Mid-term%20Review%20Brussels,%2022%20March%202012 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mid-term Review Brussels, 22 March 2012 The project TAO is managed by the Bern University of Applied Sciences and is co-funded under the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Mid-term%20Review%20Brussels,%2022%20March%202012

Mid-term ReviewBrussels, 22 March 2012
The project TAO is managed by the Bern University
of Applied Sciences and is co-funded under the
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Joint Programme by
the Swiss Federal Office for Professional
Education and Technology, the Dutch Ministry of
Health, Welfare and Sport, the German Federal
Ministry of Education and Research, and the
European Commission. www.thirdageonline.eu
  • Project Overview
  • How the Project Creates Value Project Activities
  • Organizational Issues / Management Issues
  • Impact and Dissemination

1. Project Overview(20 min)
Project TAO (Third Age Online)
Two Central Questions How can we stimulate
older persons (60) to participate in online
communities? (to integrate them enhance their
social relationships in later life)? How can we
use the growing number of older persons to boost
collaboration in online communities?
  • Three Main Goals
  • Develop and disseminate effective methods to
    encourage older persons to join online
  • Develop new service offerings in the context of
    online communities
  • Improve the user experience of community
    platforms (accessibility, usability, sociability)
  • For the Benefit of Seniors, Online Communities,
    and Society (Triple Win)

Consortium Partners / Co-operating Partners
The size of the dots is proportional to the
amount of project work / volume of in kind
contributions of the partners (as of Oct. 2010)
Management Structure
B. Estermann (BUAS)
28.5 PM
B. Estermann (a.i) P. Kenel various team members
B. Estermann (a.i.)
8 PM
28 PM
107.5 PM
13 PM
56 PM
53 PM
R. Glott (UM Merit) S. Bannier D. Richter T.
Schwarze F. Thilo T. Helfer M. Marquard M.
M. Marquard (ZAWiW) M. Westerhaus R. Schneider S.
Bannier A. Ninck, J. Bennett K. Torben-Nielsen B.
Estermann S. Lücke, D. Reich
P. Kenel (WMCH) A. Bühlmann W. Affentranger K.
Grabenhorst E. Schmidt numerous volunteers/
staff members
E. Klein (BUAS) M. Riesch A. Bolfing M.
Dietiker S. Grossenbacher
Community Activities and Action Research (SP 1/4)
  • Goal of the Activities and Action Research
  • show older persons the possibilities of using the
    internet for collaboration and networking
  • conceptualizing and initiating different
    activities covering with action research
  • experiences have to be collected and systematized
    for transfer
  • Strategies
  • diverse activities from rather traditional
    (face-to-face) activation and advertising to new
    online activities and collaboration in virtual
  • broad and also target group-specific addressment
    homogeneous age groups and intergenerational
  • Difficulties / Challenges
  • many older persons have strong reservations
    against online activities, they cannot imagine
    the personal benefit for their everyday lives
  • we have to demonstrate the potential personal
    benefit to be gained from online collaboration
    and online communities not only for the fourth
    age but also for the third age
  • Our results indicate that using or not using
    online communities is less a question of
    technological barriers (usability) but rather a
    question of motivation and the expected benefit
  • role models and good examples are needed

Software Development (SP 2)
  • Goals
  • Improvement of User Experience for online
    community platforms
  • Focus on Usability and Accessibility
  • Platforms
  • MediaWiki wrt. Accessibility / Partner Access
    for All (and WM CH/D)
  • Drupal wrt. Usability / Partner MD Systems (main
    contributor for Drupal platform)
  • Goals reached
  • Accessibility Test for German Wikipedia, based
    on WCAG 2.0
  • Usability Enhancements for D7 published and

Impact analysis (SP 5)
  • Purpose of the SP
  • An account of measures and effects that also
    includes a validation in terms of success and
    conditions under which these measures have been
  • Activities
  • Surveys
  • Cross-sectional survey onliners (two wave) vs.
    offliners (first onliner survey completed, cf.
  • Re-analysis Wikipedia FLOSSPOLS surveys
  • Context analysis
  • Scope / target group Organizations offering
    online services for seniors, either as a direct
    target group or as part of a broader target group
  • Illustrates a broader range of activities that
    aim at similar targets as TAO and to which TAO
    activities and results can be compared
  • Problems / Difficulties / Challenges
  • Delayed start of survey in Germany

