Title: BankAccount Example
1BankAccount Example
- Nattapong Songneam
- http//www.siam2dev.com
- xnattapong_at_hotmail.com
2Class Diagram with Multiple Classes
- firstName String
- balance double
- lastName String
- account BankAccount
getBalance double
Customer(fString, lString)
deposit(amt double)
getFirstName String
withdraw(amt double)
getLastName String
setAccount( acctBankAccount)
getAccount( ) BankAccount
Class Diagram of Customer.java and
3????? Project ????
- ????????? File
- ????? New Project
- ????????? File
- ????? New Project
4????? Project ????
- ????? java
- ????? java application
- ?????? Next
5???????????? BankAccount
????? Project ????
- Name BankAccount
- Location C\java_project
- ?????? finish
6????? ???????? (New File)
????? Project ????
- ????????? File
- ????? New File
7????? Project ????
????? ???????? (New File)
- ????? java
- ????? java class
- ?????? Next
- ????? Class Name BankAccount2
- ??????
9??????????? Balance
10????? ????????????? (constructor)
initBalance initial ???????? Balance ???????
11?????????????????????? (deposit)
12?????????????????????? (withdraw)
13Error ????????????
Error ??????????? return
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- package bankaccount
- /
- _at_author nat
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- public class BankAccount2
- private double Balance
- public BankAccount2()
- Balance 0.0
- public BankAccount2(double initBalance)
15????? object ??? BankAccount2
Overloading constructor method
16?????????????? Overloading Method
17???????????????? BankAccount2
????????? RUN
public class Customer private String
firstName private String lastName private
BankAccount2 account public Customer(String f,
String l) this.firstName f this.lastName
l this.account null public String
getName() return (this.firstName " "
this.lastName) public BankAccount2
getAccount() return this.account public
void setAccount(BankAccount2 acct) this.account
20- public static void main(String args)
- Customer cust new Customer("Joe","Goodman")
- cust.setAccount(new BankAccount2(3000.0))
- System.out.println("customer "
cust.getName() - " open account with balance "
- cust.getAccount().getBalance() "
baht.") - cust.getAccount().deposit(1250.25)
- System.out.println("customer "
cust.getName() - " deposit 1250.25 baht "
- " current balance "
- cust.getAccount().getBalance() "
baht.") -
21- GUI graphic user interface
22GUI graphic user interface
23???? OK
24?????????? Exit
25?????? jButton2
26(No Transcript)