Title: Chinese Bond Market Challenges
1Chinese Bond Market Challenges
- Sergey N. Smirnov
- State University Higher School of Economics Moscow
Chinese Bonds Market Overview
Zero-coupon yield curve used by CGSDTC
Applying EFFAS-EBC methodology to Chinese Bonds
3Market scale
- About 3000 bonds with total worth 34 704,6
billion RMB issued since 1998 - Currently traded 1385 bonds with outstanding
amount 16 600 billion RMB (rmb usd rate - 1 Chinese yuan 0.15 U.S. Dollars)
- About 1000 transactions a day with average daily
turnaround about 150 billion RMB - Bonds are traded at Shanghai and Shenzhen
exchanges, OTC and inter-bank markets
4Chinese Bonds Market Structure
Source ChinaBond
5Chinese Bonds Market Structure
Source ChinaBond
6Market Infrastructure
- The primary market of bond issuance is largely
completed through syndication. - Governmental bonds were mostly underwritten by
the four stated-owned banks while other
commercial banks and securities companies play
active role in forming syndicate to market
financial and corporate bonds. - Most of bonds are held by banks, insurance
companies, securities firms, and corporations.
Mutual funds hold a relatively small fraction of
the total outstanding bonds.
7Instruments Present
- Treasure Bonds (Ministry of Finance).
- All terms. Bullet redemption. Majority has
coupons. - Central Bank Bills (Peoples Bank of China).
- Very short and short term. Majority are
discounted. - Government owned Banks
- All terms. Majority has coupons. Some have
options. - Corporate and Commercial Banks Bonds
- Others
8Outstanding Amount
9Current position
Chinese Bonds Market Overview
Zero-coupon yield curve used by CGSDTC
Applying EFFAS-EBC methodology to Chinese Bonds
10History of Zero-Coupon Yield Curves Development
in China
- Research (1999-2001).
- With aid of Reuters was developed first yield
curve for Treasure bonds - Prototypes (2002-2005).
- Chinese development of 4 yield curves for
Treasure bonds using information from different
markets - Exploitation and Modification (2006 - Present).
- New methods are developed and yield curves are
constructed for different types of bonds.
11CGSDTC Methodology
- Data Filtering
- Expert and Historical Estimates
- Hermite Polynomial Fitting
12Data Sources
- Deals Prices from Interbank, OTC and Shanghai
Exchange markets - Bid-Ask Quotes from Interbank market
- Market Participants estimates
13Data Filtering
Visual comparison with historical yield curves,
not historical market data
14Expert and Historical Estimates
If too many entries are filtered out the data is
augmented with expert estimates or historical
15Hermite Polynomial Fitting
- Fix bonds maturity dates as grid nodes
- Fit Hermite polynomial such that
- a) Bond pricing equation holds
- b) Yield expert estimates are recovered
16Controversial results
17Current position
Chinese Bonds Market Overview
Zero-coupon yield curve used by CGSDTC
Applying EFFAS-EBC methodology to Chinese Bonds
18Available data
- Chinabond has kindly supplied us with the
- following data
- Daily trading results.
- Daily OTC Bid/Ask quotes from 8 banks.
19Quotes co-Movement
20Bid-Ask Spread co-Movement
21Quotes peculiarities
- Data contains errors Bid gt Ask
- Data is inconsistent BidsgtAskk for several days
in a row - Quoted YTM corresponds to smth slightly less than
the Ask quote - Bid-Ask spread is far too wide
- 4 banks quote all bonds, 4 banks quote only a
22Best inter-bank Bid-Ask spreads
23Quotes Yield Curves
24Quotes Forward Rates
25Quotes (BidAsk)/2
26Quotes Summary
- Different banks use different quoting schemes
the way quotes move differs a lot - Either quotes are non-committing or banks are
isolated from each other systematic arbitrage is
present - Nobody uses spot forward rates
- Bonds are likely to be quoted in groups by time
to maturity (duration is not used)
27Prices peculiarities
- Highly illiquid market
- Prices may lie well outside Bid/Ask quotes
- Similar bonds are frequently priced unlike each
other - No filtering helps since unusual prices tend to
repeat in time
28Number of Deals
30Price vs. Bid-Ask
31Prices Yield curves
32More smoothing
33High-Coupon Effect?
- Hypothesis Chinese traders like high coupons
(bonds with high coupons are valued higher). - Testing corr(coupon size, spread) 10
34Visual Coupons
35Prices Summary
- Data from different sources are likely to be
mixed - Yield curves should be constructed from quotes
- Extremely illiquid market, price information is