Evaluation (SP 6)
  • Purpose of the SP
  • Evaluate the project activities with regard to
    the triple win objective (benefits for seniors,
    online communities, and society) from a
    multi-stakeholder perspective (Evaluation
    Advisory Board) provide guidance with regard to
  • Activities
  • Regulary inform the Evaluation Advisory Board
    about project activities
  • Annual EA Board Meeting (very positive first
    meeting in Sept. 2011)
  • Follow-up on EA Board recommendations
  • Difficulties / Challenges
  • Withdrawal of the lead person early 2012
    following a promotion
  • Keep up the dialogue with the EA Board during
    the year
  • Make better use of the EA Board for outreach

Public Relations / Community Relations (SP 7)
  • Purpose of the SP
  • Manage the flow of information between the TAO
    project and its publics both the public at
    large and the participating communities.
  • Ensure a positive perception of the project
    within the communities involved.
  • Provide the project with the necessary publicity
    to ensure maximum impact.
  • Activities
  • Maintain the project Website
  • Presence at fairs, conferences, etc.
  • Media relations / Relations to political
  • Difficulties / Challenges
  • Interim solution after the departure of the
    initial lead person early 2011 lack of personnel
  • Concentrated efforts (selling the project) vs.
    autonomous actions by partners (selling
    individual project activities enabling partners)

2. How Does the Project Create Value? (Project
Activities)(30 min)
TAO-Actions measures for mobilization,
integration and retention (SP1/4)
Silberwissen - Winning and Activating Seniors
  • Information- and motivation lecture
  • Goals
  • To inform
  • To whet appetite for contributing
  • Quality assurance
  • Open knowledge
  • Workshop 1Editing in Wikipedia
  • Goal
  • Each participant has written and formatted texts
    with Wikipedia-Syntax
  • Practicing in ones own account
  • Writing, copying and formatting texts
  • Requirements for text contributions
  • Workshop 2Wikicommons uploading and using own
  • Goal
  • Each participant has uploaded and linked 2-4
    pictures with the Wikipedia sites
  • Basic information about free licenses
  • Wikicommons as the worlds biggest free media
  • Uploading and linking own pictures with articles

Silberwissen-Goals in TAO 1.Project year
Freie Fahrt ins Internet
  • Info Stand, Courses/Workshops, Support,
    E-Learning, and Community to improve older
    peoples online experience
  • For Seniors by Seniors (mostly volunteers)
  • low-threshold, easy access
  • Main Partners
  • seniorweb.ch
  • Coop
  • Pro Senectute Thurgau
  • Wikimedia CH
  • Swisscom
  • Bern University of Applied Sciences

Freie Fahrt ins Internet - Objectives
First Year Realizations Second Year Goals
Volunteers 42 new Ambassadors, Workshop Instructors, and IT-Helpers6000 hrs of volunteering 40 Workshop Instructors
Volunteers 42 new Ambassadors, Workshop Instructors, and IT-Helpers6000 hrs of volunteering 80 regional IT-Helpers
Info Stand and Introductory Workshops 2 course locations 108 workshops / 497 participations Cost 80-90 CHF per participation(without in-kind contributions) 6 course locations 180 workshops / 1200 participations Cost 50-60 CHF per participation (without in-kind contributions)
Computer/Internet -Support Launch of support service in fall 2011 4000 support cases
E-Learning / Blended Learning Concept for e-learning development 4 workshop series for the creation of e-learning modules 10 active learning groups
Freie Fahrt ins Internet - Outlook
Insert Map
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Specials _at_ SeniorWeb.NL
  • Six Specials to introduce social media online
    communication applications
  • Practical and accessible handbooks and user
    guides tailored to the older person
  • Activities
  • Promotion of the specials to members
  • Motivation sessions for trainers Train the
  • Workshops in Learning Centers
  • Research (impact analysis) to get insights in.
    their current knowledge and use of social media.
    their expectations of the training/course. their
    willingness to learn. their teaching methods.
    new knowledge of social media. future use of
    social media

Specials _at_ SeniorWeb.NL
Co-creation _at_ SeniorWeb.NL
  • create a user-driven open innovation ecosystem
    which enables users to take an active part in the
    research, development and innovation process of
  • allow SeniorWebs members to share, combine and
    renew each other's ideas, opinions and findings
    through forms of interaction and learning
  • involve SeniorWeb members in innovating the
    existing and developing new services and
  • Web contact services
  • PC / hardware purchase assistance
  • Activities
  • Stakeholder consultation through focus group
  • Co-design session
  • Online assessment
  • Theme tables (based on world café)
  • Output
  • Comparison of co-creation / participatory methods
    for seniors
  • Guidelines for co-creation sessions with seniors

