Title: Face to Face
1Face to Face
- Malaysia ltgt Finland
- Leonora A. Peers ltgt Marjo Hirvonen /
- Nina
2Project Description
- Visits of Students from Helsinki Business
College, Kemi-Tornio Vocational College (Finland)
and Garden International School (Malaysia). - Prepared by intense online communication between
students to share various aspects of their
culture and plan a suitable itinerary for the
January 13th profiles to be posted on ICT
platformJanuary 20th - an area of culture to be
uploaded every week with provisions for
questioning and discussion through an open
forum/chat. March 3rd Itinery of the
forthcoming visits to be planned, shared and open
for discussion and modification15th - 23rd
March students from Finland to visit Malaysia
(Homestay)APRIL BREAK IN MALAYSIA13th - 21st
May students from Malaysia to visit Finland
(Homestay) June students and teachers to
evaluate the project
mid October to decide on the ICT platform where
exchanges will take place to plan a format of a
CV for pupils to fill up if they are interested
in joining the project15th November
applications to join the project will be
available for students to fill22nd November all
applications to be submitted for consideration
each teacher to view applications and decide on
numbers and gender of successful
applications29th November cvs to be exchanged
between teachers for viewing9th December final
decision on pairing studentsCHRISTMAS
BREAKDuring the Christmas holidays, students
would work on their personal profiles and area of
culture which they have been assigned
4Student Activities
- e-mail
- webpages
- open forums
- actual visits
- Students are expected to write a report on their
visit and post it up with any accompanying
photographs on the ICT platform.