Title: EPC Monitoring Initiative School Dropouts
1EPC Monitoring Initiative School Dropouts
By Indra Dedze, OSI Budapest E-mail idedze_at_osi.hu
2OECD Definition
- Dropout is a student who leaves a specific
level of education system without achieving first
UNESCO Definition
Dropping out or early school leaving is
understood as leaving school education without
completing the started cycle or program.
3Morrows Definition
- A drop out is any student previously enrolled in
a school, who is no longer actively enrolled as
indicated by 15 days of consecutive unexcused
absences, who has not satisfied local standards
for graduation, and for whom a formal request has
been received signifying enrollment in another
state licensed educational institutions. A
student death is not tallied as a dropout.
Source T. Husen, T.N. Postlethwaite (Eds) The
international Encyclopedia of
Education. Vol. 2, p. 1602, Pergamon
4Definitions in Albania
- Adropout is a student who leaves school before
its completion, for any reason other than death,
without being enrolled in another school or
institution. - If the student aged 6 -16 years, the age of
compulsory school, is for no reason absent in
school or abandons it, his/ her parents are
charged for law infraction with a fine from 1000
to 10000 leaks
5Definition of the school dropouts for the
monitoring initiative
- School dropouts were children in the compulsory
school age that were either - (i) not in school in the end of school year,
- (ii) not finishing the last grade at the
compulsory school level, - (iii) not registered for the new school year, and
- (iv) have not got certificate of education from
the respective age group
6Definitions in Latvia
- A dropout or a child, who has dropped out of
education process a pupil who has not completed
basic education and no longer attends school . - Children on the verge of dropping out pupils
who have not attend school for six months and
thus are unable to meet the demands set for basic
7Definitions in Latvia (2)
- A child/ adolescent at risk,
- A child at risk in ordinary (comprehensive)
schools, - Vulnerable child ,
- A child, who has dropped out of education process
or a dropout , - Children on the verge of dropping out ,
- Social exclusion.
8Definitions in Slovakia
- Students not attending school until its
completion are dropouts or early school
leavers. - Those absent in school without a good excuse are
truants. - For the purposes the study the term people
without completed basic education or dropout
was used.
9Definitions in Kazakhstan
- For the Ministry of Education these are children
who miss school during 10 and more days. - The Ministry of Internal Affairs regularly
conduct spot-checks to detect children who
regularly do not attend school. Thus during such
actions children who miss school without any
valid excuse fall into the record system
10Definitions in Kazakhstan (2)
- The students who dropped out from school,
- Non-attending students,
- Sporadically non-attending students,
- Risk group (the risk of quitting school is
11Dropouts in Tajikistan
- Children not attending school because of illness
or disability - Children not able to perform well and who see no
prospects for continuing school - Children dropping out because of low family
standards (the poor) - Children from mountain areas who have no access
to school (large distance to school). - Children of refugees who fled the country during
the civil war.
12Definitions in Mongolia
- Official
- Dropouts as children at the age of compulsory
basic education (currently 7 through 16) who are
not attending school - For teachers
- Drop outs are children who never attended school
or those who incurred prolonged unexcused
absences and were dropped from the list, or those
children who just quit school.
13Definitions in Mongolia (2)
- For children and Parents
- Dropouts are those who had neither secondary
education nor secondary higher education. - For the study were identified
- Drop out children, and at-risk children
- At-risk children
- Poor family Big family (4 or more children with
1 or 2 children who already dropped out)Working
after the school High rate of truancy and
Prolonged unexcused absences
14Internationally Used Terms
- Truancy,
- Non-attendance,
- Irregular Attendance,
- At-Risk (of Dropping Out),
- Drop-Out,
- Non-Completion (Early School Leaving),
- Non-Enrolment or Non-Registration.
15Additional terms
- Over the course of discussion the two other terms
came up - Hidden dropouts- children who attend school
regularly, but are neglected in the classroom and
then fail - Misreported dropouts discrepancy between
reported and observed dropouts. - These terms were randomly used by some countries.
- The international definitions were not suitable
for the purposes of the study because - the linguistic reasons as the adequate terms
could not be found in the local language and
simple translation was not possible - the terms were understood or used differently by
various organizations or individuals within the