Wiki Loves Monuments
  • International photo contest around cultural
    heritage monuments
  • 2011 Ca. 170000 photos in 18 countries
  • Over 5000 participants (mostly new users)
  • Easy way to participate and improve Wikipedia in
    ones neighbourhood
  • Wikimedia CH / Wikimedia DE / Wikimedia NL made
    special efforts to include senior participants in

Wiki Loves Monuments
  • Participation rate of 50plus preliminary
    results from survey
  • All the countries 23 (n 146/642)
  • NL 41 (n 15/37)
  • DE 32 (n 35/111)
  • CH 22 (n 5/23)
  • WLM is becoming a global contest in 2012
  • Potential for outreach destined to seniors on a
    global basis in the future

Wikipedia Accessibility Test (SP2)
  • Test object German Wikipedia web site
  • Handicaped test experts (AfA)
  • Tests based on WCAG 2.0 and WAI-ARIA
  • Recommendations for improvement
  • Concerning MediaWiki platform, authors
    authoring tools
  • Planned Goals
  • Communicating Results (TAO Web site,
    Mediawiki.org active communication (WM/D, WMF)
  • Feedback from Community
  • Generating Impact on Development Partners (first
    results are available)
  • Accessibility Task Force
  • Wikimania 2012 / accessibility topic at Hackathon
    (hacking days at wikimania/Washington D.C.)

TAO Handbook Community of Practice
TAO Survey Onliners First Wave
  • Does internet and community use make a (positive
    or negative) difference regarding social
    inclusion and well-being?
  • Instruments/questions use of published/
    validated scales and questions as much as
  • Total 2912 respondents (DE 1925 NL 426 CH
  • Preliminary results based on analysis of 1382
    respondents analysis of complete data base has
    just begun
  • Interesting findings (so far)
  • Very homogeneous groups
  • Differences regarding housing situation (NL
    2-person household, D single household) and
    urban / rural location (D urban, CH suburban /
    village, NL village)
  • Mental health index (MHI-5) shows only little
    variation between countries
  • There are differences regarding the use of the
    Internet, but they could have been triggered by
    activities of the community partners (will be
    checked with full dataset)
  • Psychosocial consequences scale shows no
    significant differences between the 3 countries
    (might imply limited effects of Internet),
    although there are differences in some of the 18

3. Organizational Issues / Management Issues(20
Main Project Risks
Main Project Risks (Probability impact estimated at 12 on a 0-20 scale). Description Prevention / Mitigation Impact on Project
Insufficient personnel resources (quantitatively / qualitatively) Original WMCH project manager not fit for the job difficult personnel situation at WMCH, ZAWiW, Seniorweb CH, BUAS, and others in varying degrees Ad interim and/or replacement solutions shifting of taks to other partners prioritization of activities. Slow-down in certain areas time lags additional overhead fewer PR efforts (However can also be an indicator for success when scaling up activities)
Lack of continuity regarding project team members Departures leaders sub-projects 6 and 7 staff fluctuations at ZAWiW Ad interim and/or replacement solutions Slow-down in certain areas fewer PR efforts
Organizational problems / individual partners' lack of organizational maturity Especially a challenge for community partners for which the newly developped activities call for a steep progress in their organizational development (SenCH, WMCH, terzStiftung, to a lesser extent WMDE) Carried out a pre-project at SenCH support organizational development as part of action research slow down the pace shift resources from SP5 to SP4 Slow-down in certain areas resource problems and time lags in SP4.
Insufficient sustainability of mobilisation efforts A constant threat when developping new activities which havent been tested yet for their efficacy and/or in contexts where existing structures are insufficient to ensure effective multiplication (applies to most measures for mobilization) User-centered approaches early evaluation of effectiveness Business Model approach to ensure sustainability on the provision side Inherent project risk from the outset crucial with regard to project success
Difficulties in financing specific project activities Financing of project activities at terzStiftung and SenCH BUAS has supported SenCH in their fundraising efforts support of organizational development terzStiftung re-definition of project role late start of activities
Further Project Risks to keep an eye on
  • Risks rated at 9 on a scale from 0-20
  • Longer absence of a key person (illness,
    accidents, maternity)
  • Serious conflicts within some of the partner
  • Insufficient management of dependencies between
    project activities
  • Shortcomings regarding time and resource planning
    and/or the prioritization of tasks
  • Insufficient use of synergies
  • Difficulties in mobilising the target group
  • Dissipation of energy due to the large thematic
  • Insufficient attention to end user needs

