Title: The Aviation White Paper and the Highlands
1The Aviation White Paperand the Highlands
- Tom Matthew
- Highlands Islands Enterprise
2The Highlands
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6Inverness Medical Part of Johnson Johnson
Group 1,200 employees Exporting world-wide Staff
travelling world-wide on a daily basis
7Ensuring Access To Hub Airports
We cannot have a situation where the regions
are denied access to London Alastair Darling
8Inverness ServicesPresent Provision
- Other Cross-Border Services Manchester Birm
ingham Stockholm
9Research Into The Impacts Of Loss of
Inverness-Gatwick Service (1)
- Independent study, undertaken in December 2001
- This was before easyJet Gatwick service
bmi Heathrow service - Based on loss of full service operator with
additional services to Luton or Stansted
10Research Into The Impacts Of Loss of
Inverness-Gatwick Service (2)
- Short-run employment loss of 1,400 Full-Time
Equivalent jobs - Long term impact could be greater - not least
through perceptions of the region
beingperipheral, with minimal interlining and
premier routes from the South East - Impacts generally felt in premier businesses
- Traditional cost-benefit analysis cannot
quantify the negative impacts in terms of trips
no longer made - Yet when Inverness-Heathrow ceased in 1997,
traffic between London and Inverness fell by 20
11The Findings In Context
- Impact equals one in every hundred jobs in the
region - Loss of premier businesses regional GDP per
capita is only 75 of the UK level under 3
of the regions businesses employ more than 50
- Low population (434,000) means that business base
needs to be outward looking-exports and tourism - Limited business base means that we require the
import of external expertise - Impacts would be felt widely in geographic terms
12Caithness Sutherland 7
Ross and Cromarty 18
Inverness Nairn 43
Skye Lochalsh 3
Moray, Badenoch Strathspey 29
Origin of residents using the BA
Inverness-Gatwick service
13Significance of Interlining
- In the case of Inverness some firms were
there on the assumption that they could easily
get to London and the US (Alastair Darling)
but.. - The White Paper defines London as Heathrow,
Gatwick, Stansted, Luton and City
14London AirportsService Profiles
At August 2003
15Interlining Gatwick and Luton Compared
Source CAA Data
16Possible Alternatives?
- Markets too thin to support extensive direct
services to non-UK hubs - Interlining opportunities at regional airports
are much less than at south east hubs - Surface access only one direct daytime train
between Inverness and London which takes 8 hours
- Air services to London generate very significant
economic benefits - Need a mix of services to London airports-no
frills and full service - This must include connections to hub airports,
with adequate frequencies and timings - Interlining opportunities are essential,
especially where the remote airport has limited
connectivity - Defined circumstances for a PSO should reflect
surface travel alternatives - Good air services are essential to growing
regional prosperity