Title: Title: Arial 28pt'
1REP705 A Simple DR/HA Implementation for
Replication Servers Based on NAS Filer
Tung Chen Senior DBA Tung.Chen_at_Barclaysglobal.com
August 15-19, 2004
- What is the Problem We Are Solving
- What is a Filer (Network Based Device)
- System Architecture Overview
- How to Build the DR System for Replication Server
- Cross-site (DR) Failover Procedure
- Local Failover Procedure
- Performance Benchmark
- QA
3What is the Problem We Are Solving?
- Everybody knows how to use Warm Standby
Replication to replicate ASE Databases from main
site to DR site. But, what happens to the Rep
Servers after the DR failover? - Here is the big picture for most of the DR
4What is the Problem We Are Solving?
- Before the DR Switch-over
San Francisco D.C.
Sacramento D.C.
Rep Svr
Subs Rep
80 miles
5What is the Problem We Are Solving?
San Francisco D.C.
Sacramento D.C.
Rep Svr
Subs Rep
WAN (high spd)
80 miles
6What is the Problem We Are Solving?
Logical Entity.INV_DB
Logical Entity.PRC_DB
P2DS.PRC_DB..t_a ..t_c
7What is the Problem We Are Solving?
Logical Entity.INV_DB
Logical Entity.PRC_DB
8What is the Problem We Are Solving?
- Once switched to DR site (DR failover), there is
no Replication Server on the DR site. Only ASE
databases are brought up on DR site. - Subscription replication (table t_a) from INV_DB
to PRC_DB is lost Going forward, there is no - subs. replication
- If we mirror Rep Servers to the DR site, we can
bring up Rep Servers on the mirror image at DR
10What Constitute A Rep Server ?
- The following components are mirrored across the
WAN for Rep Server DR Implementation - Rep Server software directory (file system)
- Rep Server stable devices (file system)
- ASE Server software directory (file system) For
RSSD - ASE Server Device files (file system)
11Network Appliance Filer Cluster
- Our Solution Network Appliances filer, or FAS
(fabric-attached storage) series with SnapMirror
software - FAS 900 and FAS 200 series support NFS and
block-storage access through network - FAS960 cluster the storage system is fully
redundant, with RAID protection - FAS series is certified by Sybase as database
devices - According to NetApp, FAS data availability is
greater than 99.998
12Network Appliance Filer Cluster
- NetApp FAS 960 cluster on both data centers
- Four heads in each cluster each head has 9
trays each trays provides 600 GB usable space
after formatting - The filers are backed up using NDMP Netbackup
13What is SnapMirror?
- NetApp SnapMirror is a software which mirrors
data from one filer to one or more network
filers. - It continually updates the mirror data to keep it
current and available for DR. - After the initial sync-up, it only updates the
new and changed blocks incrementally over the
network reduced the network bandwidth
requirement. - SnapMirror is based on IP
- It has 3 levels of synchronicity sync, semi-sync
and async.
14What is SnapMirror?
- We use async SnapMirror to replicate Primary-site
filer cluster to DR site filer-cluster - SnapMirror is scheduled every 10 minutes for both
directions (not on the same volume)
San Francisco D.C.
Sacramento D.C.
WAN (high spd)
80 miles
Filer Cluster
Filer Cluster
16How Are Disk Volumes Organized/Mirrored?
- Data on a NetApp filer is organized in Volumes
- Each Volume has at least one RAID group.
- We use 8-disk RAID group.
- Each volume has multiple Qtrees
- Each Qtree hosts a user file system
- In our implementation, we have 4 file systems on
4 Qtrees sharing one volume
17How Are Disk Volumes Organized/Mirrored?
