Title: An Astronomical Observatory at the Galbreath Wildlands Preserve
1An Astronomical Observatoryat theGalbreath
Wildlands Preserve
- SST School Meeting
- January 2006
Gordon G. Spear
2Light Pollution and Dark Skies
- GWP has some of the darkest skies in Northern
California - SSUO (suburban sky, BC 5)
- GORT (rural-suburban transition, BC 4.5)
- GWP (typical truly dark site, BC 2)
Light pollution map of the Bay Area region
centered on GWP
- A 1-meter world-class research telescope
- Completely remotely operable using the internet
- Completely energy self sufficient
- An environmentally green facility
- Minimal impact on the environment and ecosystems
- Support instruction in astronomy (plus science
and math education in general) for K-12,
undergraduate, and graduate students
- Why is bigger better?
- Fainter objects
- More objects
- More distant objects
- More example objects of a given type
- Higher attainable precision (more photons)
- More detail recordable
- Some pictures
5DFM 1-meter
Red Buttes Observatory
6ACE 1-meter Tarleton State University Observatory
7Looking at the TSU Observatory 1-meter telescope
8Observatory Building Structures
- Instrument building (the observatory!)
- Control room, work room, storage
- Energy generation
- Separate buildings are preferred
- Mechanical and thermal isolation
- Some pictures
9Red Buttes Observatory, Wyoming
10TSU Observatory, Texas
11Dark Sky Observatory, North Carolina
12RAVEN Observatory, Hawaii
13Research (some examples)
- Active galaxy surveillance (especially the
blazars!) - Gamma Ray Burst follow-up
- Close binary systems
- Emission-line object surveillance
- Near Earth Object follow-up and analysis
- Discovery of extrasolar planetary systems
14Short Term Goals and Plans
- Fund raising
- Site evaluation
- Clear horizon
- Highest possible elevation
- Easy access from road
- Environmental monitoring
- Atmospheric optical stability monitoring
- Site selection
- Architectural designs
- Begin construction
View from a high elevation location at the
Galbreath Preserve