11 Language Origins, and Development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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11 Language Origins, and Development


The heart of Chomsky's argument is that the human brains are predisposed to use ... The second diagram also illustrates the order in which words are put together. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 11 Language Origins, and Development

11Language Origins, and Development
  • The linguistic whats and neurophysiological
    hows are incomplete without the evolutionary
  • Most species are not intelligent, which suggests
    that natural selection didnt favor high

  • The heart of Chomskys argument is that the human
    brains are predisposed to use certain types of
    syntax and not others.
  • The language specializations of the brain are not
    exclusive the same areas of the brain have a lot
    to do with inventing oral-facial and hand-arm
    movement sequences, and with judging sounds
    sequenceand these functions probably evolved

  • Part of the language instinct could turn out to
    be something very simple.
  • E.g. a real fascination of the young human with
    discovering any hidden patterns in the sensory
    environment some of which can be remembered by
    patterns in the brain.

  • Selection favoring one function may well benefit
    another function.
  • E.g. Selection for language abilities benefited
    musical abilities, because it is hard to figure
    out what evolutionary circumstances would have
    rewarded four-part harmony
  • The minor product may turn into the major one in
    the long run.

  • Among the first tasks of early childhood are the
    discovery of four levels of organization in the
    apparent chaos of the surrounding environment.
  • Infants discover phonemes and create standard
    categories for them.
  • With a set of basic speech sounds, babies start
    discovering patterns amid string of phonemes,
    averaging nine new words every day.

  • Between 18 and 36 months infants start
    discovering patterns of words called phrases and
    clauses, adding s for plurals, adding ed for
    past tense.
  • After syntax, they go on to discover the rules
    about narrative having a beginning, middle and
  • Thus in four years, children pyramid four
    levels organization, each with its own rules that
    are causally decoupled from the underlying
    levels rule.

  • Words
  • The word chair is not a chair, but the word
    word is a word.
  • The correct identification of things in the
    worldcorrect in terms of the consequences we
    predict from them, rather than in any sense of
    absolute truthis adaptive, in the evolutionary
    sense of the term.

  • Misidentifying genes would not make it as far in
    the future.
  • Because of their evolutionary value, these
    processes of identification, these fine
    discriminations in terms of stored sensory
    impressions, began very early in evolution, long
    before mammals walked the earth.
  • In us these processes may seem to have reached a
    higher pitch of refinement.

  • Words represent something somehow. They serve
    focus our minds on some aspect of reality.
  • Words have properties. (adjectives, nouns, verbs,
  • My mental representation of apple is only a
    collection of neurons, all of which are also used
    for other purposes on occasion. Still, they form
    an organization that functions pretty well for
    recognizing apples, eating apples, pronouncing
    apple and so forth.

  • Most of the animal calls are analogous to our
  • One of the evolutionary puzzles is how our
    ancestors made the transition from a few dozen
    vocalizations, each with an assigned meaning, to
    our present system of meaningless phonemes (about
    40 in English) that have meaning only in
    combination with each other.

  • We may want to think of standard exclamationsand
    most primate callsas involving an older, more
    primitive system, located far away from those
    left lateral brain areas that seem to be
    important in our kind of syntactic language.
  • We may think in terms of a second language
    system, operating in parallel with an older one,
    and not necessary an intensification of the first
  • The second system could have its origins in
    something like face recognition and social
    relationship, rather than producing vocalization.

  • Words must be able to combine one another, at
    least in the minimal subject/predicate mode
  • The subject focus on the object of discourse
    while the predicate on a property/action
  • We cannot do it with calls. The latter simply
    trigger readiness for a certain behavior. No way
    that calls can be linked to one another.

  • It is words, not sentences that dramatically
    distinguish our species from others no animal
    can learn things that fall outside its biological
  • A word is the combination of a mental
    representation of something, which may or my not
    exist in the real world, with a mental
    representation of a set of symbols (phonetic,
    orthographic, manual).
  • What one utters are not words, only the
    orthographic representation of words.

  • Categories of words, such as proper names, are
    easy for us, but thats because our brains have
    some specializations for them in the front end of
    the temporal lobe, just in front of where the
    specialization for facial recognition are
  • In all mammals the frontal lobe is used to move
    and prepare for movements, so it isnt surprising
    to find verbs there, at least verbs for when one
    is the actor.

