Title: Term Structure: Tests and Models
1Term Structure Tests and Models
- Week 7 -- October 5, 2005
2Todays Session
- Focus on the term structure the fundamental
underlying basis for yields in the market - Three aspects discussed
- Tests of term structure theories
- Models of term structure
- Calibration of models to existing term structure
- Goal is to gain a sense of how experts deal with
important market phenomena
3Theories of Term Structure
- Three basic theories reviewed last week
- Expectations hypothesis
- Liquidity premium hypothesis
- Market segmentation hypothesis
- Expectations hypotheses posits that forward rates
contain information about future spot rates - Liquidity premium posits that forward rates
contain information about expected returns
including a risk premium
4Forward Rate as Predictor
- Use theories of term structure to analyze meaning
of forward rates - Many investigations of these issues have been
published, we are discussing Eugene F. Fama and
Robert R. Bliss, The Information in Long-Maturity
Forward Rates, American Economic Review, 1987 - Academic analysis must meet high standards, hence
often difficult to read
5Some Technical Issues
- We have used discrete compounding periods in all
our examples e.g. - Note that that since the price of a discount bond
isabove expression includes ratios of prices.
6Technical Issues (continued)
- Alternative is to use continuous compounding and
natural logarithms - For example, at 10, discrete compounding yields
price of .9101, continuous .9048 - Yield is
7Technical Issues (continued)
- Fama and Bliss use continuous compounding in
their analysis - Their investigation is based on monthly yield and
price date from 1964 to 1985 - Based on relations between prices, one-period
spot rates, expected holding period yields, and
implicit forward rates, they develop two
estimating equations
8Fama and Bliss Estimations I
- First equation examines relation between forward
rate and 1-year expected HPYs for Treasuries of
maturities 2 to 5 yearsor, in words, regress
excess of n-year bond holding period yield over
one-year spot rate on the forward rate for n-year
bond in n-1 years over one-year spot rate
9Results of first regression
- Example results for two-year and five-year
bonds - Authors interpret these results to mean
- Term premiums vary over time (with changes in
forward rates and one-year rates) - Average premium is close to zero
- Term premium has patterns related to one-year rate
10Fama and Bliss Estimations II
- Second equation examines relation between forward
rate and expected future spot rates for
Treasuries of maturities 2 to 5 yearsor, in
words, regress change in one-year spot rate in n
years on the forward rate for n-year bond in n-1
years over one-year spot rate
11Results of first regression
- Example results for two-year and five-year
bonds - Authors interpret these results to mean
- One-year out forecasts in forward rate have no
explanatory power - Four year ahead forecasts explain 48 of change
- Evidence of mean reversion
12Summary of Fama-Bliss
- Careful analysis of implications of theory with
exact use of data can provide learning about
determinants of term structure and information in
forward rate - Term premiums seem to vary with short-rate and
are not always positive - Forward rates fail to predict near-term
interest-rate changes but are correlated with
changes farther in the future
13Models of the Term Structure
- Theoretical models attempt to explain how the
term structure evolves - Theories can be described in terms behavior of
interest rate changes - Two common models are Vasicek and
Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) models - They both theorize about the process by which
short-term rates change
14Vasicek Term-Structure Model
- Vasicek (1977) assumes a random evolution of the
short-rate in continuous time - Vasicek models change in short-rate, drwhere
r is short-term rate, ? is long-run mean of
short-term rate, ? is an adjustment speed, and ?
is variability measure. Time evolved in small
increments, d, and z is a random variable with
mean zero and standard deviation of one
153-Month Bill Rate 1950 - 2004
16Modelling 3-Month Bill Rate
- For example, using 1950 to 2004 estimated ? .01
and standard deviation of change in rate of
.46starting withDecember 2003level of .9
17CIR Term-Structure Model
- CIR (1985) assumes a random evolution of the
short-rate in continuous time in a general
equilibrium framework - CIR models change in short-rate, drwhere
variables are defined as before but the
variability of the rate change is a function of
the level of the short-term rate
18Vasicek and CIR Models
- To estimate these models, you need estimates of
the parameters (?, ? and ? ) and in CIR case, ?,
a risk-aversion parameter - These models can explain a term structure in
terms of the expected evolution of future
short-term rates and their variability
19Black-Derman-Toy Model
- Rather than estimate a model for interest-rate
changes, Black-Derman-Toy (BDT) assume a binomial
process (to be defined) and use current observed
rates to estimate future expected possible
outcomes - Fitting a model to current observed variables is
called calibration - Their model has practical significance in pricing
interest-rate derivatives
20Binomial Process or Tree
- A random variable changes at discrete time
intervals to one of two new values with equal
Rdown or up2,t
21BDT Model
- Observe yields to maturity as of a given date
- Assume or estimate variability of yields
- Fit a sequence of possible up and down moves in
the short-term rate that would produce - The observed multi-period yields
- Produce the assumed variability in yields
22BDT Solution for Future Rates
- Rates can be solved for but have to use a search
algorithm to find rates that fit - Equations are non-linear due to compounding of
interest rates - For possible rates in one period, the problem is
quadratic (squared terms only) - Can solve quadratic equations using quadratic
23Rates using Quadratic Formula
24BDT Rates beyond One Year
- Rates are unique and can be solved for but you
need special mathematics - If you are patient, you can use a guess and
revise approach - Once you have a tree of future rates, and you
assume the binomial process is valid, you can
price interest-rate derivatives
25Use of BDT Model
- Model can be used to price contingent claims
(like option contracts we discuss next week) - If you accept validity of model estimates of
future possible outcome, it readily determines
cash outflows in different states in the future
26Next time (October 12)
- Midterm distributed 90-minute examination is
open book and open note review old examinations
and raise any questions about them in class - Read text Chapters 7 and 8 (focus on duration)
and KMV reading on website for class on October 12