Motor Systems Lecture 11 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Motor Systems Lecture 11


Nicholls et al. (well-referenced, possibly the best for neuroscientists) ... of the striatum, hard to excite, hence sensitive to synchronization, input from ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Motor Systems Lecture 11

Motor Systems(Lecture 11)
  • Harry R. Erwin, PhD
  • COMM2E
  • University of Sunderland

  • Nicholls et al. (well-referenced, possibly the
    best for neuroscientists)
  • Kandel et al. (medical school textbook)
  • Shepherd (general textbook)
  • Johnston and Wu (emphasizes neurophysiology, I
    dont have)
  • Avis Cohen (UMd Bio 708C course notes)
  • Bower and Beeman, The Book of Genesis, ch 8.

  • Motor System Architecture
  • The Muscle
  • Central Pattern Generators
  • Motor Systems in the CNS
  • Biologically-Inspired Motor System Models
  • Book of Genesis, Chapter 8

Motor System Architecture
  • Hierarchical
  • Cortex
  • Cerebellum
  • Brainstem
  • Spinal cord
  • Motoneurons
  • Muscles

  • Muscles are springs and correct for errors. As
    for any spring, oscillation can be an issue, but
    the muscle controls it. The muscle thinks!
  • A muscle is made up of multiple muscle
    fibersmultinucleate cells in mammals that
    contain myosin and actin (elastic). These are
    excitable cells like neurons.
  • In higher vertebrates, each fiber is innervated
    by a single motoneuron, but a single motoneuron
    can innervate many fibers of a single type. Fine
    motor skills can involve one fiber/one neuron,
    though more usually about 20. (That makes it
    interesting that H. erectus had a significantly
    smaller spinal cord diameter than H. sapiens.)

Muscle Fibers
  • Several types of muscle fibers (the first three
    listed are important)
  • SS use oxidative metabolism, are weak, do not
    appear to fatigue, have a role in maintaining
  • FR are fatigue-resistant, use both oxidative and
    non-oxidative enzymes, are stronger, and their
    motoneurons have intermediate input resistance
    and rheobase (current threshold for initiating a
  • FF fatigue rapidly, are non-oxidative
    (glycolysis), are strongest with low input
    resistance and high rheobase.
  • SS are recruited first, followed by FR, and
    finally FF.
  • S are slow and have a slow relaxation time.

Muscle Contraction Mechanisms
  • Individual fibers twitch. Muscle contraction
    uses multiple muscle fibers twitching in a
    pattern. This is non-stochastic action
    potentials always work.
  • Myosin and actin are connected by protein
    bridges. The angles of these bridges define the
    force that can be exerted, depending on the type
    of myosin.
  • Muscles maximize force when stretched. Going
    beyond that maximum length (pulled), they have
    no force.
  • Muscle fibers respond to action potentials (ACh)
    allowing entry of Ca. Cramps reflect a calcium

Muscle Efferents
  • Axon terminals synapse on the fiber. The AP must
    invade entire fiber.
  • ACh is the neurotransmitter. Vesicle release
    leads to diffusion across the junction, where it
    binds to receptors and is hydrolyzed by AChE.
    Binding opens cationic (non-specific) channels
    and the membrane potential collapses.

Spindle Systems
  • Some muscle fibers are stretch receptors, rather
    than force producers.
  • Lack contractile elements.
  • Types include primary and secondary muscle
  • Primary spindles report that the fiber theyre
    monitoring is carrying force. Measure rate of
    change, allowing you to control velocity.
  • Secondary spindles measure tension directly.
  • Not servo control!the muscle turns on first,
    control is later.

The Spinal Cord
  • Organized functionally
  • Characterized by fully coordinated rhythmic
  • Consists of fused dorsal and ventral roots
    surrounding a central canal
  • Dorsal roots are sensory (stretch receptors,
    pain, touch, joint position)
  • Ventral roots contain motoneurons
  • Organized locally into central pattern generators
  • Ends at the level of the kidneys.

Rhythmic Movements
  • Questions for research
  • How do they happen?
  • What do they mean?
  • Where do they come from?
  • Reflex chain?
  • Sequential pattern of activation?
  • Reverberatory circuits?
  • Cutting the spinal cord removes the inhibition of
    flexion/extension movements (Brown, 1914).
  • These issues are also present in the CNS, but the
    two communities do not interact much.

Central Pattern Generators (CPGs)
  • A Central Pattern Generator is a system of
    neurons that can generate a stereotyped rhythmic
    movement without sensory afference or somatic
  • It can be activated/sustained by a triggering
    stimulus (either tonic or phasic), but requires
    no modulation of the input to generate the basic
  • Lundberg and Grillner had a nasty argument on
    whether CPGs are present in the motor system.
    This is Avis Cohens specialty.

Research into CPGs
  • To demonstrate the existence of a CPG
  • The stereotyped movement must not be extinguished
    by the removal of varying sensory afference.
  • The movement must not be extinguished by the
    removal of somatic feedback.
  • Experiments beginning in 1960s produced evidence
    for CPGs. Russian studies of decorticated cats
    showed they could maintain walking motion without
    a cortex.
  • Hence the cortex turns walking on.
  • Strength of stimulation controls power, not
  • Gait changes are automatic.
  • Limbs controlled as a whole.
  • Primitive mammal-like reptiles give insight here.