  • Terms like subject and object can only be
    defined over a syntax that already exists.
  • Before syntax existed, they were meaningless.
    For that matter ancestral humans are very
    unlikely to have had words like on or the.
  • Even today the first words of children dont
    contain them. (e.g. they dont contain
    determiners like some, few, all, many).

  • Protolanguage
  • Before syntax all that existed was a kind of
  • Protolanguage looks like the production of apes
    that have been taught to use sign or symbols, or
    at early stage pidgin languages.

  • Protolanguage varieties
  • Can only string together a small handful of
    words at a time.
  • Can leave out any words they feel like leaving
  • Often depart from the customary word order
    unpredictably and for no obvious reason.

  • Cannot form any complex structure, whether these
    be complex noun phrases or sentences more than a
    clause long.
  • Contain, if they have any at all, only a tiny
    fraction of the inflections and the grammatical
    wordsthings such as article, prepositions and
    the likethat make up 50 of true language

  • Protolanguage characteristically consists almost
    exclusively of nouns and verbs, without any
  • If adverbs appear they are usually
    whole-utterance modifiers, not modifiers of
    single words.
  • This means that all units are of equal value
    every words for itself. Hence, no syntactic
    structure, no parsing.

  • No structure vs. structure
  • John kissed Mary John
  • kissed Mary

  • This shows thats happening in the brain.
  • If the brain is working in a protolanguage mode
    each words is sent separately to the part of the
    brain that controls the motor organs of speech,
    and each word is uttered separately.
  • There is also a difference in speed between
    protolanguage users and language ones.
  • E.g. In Hawaii the old-timers spoke about tree
    times slower than their own kids.

  • If the brain is working in a language-mode, words
    are put together in whole phrases and clauses and
    even sentences before theyre sent to the speech
    organs to be pronounced.
  • The second diagram also illustrates the order in
    which words are put together.
  • One parses sentences to find out their meaning
    (cf. resolution of syntactic ambiguity).

  • Parsing is something we all do every time
    anything is uttered. But it works quite
    differently depending on whether whats uttered
    is language or protolanguage.
  • If it is protolanguage, it is a good question
    whether one can be said to parse at all.
  • We cant decide what the structure is if there
    is any structure.

  • In protolanguage what one does is just the second
    part of the operation, i.e. determine the meaning
    directly from the words (and the context).
  • This is much harder since there is no structure
    to help.
  • With structure we rarely need context to figure
    out the meaning of true-language utterances,
    whereas we almost always need context to get the
    meaning of a protolanguage utterance.

  • Empty categories.
  • In true-language the antecedent is always there
    somewhere in the sentence, and there are rule to
    help you find it (e.g. anaphoric resolution,
  • In protolanguage the empty categories in nowhere
    in the utterance to be found. Without structure,
    there cannot be empty categories.

  • If all there was an epigenetic rule that said
    Seek structure amid chaos, there would be no
    Creole languages.
  • Creole languages come into existence when
    parents who speak a structureless early-stage
    pidgin pass it on to their children.
  • The children change the original pidgin in a
    single generation into a full-fledged language.
    If they were seeking structure in the pidgin,
    they wouldnt find any they impose structure
    from within their own minds.

  • We may have acquired the capacity to create
    structure in language and that capacity then
    generalized to apply in other spheres.
  • The language function was likely to be mixed up,
    location-wise, with some other functionsthat
    language cortex isnt only doing language
  • There is an enormous overlap with oral-facial
    and hand-arm sequencing, for example, suggesting
    that improvements in one might have benefited the
    others, at least at some stage in hominid

  • Phrases and clauses
  • They were born as twins, and something different
    has to underlie both phrases and clauses.
  • Argument structure does it the basic task of
    language is telling you who did what to whom (as
    well how and occasionally why).
  • Each participant in the state of action has a
    specific role to play (PATIENTS, TEHMES and
    GOALS, i.e. thematic roles).

  • Before there was syntax there were only
  • So if one looks for the first stages in the
    development of syntax one must look in semantics
    for whatever is the most syntax-like thing.
  • Argument structure is the most plausible
    candidate (e.g. PATIENT vs. AGENT).

