Title: Estimating a Population Proportion
1Estimating a Population Proportion
- Goal Given a sample proportion, estimate the
value of the population proportion p. - Example In a sample of 750 people, 27 said
they feel that health care is the most important
issue facing our state. What proportion of the
population feels that health care is the most
important issue?
- The sample is a simple random sample.
- The conditions for the binomial distribution
apply There are a fixed number of trials, the
trials are independent, there are two categories
of outcomes, and the probabilities remain
constant for each trial. - The normal distribution can be used to
approximate the distribution of sample
proportions, since and -
- Since p and q are not known, we use the sample
proportion to estimate their values.
3New Notation
- p population proportion
- sample proportion (of x successes in a
sample of size n)
4The sample proportion is the best point
estimate (single value approximation) of the
population proportion p. Problem Using
to approximate p doesnt convey how accurate we
expect our estimate to be. To do that, we need
confidence intervals
5Confidence Intervals (CI)
- A confidence interval is a range (or interval) of
values used to estimate the true value of the
population parameter. -
- A confidence level is the probability that our
confidence interval contains the true value of p. -
- The confidence level is expressed as a
probability 1- a
6Common Values
- 90 confidence level (a 0.10)
- 95 confidence level (a 0.05)
- 99 confidence level (a 0.01)
7An example of a Confidence Interval
- Based on our survey earlier,
- The 95 confidence interval estimate of the
population proportion p is 0.235 lt p lt 0.305 -
- This means that there is 95 chance that this
interval contains the actual population
proportion p. -
- In other words, 95 of the time that we do a
sample, the confidence interval will contain the
true population proportion.
8Critical Values
- A critical value is a z-score that separates
outcomes that are likely to occur from those that
are unlikely to occur. -
- An example For 95 confidence interval
9For the 95 confidence interval, a .05 Notice
that 0.025 falls above the critical value, and
0.025 falls below the opposite (negative)
critical value. Each of these areas is
a/2. Notation The critical value za/2 is the
positive z-value that separates the top area of
a/2. -za/2 is the boundary of the bottom area of
10Another Example
- So if our confidence level was 99, the critical
value za/2 would be the score that separates the
top 0.5 of data, and za/2 would separate the
bottom 0.5 of data. - Leaving 99 of the data between za/2 and za/2
11Finding Critical Values
- Example
- For the 95 confidence interval, the area above
za/2 is .025, so the area below is 1-.025 .975 - So P(z lt za/2) .975. From the table, we find
za/2 1.96
12Common Critical Values
- 90 a .10 Critical value 1.645
- 95 a .05 Critical value 1.96
- 99 a .01 Critical value 2.575
- (listed at bottom of z-score table)
13Creating a Confidence Interval
14Margin of Error
- The margin of error E is the maximum likely (with
probability 1-a) difference between the observed
proportion and the population proportion p.
15Summary of Procedure for finding a Confidence
- Verify the required assumptions are satisfied
- Find the critical value that corresponds to the
desired confidence level - Evaluate the margin of error E
- Find the values and .
Write the confidence interval - Round values to three decimal places
- In a sample of 750 people, 27 said they feel
that health care is the most important issue
facing our state. -
- 95 confidence level, so
17Example continued
- so our confidence interval is
- 0.238 lt p lt 0.302
18Example continued
- 0.238 lt p lt 0.302
- Based on our survey results, we are 95 confident
that the true percentage of Washingtonians who
feel that health care is the most important issue
facing the state is between 23.8 and 30.2.
19From a Confidence Interval
- If you know a confidence interval, the middle
value is the point estimate (in this case, ).
You can find it by calculating - If you know a confidence interval, the Margin of
Error is half the width of the confidence
interval. You can find it by calculating
20Determining Sample Size from desired Margin of
when is known
when is not known
- 6.2 5, 13, 17, 21, 27, (29)