CPGs and the Spine
  • CPG models have been effective in describing how
    coordinated rhythmic movements might be generated
    in the spinal column.
  • Involves interneurons (Renshaw cells) in the
    spinal cord. However, these can be turned off and
    the animal still walks.
  • Most motor actions are indirectly managed using
    opposing pairs of muscles controlled by a CPG.
    Motor cortex neurons synapse on the spinal
    interneurons (and directly on the motoneurons
    used in delicate finger movements).
  • The Renshaw cells are driven hard.

CPGs in Context
  • CPGs seem to generate body shape, not force
  • An acute spinalized curarized deafferented cat
    still walks.
  • CPG does not require sensory feedback
  • CPG does not require descending control
  • Reflex loops do not operate during locomotion.
    The spinal cord decides whether you step on
    something sharp. Corrections and adjustments to
    ground features are all handled by the CPG.

Motor Systems in the CNS
  • Motor cortex (and related cortices)
  • Basal ganglia
  • Cerebellum
  • Brain-stem nuclei

  • How are CPGs controlled by the CNS?
  • Do as I do?
  • Do as I say?
  • Do as I suggest?
  • Is the response
  • An act? (time-dependent)
  • A place? (autonomous)
  • A combination?

  • Motor commands are suspected of specifying an
    image of attainment.
  • Passiveposture
  • Activean action

Mechanisms of Coordination
  • Preservation of phase relationships
  • Non-linear
  • Developmentally tuned
  • Phase differences are fixed
  • CNS provides drive
  • Spine returns periodic signal to the CNS
  • Mutual entrainment of spine and CNS

Motor Cortex
  • Probably uses dense (vector) rather than sparse
  • Specifies terminal position of movement in
    world-centered coordinates.
  • The spinal cord seems to work in body-centered
    coordinates. Giszter et al. claim that there are
    only four degrees of freedom in the spinal cord
    of frog.
  • Cerebellum may be responsible for the change of

  • Seems to be a sensory system (Bower)
  • Receives motoneuron and sensory copies, via
    separate pathways.
  • Outputs a periodic inhibitory signal to the
    spinal cord
  • Very fast response
  • Extremely large primary (Purkinje) cells.
  • Need to be modeled below the ion channel level.
    5000 compartments are typical.

Basal Ganglia
  • Play a role in willed (rather than
    stimulus-triggered) acts.
  • No convergence in the striatum. Multiple parallel
  • Convergence at the Globus pallidus (GP).
  • Feedback loop
  • Cortices (PM, SuppM, M, SS)
  • Putamen (part of the striatum, hard to excite,
    hence sensitive to synchronization, input from
    Substantia nigraParkinsons)
  • GPext (feedback relationship with the SubThalNuc,
    inhibited by Putamen)
  • GPinf and SNreticulata (excited by GPext and
    inhibited by Putamen)
  • Thalamus (inhibited by GPinf and SNR, excites the
    prefrontal and premotor cortex).

Biologically-Inspired Motor System Models
  • Two-way street all the way down. The cortex
    should command a CPG, which then drives the
    cortex in return, signals the motoneurons, and
    interacts with sensory afferents.
  • This is a universal picture, using comparisons at
    all levels. See Rodney Brooks robot models.
  • Note that if feedback is specific,
    cell-to-cell-back-to-original cell (as in the
    inferior colliculus), this supports a
    back-propagation model for training (not just
    reinforcement learning!).

Back to Central Pattern Generators
  • The neuronal circuits that support rhythmic
    muscle contractions are referred to as central
    pattern generators (CPGs)
  • These circuits can generate this activity in
  • The ability to switch between CPGs relies on
    feedback from proprioceptors and higher CNS

Two-Neuron Oscillators
The Math of the System
  • d?i(t) ?i (in modular terms)
  • ?i(t) (?i ?i(0) ) (mod 2?)
  • When coupled, we get
  • d?1(t) ?1 h12(?1, ?2)
  • d?2(t) ?2 h21(?2, ?1)
  • ?(t) ?1(t) - ?2(t)
  • This describes the phase lag of oscillator 2
    relative to oscillator 1.

  • d?(t)/dt d?1(t)/dt - d?2(t)/dt
  • (?1- ?2)(h12(?1, ?2) - h21(?2, ?1))
  • Now assume hij is a function of ?1-?2, and is
    zero at zero. This is called diffusive coupling.
  • For the phase lag to remain constant,
  • d?(t)/dt 0.
  • If hij is proportional to the sin of the
    difference, we get different solutions depending
    on the constant of proportionality, depending on
    the ratio of ?1 - ?2 to the sum of the constants
    of proportionality.

Why is this interesting?
  • It suggests that the typical behaviour of CPGs
    should move from phase drift to phase-locking and
    potentially oscillator death for large networks.

Four Neuron Oscillators
  • Show similar but more complex behaviour.
  • Representative to fish swimming (and by
    implication of tetrapod walking)
  • Gives some insight into how gaits might be
  • Gives us confidence that our models allow us to
    understand more complex CPGs.
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