunication, and device control domains
    however they are everywhere

  • Transitions between states can have associated
    actions and guards which are conditions which
    must be true for the transition to occur
  • We may also have nested states

  • A state machine diagram represents the states and
    events that cause an entity to change state. It
    can also indicate what actions are taken as a
    consequence of a particular event.
  • A state is any observable mode of behaviour
  • 5.4.1 Tutorial
  • A Library System See Separate Document
  • 5.4.2 Conclusion on Behavioural Model
  • It is mainly made up of
  • State Machine Diagrams
  • 5.5 Supplementary Specification
  • It can be broken into
  • Functionalities across use cases
  • Usability
  • Reliability
  • Performance
  • Supportability
  • Other Relevant Remarks
  • Use cases are best for capturing the functional
    requirements, the supplementary specification is
    there to specify the non-functional requirements
    or the functional requirements that cannot be
    easily described by a use case.

  • 5.5.1 Functionalities Across Use Cases
  • Sometimes some functionalities are not easily
    expressed in a use case or cut across many use
    cases (e.g. many complex systems tend to have
    minimal human interfaces or even other device
    interfaces, but that doesn't mean they don't do a
    lot of work on behalf of someone or something)
  • Systems that are primarily algorithmic and
    computational in nature (such as
    satellite-tracking, or telecommunication-switching
    ) achieve their results by implementing a variety
    of scientific and other algorithms. In these
    cases you may choose to use mathematical
    expressions, statistical algorithms, and so on to
    represent the majority of the requirements.
  • Many applications work behind the scenes, for
    example, in industrial automation and robotics.
    Since these embedded-controls systems primarily
    execute sophisticated logical and control
    algorithms, you may wish to augment the use-case
    model with state machines, sequential logic
    expressions, or other techniques.
  • Applications that parse input strings, compile
    code, or translate from one language to another
    may have significant functional requirements that
    are better expressed in other ways.

  • In these specific cases the supplementary
    specification can contain functional requirements
    not captured by the use cases.
  • 5.5.2 Usability
  • May include consideration of
  • The required training time for the users
  • Specify the existence and required features of
    online help systems, wizards, tool tips,
    context-sensitive help, user manuals, and other
    forms of documentation and assistance
  • Anything that will made the application more
    usable for all its intended users.
  • 5.5.3 Reliability
  • Must consider the necessary reliability level
    required for the application e.g. Mean Time
    Between Failures (MTBF) specified in hours.
  • Also recovery from failures must be considered
    (e.g. automatic back-up)

  • 5.5.4 Performance
  • To include considerations of
  • Response time average, maximum
  • Throughput transactions per second
  • Capacity the number of customers or transactions
    the system can accommodate
  • Degradation modes the acceptable mode of
    operation when the system is overloaded
  • 5.5.5 Supportability
  • Supportability is the ability of the software to
    be easily modified to accommodate enhancements
    and repairs (i.e. how to facilitate future
  • E.g.
  • Being able to customize the application (e.g. new
    tax rate) without having to write new code
  • 5.5.6
  • Other constraints (technical), legal issues,
    localisations, purchased components, licensing,
    interfaces (other than main GUI), installation
    and deployment matters etc.

  • 5.5.7 Example
  • See Separate Document for supplementary
    specification sample.
  • 5.6 Business Rules
  • This section of the specification may contain
    rules (or link to external documents) that are
    specific to the application domain. E.g.
  • Rules for a game application (chess, poker rules
  • Accounting regulations
  • Business rules dictate how a domain or business
    may operate. They are not requirements of any one
    application, although an application's
    requirements are often influenced by business
  • This section may not be needed for some
  • 5.7 Glossary
  • The Glossary is a list of noteworthy terms and
    their definitions.

  • It is surprisingly common that a term, often
    technical or particular to the domain, will be
    used in slightly different ways by different
    stakeholders this needs to be resolved to reduce
    problems in communication and ambiguous
  • CASE tool is essential.
  • See Separate Document for glossary sample.
  • 5.8 Other Resources
  • Managing Software Requirements A Use Case
    Approach 2nd Ed. by Dean Leffingwell and Don
    Widrig at Addison Wesley

  • 5.9 Conclusion
  • Analysis during a software project is about
    discovering, documenting and validating the
    software requirements.
  • It is about the what of the application it is
    not concerned about the how (design).
  • In a waterfall approach to software development
    we expect the full software requirements to be
    fully detailed prior to design and coding.
  • In an evolutionary approach to software
    development we want the most important
    requirements to be detailed at the beginning of
    the project. These, and the others, will be
    refined, completed as partial design, coding
    testing takes place on some parts of the project.
  • Diagrams are rarely sufficient on their own they
    often need to be clarified and detailed in plain

  • A suggested specification document layout is
  • Vision
  • Introduction
  • Business Case
  • Stakeholders Descriptions and Goals
  • Software Overview
  • Summary of Software Features
  • Functional Model
  • GUI Prototype Screenshots
  • Use Case diagrams
  • Brief Use Cases
  • Some Detailed Use Cases
  • Some System Sequence Diagrams
  • Data Model
  • Basic Data Descriptions
  • Entity Relationship Diagram
  • Behavioural Model
  • State Machine Diagrams
  • Supplementary Specifications

  • To help us discover, sometimes document and
    validate the requirements we can use prototyping
    methods (see next chapter)
  • Sometimes, areas of the project need to be
    specified to a degree of preciseness and
    correctness that is impossible to achieve using
    diagrams and plain English we must use a formal
    specification language (see the chapter after
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