Title: Health Impact Assessments in Strategic Decisionmaking
1Health Impact Assessments in Strategic
2This Presentation
- The basics of HIA
- A case study experience from local action of
implementing HIA
3How can we use the term HIA?
- Concept
- Process
- Methodology
- Model
- Tool
- Approach
4What is HIA?
- Health impact assessment is a combination of
procedures, methods and tools by which a policy,
program or project may be judged as to its
potential effects on the health of a population,
and the distribution of those effects within the
population. - Gothenburg Consensus Paper,
- ECHP and WHO Regional Office for Europe. (1999)
5Why did the methodolgy develop?
- Inadequate appraisal of impacts on human health
in environmental impact assessment (EIA) and
social impact assessment (SIA) - To raise the profile of health particularly in
policymaking - To show the impact of non-health sectors on
6What is HIA?
- Health impact assessment is a specific
methodology that can be used to answer the
following questions - What are the impacts on health and well-being of
a particular proposal on a group, community or
population? - What can we do to increase any beneficial effects
and reduce or avoid any harmful effects?
By Ms Erica Ison
7HIA is Not.
- Simply monitoring health and other indicators
- Simply using the evidence base to make policy
8EU Strategy for Sustainable development 2006
- .all EU institutions should ensure that major
policy decisions are based on proposals that have
undergone high quality impact assessments in a
balanced way to the social environmental and
economic dimensions of sustainable development
9WHO Healthy Cities Network
- Phase IV 2003-2008
- Health Impact Assessment is a core theme
10Aalborg Commitments 7. Local Action for Health
- 74 Promote health impact assessment as a means
for all sectors to focus their work on health and
the quality of life.
11Taking the Principles of Healthy Cities and the
Aalborg Commitments to the streets of Helsingborg
12Health Impact Assessment on the Proposal for
Traffic Plan in Helsingborg 2006
Photo Torsten Nilsson
- A new assessment-tool was used which had been
developed by a local multidisciplinary and
cross-sector team. - The tool is based on local conditions including
the citys 7 areas of improvement and with focus
on vulnerable groups. - Developed in cooperation with the WHOs Healthy
Cities program and expert adviser Ms Erica Ison.
14The questions in the tool
- What will be influenced? How? Who are the
stakeholders? Dialog? - Economical impact?
- Impact on specific areas of improvement?
- Identify target groups, vulnerable groups,
geographical areas? - Impact on health and wellbeing, short-term,
15The proposal in relation to areas of improvement
16The proposal in relation to gender and vulnerable
17Conclusion and recommendation
- The proposal will not affect any area of
improvement negatively, with the possible
exception of a few targeted housing areas.
Neither will the proposal increase the health
differences, except for certain vulnerable
groups, living within a few identified
neighbourhoods of the city.
18Why has Helsingborg succeed so far?
- Strong political support
- Involved in global movements
- Support for strategic, long-term structural work,
including planning, monitoring and evaluation - General awareness of health inequalities and
environmental problems
19An ongoing process.
- Be patient, work systematically and get help from
your friends!
20Further Information
- www.helsingborg.se/hallbarutveckling
- www.euro.who.int/healty-cities