Inputs from Evaluation Board Action Plan (1/2)
Measure Purpose Implementation
Focus research activities according to clear prioritization criteria Avoid over-charging the project focus the project activities on the main goal of the project focus the project activities on innovation, user needs, demand from practitioners, sustainability of solutions, and know-how transfer. Prioritization criteria have been agreed upon and are being implemented.
Develop business models with view on consulting activities Come up with business ideas at an early stage of the project focus on sustainable solutions avoid getting lost in the multitude of possible issues. Process initiated in December 2011 paused due to resource issues taken up in March 2012.
Develop the TAO Handbook on a collaborative platform (Wikiversity) and embed it in an open Community of Practice use the Design Thinking approach Design the Handbook as a living knowledge base, providing fast access entry points organize the know-how transfer within the consortium and beyond the project in one place create possibilities for participation for external people embed innovation management in a multi-stakeholder approach (researchers, end users, pratictioners) think outside-in, starting from the user perspective. Work on the Wikiversity-project was initiated in November 2011 it is managed according to the Design Thinking method
Inputs from Evaluation Board Action Plan (2/2)
Measure Purpose Implementation
Make the literature studies available to the members of the evaluation advisory board for comments and additions Profit from the know-how of board members. The literature study 60plus was sent out last fall. Feedback to the literature study volunteers will be solicited in March 2012.
Develop Facebook courses Promote Facebook as a platform of entry elaborate possibilities of usage in collaboration with practice partners Facebook courses have been started at SeniorWeb.NL a pilot course has been carried out by ZAWiW.
Set up a mailing list for Evaluation Board members Keep the Evaluation Board members up to date, keep the conversation going throughout the year The mailing list is in use
Promote the TAO Facebook page for exchange among project members and other interested parties. Point Evaluation Board members and other stakeholders to project results exchange information about TAO-related topics A small number of people is using the TAO Facebook page to spread their news it will be further promoted as project deliverables are published
Dealing with Resource Scarcity Prioritization
Criterion Type
The activity is directed at active participation of 50 in online communities and/or online social networks MUST
There is a particular focus on creativity and innovation SHOULD
A real demand has been demonstrated (user centered approach, buttom-up initiative) SHOULD
There is an explicit demand and strong implication from the side of a practice partner SHOULD
The activity has a high multiplication potential (successful pilot implementation, plausible business model) SHOULD
The activity is methodologically useful for the production of the handbook SHOULD
There is a particular focus on and readiness for know-how transfer (between partners or beyond the consortium) SHOULD
Prioritization Criteria
Ethical Issues
  • Data Protection
  • Informed consent needed for gathering and
    processing of personal data
  • Use of personal data only for the purpose
    indicated at collection
  • Anonymization / pseudonymization as soon as
  • National regulations apply
  • Relationship with End Users / Practice Partners
  • Practice partners and end users as equal partners
    in the action research process and co-creation