  • Aphasic patients
  • Some can swear like sailors. So exclamation
    seems to survive when the usual lateral language
    areas (just above, and in front of, your left
    ear) are damaged.
  • Only damages to a rather distant area of cortex,
    in the midline above the corpus callosum, affects
    exclamations as welland thats about where the
    cortical aspect of monkey vocalizations seem to
    live, too.

  • This seems to suggest that our kind of language
    didnt arise from some intensification of the
    usual ape vocal repertoire.
  • Several reasons for that
  • on top of the distance between the two areas,
    there is also the meaninglessness of our
    phonemes, in contrast to one-sound-one-meaning
    obligatory interpretation of chimpanzees

  • The emergence of Protolanguage
  • It was likely to be a language system similar to
    what can be taught to apes.
  • Homo habilis and Homo erectus were probably
    closer to apes in their behavior They had
    brains bigger than those of apes, brain that grew
    steadily throughout the last several millions
    years to a size within the range of modern
    humans, made tools etc. None of this makes it
    certain that they had protolanguage then, but,
    given that they brains were not that much smaller
    than ours, it is reasonable to suppose that they

  • There must have been an intermediate state
    between no language and full language.
  • Any theory of cooperation suggests that, as a
    prerequisite, you have to be able to identify
  • Unspoken proper namesand particularly for
    individuals that you dont see everydaymight be
    a good start for evolving words.

  • Proper names were also needed to keep track of
    those individuals for mutual support and judge
    social interactions/situations.
  • Cf. signature whistle of dolphins that seem to
    be used like names for identification purposes.
  • But getting names doesnt buy you words monkeys
    already recognize one another as individual and
    indeed have a clear map in their head that tell
    them which individuals are related to one
    another, without any kind of language to help

  • Social intelligence
  • Its the favored explanation for the trigger
    that set language going.
  • The most remarkable thing about apes society is
    that it does so closely resemble our own. We see
    the same maneuvering for status, the same family
    feuds, we see parental and filial affection, the
    forming and reforming of alliances, altruism,
    loyalty, revenge, betrayal.

  • Acts of calculation and deception on the part of
    several primate species become more frequent
    among species closer to us.
  • It seems hat the act of staying successfully
    selfish within a social community, and competing
    with individuals some of whom were as smart or
    smarter than oneself, required a lot more
    intelligence than hunting or making tools.

  • Complex social interactions/ competitions/
    deceptions may have triggered a theory of mind.
  • This is a prerequisite for language as we know
  • The capacity to understand another as an
    intentional individual seems to be linked to
    linguistic capacity.

  • From protolanguage to language
  • Once protolanguage had emerged and has reached
    an appropriate (not necessarily a very high)
    level of sophistication, it was enthusiastically
    co-opted for manipulation, deception, enhancement
    of individual prestige, social grooming, gossip,
    and all the other functions that social
    intelligence theorists have rightly assigned to

  • There are, though, good reasons to think that
    protolanguage has very little to do with social
  • If you take language away, its far from clear
    that our social lives are any more complex than
    those of chimpanzees or bonobos.
  • The selective pressure for language has to come
    from something that was unique to hominids and
    something that required the exchange of factual

  • We have to look at hominid ecology and how it
    differs from that of apes, ancient or modern.
  • Apes live mostly in heavily forested regions of
    the wilderness tropics.
  • This mean that in their daily life they dont
    have to devote the time and energy that many
    creatures do to the business of watching for and
    evading predators.
  • Chimps arent strictly vegetarian, but meat is a
    rare luxury.

  • On both predation risk and food availability the
    lives of the first hominid were very different.
  • They inhabited grassy savannas with isolated
    stands of trees and what gallery woods. There
    is an obvious tradeoff between bipedal walking
    and the ability to climb trees. Our ancestors
    start walking on two legs at least 2 millions
    years before any serious brain enlargement, so
    they were probably relatively poor tree climbers
    by the time even protolanguage emerged.

  • Savannas were, like today, prime predator
  • Ancestors of 2 millions years ago, however, were
    much smaller than we are. Yet, just like us, they
    lacked the natural offensive weapons. A species
    so ill-equipped would soon have gone extinct if
    its members hadnt devoted far more time to
    predator detection and predator avoidance than
    apes do.

