Title: Sustainable Aviation
1Sustainable Aviation
Aviation and the Environment - State of Play
Conference 2 November 2005
Dr Mike Steeden Director, Civil Air Transport
2 November 2005
2Manufacturers supplying the civil air
transport, aerospace defence, homeland security
and space markets.
- Unique a manufacturing industry which is
internationally competitive UK aerospace
accounts for 13 of world market - 114,000 directly employed, 255,000 jobs supported
in total in the UK - Employs 45,000 people and generates 4.9 billion
of turnover outside the UK. - Latest figures show turnover at 18 billion, new
orders up 28 to 22.6 billion the highest
level since 1998 - and productivity up by 8. - 2005 is looking equally promising for both civil
and defence sectors with worldwide aircraft
orders at the highest levels for five years and
production levels up 26.
3Building for the future
- a strategic approach to develop the business and
remain the no 1 player outside the US
4Manufacturing part of the wider UK aviation
industrial community
- UK aviation supports 675,000 jobs directly and
indirectly in the UK - UK aviation generates a 14 billion value-added
contribution to GDP - UK aviation delivers one third (by value) of the
UKs exports 13 billion
5- A world first for the UK and a unique
collaboration between the major industrial
stakeholders in UK aviation. - Foreword by Prime Minister.
- Shared commitments to deliver an aviation
sustainable development strategy, including
biennial publication of progress report. - Comprehensive, designed to ensure that the
industry is fully embracing sustainable
development goals. - Launched 20 June 2005
6Background to the strategy
- Public debate on aviation and environment HMG
sustainable development strategy - Engagement with Ministers, Sustainable
Development Commission, Pioneers Group, Society
of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. - Air Transport White Paper Dec 2003
- Initiated through Greener by Design
- Aerospace Innovation and Growth Team
- Part-funded by DfT/DTI
7An holistic, balanced approach, emphasising
- Recognises all effects and impacts of aviation
- Economic
- Social
- Environmental
- Aims to reflect the Air Transport White Paper
balance between the economic benefits of aviation
and the environmental challenges it creates. - By working with government and society the
industry can demonstrate that economic success,
social progress and respect for the environment
can go hand in hand. - Prime Ministers foreword to Sustainable Aviation
8Broad UK aviation support
- British Airways, Easyjet, First Choice, flybe,
Monarch, Thomas Cook, Thompson and Virgin
Atlantic - British Airports Authority (BAA) and most UK
airports - Airbus UK, BAE SYSTEMS, Bombardier Aerospace
Belfast, Cobham, Defence Aviation Repair Agency,
Doncasters, GKN plc, Marshall of Cambridge
Aerospace, Meggitt, Messier-Dowty, Rolls Royce,
Smiths Group. - National Air Traffic Services (NATS)
- Airport Operators Association (AoA)
- British Air Transport Association (BATA)
9Structure of the strategy
15 year time-frame, built around 8 goals, 34
10Commitments on climate change
- Airline and airport signatories to build support,
assist in developing practical solutions for
inclusion of aircraft CO2 emissions in the EU
Emissions Trading Scheme by 2008 - Improving fuel efficiency by 50 by 2020 (the
Advisory Council on Aeronautic Research in Europe
ACARE targets) - Support research into non-CO2 effects of aviation
- Inform passengers and look at offsets
- Common reporting of direct CO2 emissions and fuel
11The challenge of ACARE
Possible design solutions
Meeting the ACARE 50 fuel burn target needs
advances in all areas
12Commitments on noise
- Reduce external noise by 50 by 2020
- Mitigation initiatives
- Develop and promote low-noise procedures
- Support operating restrictions where less
restrictive solutions are not available - Engage with noise-affected communities
13Commitments on local air quality
- Reduce nitrogen oxide emissions by 80 by 2020
- Contribute to measurement and research
- Continue to improve ground vehicles, supply of
ground power and availability of cleaner fuels - Quantify trade-offs
14Recommendations to government
- 12 in all, including
- Continuing to work through the International
Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and other
relevant international organisations, to define
solutions at an international level - Continuing to take a leading role in ensuring the
delivery of the AeIGT National Aerospace
Technology Strategy.. ensuring funding
mechanisms are available to enable manufacturers
to maintain the drive towards technological and
operational targets - Encouraging and facilitating Industry and
Academic studies on technical and economic
impacts, and on trade offs, aimed at meeting
environmental targets, including active support
to link international research in this area.
- Industry trade bodies are committed to
establishing a joint mechanism to implement the
sustainability strategy, increasing participation
and strengthening commitments.
16Delivering the commitments
- Sustainable Aviation Working Group (SAWG) set up
Aug 05 - SAWG responsible for co-ordinating sectoral
inputs - Champions responsible for commitment delivery
have been identified - Delivery will require significant cross-sector
co-operation - SAWG is overseen by the Sustainable Aviation
Council members from all sectors and major
aviation companies - Inaugural meeting of Council 7 November 2005
17Sustainable Aviation Council
- Airport sector
- Keith Jowett AOA, Helen Murley, BAA
- possibly with Manchester airport representative
- Airline sector
- Roger Wiltshire, Danny Bernstein BATA
- Andrew Sentance BA
- Air Navigation Service Providers
- Alan Jack NATS
- Manufacturing sector
- Sally Howes - SBAC, Martin Boyce - Airbus
- Colin Beesley Rolls-Royce
18Timetable to first progress report
19Taking the strategy forward in the SBAC
- SBAC Sustainable Aviation Board responsible for
ensuring sector delivers on its commitments - Working with companies to assess progress towards
ACARE targets - Working with the Environmental Special Interest
Group to promote best practice, raise awareness
and benchmark performance - Working with companies on Environmental
Management Systems implementation (ISO14001,
Airbus/ EU Site and Product Oriented EMS
programme) - SBAC Climate Change programme
20The Aerospace Innovation and Growth Team National
Aerospace Technology Strategy
21Supply chain EMS status
22Company environmental policy
23Climate change agreement performance
- 30 manufacturing sites from 11 companies
re-certified at milestone 2. - More than 1million benefit per annum to
participants - Carbon credits for 42,225 tonne equivalent CO2
issued - Over-performance of 8 against sector targets
The strategy outlined marks a significant step
change in aviations response to the
environmental issues and signals our commitment
to the long-term sustainable development of our
25Sustainable Aviation
Aviation and the Environment - State of Play
Conference 2 November 2005
Dr Mike Steeden Director, Civil Air Transport
2 November 2005