Collaboration and Communication
7 sub-projects 6 areas of collaboration that cut
across the 7 sub-projects
Project Management
Impact Analysis / Evaluation
Software Development
Community Development
Many inter-connections between sub-projects Variou
s working group settings Scalable organizational
and communication structures Building up
organizational structures that reach beyond the
Handbook Community of Practice
4. Impact and Dissemination(20 min)
Value Creation in Collaborative Networks
TAO Win-Win-Win
Engagement in collaborative actions deliver
services or ensure production in a coordinated
Sub-systems of value creation
Elaboration of strategies for change, leading to
an exchange or coordination of resources common
development of artifacts
Provision of training, research and other
services which increase the participants
capacity to implement solutions individually
Capacity Building
Exchange of information and know how.
Participants decide individually whether they
will make any changes or take actions.
Inspired by Agranoff, R. 2006. Inside
Collaborative Networks Ten Lessons for Public
Managers. Public Admin Rev, Dec. 2006.
Project Activities and Value Creation
Silberwissen Freie Fahrt ins Internet Social
Media Specials _at_ SenNL Facebook Google courses
_at_ ZAWiW E-Learning _at_ SenCH Wiki Loves
Monuments terzScouts Old-young reading project
Legend color codeadvanced / completedwell on
trackin preparation / initiated
Common PR efforts TAO Community of Practice _at_
Wikiversity Accessibility Forum _at_ Wikipedia White
paper TAO Consulting Concept
Preliminary Study 60plus and Online
Communities MediaWiki Accessibility Test User
Research _at_ SenNL Action Research E-Learning
Workshop _at_ SenCH Drupal usability
improvements Preliminary Study Volunteers Survey
s Context Analysis Co-Creation Workshops _at_ SenNL
Capacity Building
TAO Working Days Grundtvig Learning Partnerships
(e.g Seniors in the Knowledge Society) Advisory/
Evaluation Board Academic Conferences and
Publications TAO Handbook
Impact Assessment (with Focus on Actions)
Action Impact Targets (Indicators) Impact Assessment
Silberwissen Number of new authors Number of new articles Number of edited articles Number of conversations Intergenerational impact (communication between generations) Health impact Impact on quality of life Dissemination (snowballing) Wikimedia analysis Brief interviews Mental health index (MHI-5)
Freie Fahrt ins Internet Number of new members Activity of new members Effect on traditional members Effect on conversations (inside / outside) Intergenerational impact (communication between generations) Health impact Impact on quality of life Dissemination (snowballing) Seniorweb.ch database Brief interviews Mental health index (MHI-5)
Social Media Specials _at_ SeniorWeb.NL Number of participants / readers Number of producers Intergenerational impact (communication between generations) Health impact Effect on conversations (inside / outside) Dissemination (snowballing) Seniorweb.nl database Brief interviews Mental health index (MHI-5)
E-Learning _at_ SenCH
Facebook Google courses _at_ ZAWiW
Wiki Loves Monuments
Virtual Learning Projects _at_ ZAWiW

RG macht im Dialog mit MM einen ersten Wurf
(falls wir bis zum 21.3. zu einem präsentablen
Ergebnis kommen, präsentieren wir die Slide.
Impact Assessment (from a Holistic Perspective)
  • Impact assessment takes place with regard to
    three types of impacts
  • The impact of the Internet on the quality of life
    and social inclusion of seniors gt surveys in SP5
  • The impact of our activating measures on the
    members of our community partners and on the
    community partners themselvesgt activity impacts,
    captured by SP4
  • The impact of third party organizations' measures
    to activate their members/seniors gt context
    analysis in SP5

Dissemination Plan (1/2)
What Partners Date Target(s)
Large scale efforts to integrate older people in Wikimedia communities WMCH WMDE UM-Merit ZAWiW BUAS (Wikimedia Foundation) By 2013 8 European countries involved
Large scale efforts to integrate older people in Wikimedia communities WMCH WMDE UM-Merit ZAWiW BUAS (Wikimedia Foundation) By 2015 Offline measures implemented in 15 European countries and in a few extra-European countries
Large scale efforts to integrate older people in Wikimedia communities WMCH WMDE UM-Merit ZAWiW BUAS (Wikimedia Foundation) By 2015 Online measures implemented on 20 language versions, corresponding to ¾ of the worlds population
Large scale efforts to encourage more elderly people to participate actively in senior communities (consulting based on TAO Handbook) UM-Merit ZAWiWBUAS SenNL (?) By 2013 4 European countries involved
Large scale efforts to encourage more elderly people to participate actively in senior communities (consulting based on TAO Handbook) UM-Merit ZAWiWBUAS SenNL (?) By 2015 Successful methods to boost participation in senior communities have been propagated to 15 European countries
Dissemination Plan (2/2)
What Partners Date Target(s)
Accessibility / usability enhancements to the MediaWiki platform AfA BUAS(Wikimedia Foundation) By 2013 Improvements are implemented and deployed on the major language versions of Wikipedia
Usability enhancements to the Drupal platform MD Systems BUAS By 2013 Improvements are set to be deployed with the next major release
terzScouts Senior Scouts for usability testing of online services, linked to the certification of such services terzStiftung BUAS By 2013 Market introduction in Switzerland
terzScouts Senior Scouts for usability testing of online services, linked to the certification of such services terzStiftung BUAS By 2015 Targets for internationalization to be defined (Erasmus project application pending)
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