Title: Framing Intervention Martin Reynolds Open Systems Research Group
1Framing InterventionMartin Reynolds (Open
Systems Research Group)
Critical systems thinking and social learning
- Rural Development for the XXIInd Congress of the
European Society for Rural Sociology - Wageningen, 20-24 August 2007August 2007
2Framework Directives
- Glendower
- I can call spirits from the vasty deep.
- Hotspur
- Why, so can I, or so can any man but will they
come when you do call for them? - From William Shakespeare (Henry IV Pt.1 Act III
Scene 1) - From shakespeare to project management cycles
- Frameworks
- Command-and-control models
3Intervention Whats wrong with the project
management cycle?
- Command-and-control mindset
- Comfortable
- Business-as-usual (BAU)
- Sanitised/ sterile
- Commoditised
- Depoliticised
- Corporate driven
- Disengaged
- Imprisoning
- Complacent
- Purposive
- Linear
- Stasis
Project state (Marsden Sonnino,
2005) Evaluative state (Parsons, 1995)
4Re-framing project intervention
- Making sense of change in complex
interrelationships - (holistic thinking boundary critique)
- Engaging with multiple often conflicting,
perspectives - (interpretivist thinking social learning)
- Challenging boundaries of practice and
understanding - (boundary thinking critical systems practice)
5Contexts of (re)framing
- (2001-04) SLIM (social learning for the
integrated management and sustainable use of
water at catchment scale) European Commission
set of interventions (Ray Ison and Niels Röling
others) examining SL as alternative to regulatory
and fiscal devices for managing natural resources
- http//slim.open.ac.uk
- (2005-06) Systems Concepts in Evaluation Book
and workshop intervention (Gerald Midgley and
Richard Bawden others) examining ways of
developing systems ideas for practicing
evaluators in USA - http//users.actrix.co.nz/bobwill/
- (2004-06) ECOSENSUS (Electronic/Ecological
Collaborative Sensemaking Support System) Guyana
focused intervention (Werner Ulrich others)
exploring distributed process-orientated
environmental management as an alternative to
conventional project-orientation - http//kmi.open.ac.uk/projects/ecosensus/
61 Making sense of change in complex
interrelationships(holistic thinking boundary
Project management cycle 1969gt
Experiential learning cycle Kolb (1984)
Boundary critique Ulrich (2002)
7Real world interrelationships
Boundary critique Ulrich (2002)
From summative to formative evaluation
82 Engaging with multiple often conflicting,
perspectives(interpretivist thinking social
From positional bargaining towards interest
based stakeholding development
9Multiple perspectives stakeholding development
SLIM framework
Constituents of situation
- One of the platform members, in frustration with
the official process, has set up an informal
multistakeholders group. They call themselves
cake bakers, developing new recipes together,
to distinguish themselves from the cutting up of
the cake deals that seem to characterise the
official platform process.
10- Challenging boundaries
- (boundary thinking critical systems practice)
- Two dialectical tension in critical systems
- Internal logic (fw)Practice and
(fw)understanding (vertical axis) - External logic Systems and situations
(horizontal axis)
ECOSENSUS (Electronic/Ecological Collaborative
Sensemaking Support System)
11Critical systems (SSM CSH) ePAR framework
From purposive action towards purposeful
action www.open.ac.uk/openlearn
12Summary framing purposeful intervention
Conventional Project Management framing
- Inter-relationships and judgement
- "Only Connect ..... " E. M. Forster
- Formative evaluation
- Perspectives and interests
- A systems approach begins when first you see
the world through the eyes of another C.W.
Churchman - Stakeholding development
- Boundaries and Action
- No problem can be solved from the same
consciousness that created it. We have to learn
to see the world anew. Albert Einstein - Purposeful action