  • Pragmatic intelligence
  • Predator detection and predator avoidance depend
    not on social intelligence but on what we might
    call pragmatic intelligence.
  • This is the noting of interpretation of clues in
    the environment (footprint, crushed vegetation,
    and so on), something that apes dont seem to

  • Social life didnt get more complex for our
    remote ancestor.
  • What did get more complex was the interaction
    between our ancestors and their environment.
  • The strongest selective pressure would have come
    from the brute exigencies of survival.

  • Anything, even the crudest and most limited form
    of protolanguage consisting perhaps of a handful
    words and/or gestures, has to have had an
    immediate payoff for the individuals who used it.
  • If it didnt the behavior wouldnt have
    continued and certainly not have been fixed into
    the genotype.

  • Indirect evidence/support
  • Most of the first 50 words any child learns are
    nouns like leopard.
  • Not words like hello, good bye, please,
    thank you, we would predict if the language had
    arisen to cement social networks.
  • Cf. also hunting human accuracy compared to that
    of primates.

  • Syntax
  • Its the distinctive feature of human language.
  • It derives from social intelligence.
  • People usually didnt sharply divide the
    emergence of protolanguage from the emergence of
  • These are entirely different things even if one
    did eventually lead to the other. The events
    werent even close in time.

  • Syntax and semantics
  • Syntax couldnt have emerged as a pure novelty.
  • There was semantic before syntax, and if some
    aspect of semantics could be expressed in terms
    of syntax, then these aspects make the prime
    suspect for the source of syntax.

  • Semantic/thematic roles AGENT, THEME, GOAL.
  • E.g.
  • With verbs like sleep, run you have to
    express one role
  • With verbs like make, break you have to
    express two roles.
  • With verbs like give, persuade you have o
    express three roles.

  • Given a verb one knows in advance if one ought to
    look for one, two, or tree obligatory arguments.
  • The number of thematic roles is in the vicinity
    of seven.
  • The more often obligatory are AGENT, THEME,
  • Then we have the optional ones TIME, PLACE,

  • Syntax began when people began to map thematic
    roles onto their protolinguistic output.
  • By mapping argument structure onto utterances,
    you get recursion for free. And recursion is one
    of the defining characteristics of true language
  • S ? NP VP
  • VP ? V (NP)

  • Linearization is not something we wanted it has
    been forced to us by the physical medium for
    linguistic communication we cannot make more
    that one sound at a time.
  • The really crucial relationship in language are
    not horizontal but vertical horizontal linear
    relationships cannot explain why Bobs sister
    hurt herself is grammatical while Bobs sister
    hurt himself isnt.

  • There are very fast links between verbs and the
    nouns people habitually associate with them if
    you say knife one says cut, bicycle-ride,
  • Argument structure on its own cannot remove all
    ambiguities from syntax. Hence the need of

  • Minimalism
  • Chomsky removed the distinction between deep and
    surface structure. We now have just one level of
    syntax which is a projection of the lexicon.
  • This mean that in the dictionary of your own
    language that you carry around in our head,
    stored in the distributed patterns of neural
    resonances, there is stored along with each words
    all the features of that words.

  • A words features include its meaning, its
    number and gender (if it has one), the word-class
    or classes it belongs to, its function (if its a
    grammatical morpheme), the thematic roles it
    assigns (if its a verb), etc.
  • Some of these features take the form of
    requirements (e.g. the requires a NP after
    it). What happens is that one tries to merge
    words to make larger units (phrases and clauses)
    by matching features. If the positive features of
    one word match the requirements of the other, you
    can merge them and move onto the next merger. If
    not, the derivation crashes.

  • This model is a lot closer to how the brain
    works, i.e. how it handles language than the old
    (deep/surface structure) model.
  • It makes no neurological sense to say that the
    brain first shaped up some very abstract sentence
    structure and then fooled around with them to
    make something completely different come out of
    your mouth, which is that the old
    deep-structure/surface-structure model was
    implicitly claiming.
  • Brains arent that subtle. If they can do it the
    straightforward way, they do it the
    straightforward way.
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