- Each Qtree inherits has security config, quota,
etc - Qtree is our work unit for SnapMirroring and
server failover, i.e. disk image for a Rep Server
is contained in a Qtree - Each Qtree is snapMirrored to a mirror Qtree
18Failover Package
- Rep Server needs an RSSD on ASE (Consider ERSSD
12.6) - We define the Failover Package as a Rep Server
and RSSD ASE - There are 4 file systems on the primary filer
cluster, snapMirrored to DR-site filer cluster - File system for Rep Sever executables, libs,
config files, etc REP-12_5, OCS-12_5, locales,
etc - File system for stable devices
- File system for ASE executables, libs, config
files, etc - File system for ASE data devices
19Failover Package/Filer Redundancy
San Francisco D.C.
Sacramento D.C.
WAN (high spd)
80 miles
Filer Cluster
Filer Cluster
20HW Redundancy
- With redundant HW standing by, failover can occur
across the WAN for DR, or in the same data center
for a local HA implementation - Stand-by HW does not have to be idle before
failover - Need to ensure at the time of failover, the
target host will have appropriate - CPU resources
- memory resources,
- mount points for NFS mounts
21DR/HA System
Host A
Rep Svr
Sacramento D.C.
San Francisco D.C.
WAN (high spd)
Local Failover Target
DR Failover Target
80 miles
Host B
Host C
Filer Cluster B
Filer Cluster A
22DR Failover
Host A
Sacramento D.C.
San Francisco D.C.
Rep Svr
WAN (high spd)
Local Failover Target
80 miles
Host B
Host C
Filer Cluster B
Filer Cluster A
23Local Failover
Host A
Sacramento D.C.
San Francisco D.C.
Rep Svr
WAN (high spd)
DR Failover Target
80 miles
Host C
Host B
Filer Cluster
Filer Cluster B
Filer Cluster A
24How to Build the DR System?
Host A
. 4 FSs . HOME
Sacramento D.C.
San Francisco D.C.
WAN (high spd)
Local Failover Target
DR Failover Target
80 miles
Host B
Host C
Filer Cluster B
Filer Cluster A
25How to Build the DR System?
1. (Unix SA) Create volume and Qtrees on the
primary filer cluster A create volume
nas_rep Qtree create nas_rep Qtree security
/vol/nas_rep Unix 2. (Unix SA) Export the FS on
primary filer Edit the exports file with the
following lines /vol/nas_rep/hostA
-accessadmin,roothostA exportfs -a
26How to Build the DR System?
3. (Unix SA) Mount FS on host A Edit the
/etc/vfstab file on hostA to include the
following lines filerA/vol/nas_rep/hostA -
/nfsapps/hostA/sybase/apps/syb-RDC_NAS nfs - yes
27How to Build the DR System?
4. (Unix SA) Create volume on host C (cluster
filer B) and schedule Qtrees for snapMirroring
from filer A to filer B All following
commands are issued in DR site filer/host
create volume vol2 Change volumes to restrict
vol restrict vol2 Edit snapmirror.conf file on
target filer B with lines Source
filer/volume/qtree Destination
filer/volume/qtree rate-of-transfer filerA/vol/n
as_rep/hostA filerB/vol/vol2/hostC kbs3072,
restartalways 0-59/10 snapmirror
initialize /vol/vol2/hostC Note As long as
Qtrees are replicated, we cannot write into the
target volume/Qtrees
28How to Build the DR System?
- 5. (Unix SA) Configure 4 file systems on filer
cluster A and mounts them on primary host A (2
GB each) - /apps/RDC_NAS ? /nfsapps/hostA/sybase/apps
/syb-RDC_NAS - /apps/RDC_NAS_RS ? /nfsapps/hostA/sybase/apps/rep
-RDC_NAS_RS - /data/RDC_NAS ? /nfsapps/hostA/sybase/dat
a/syb-RDC_NAS - /data/RDC_NAS_RS ? /nfsapps/hostA/sybase/data/re
29How to Build the DR System?
Host A
. 4 FSs . HOME
Sacramento D.C.
San Francisco D.C.
WAN (high spd)
Local Failover Target
DR Failover Target
80 miles
Host B
Host C
Filer Cluster B
Filer Cluster A
30How to Build the DR System?
- 6. (DBA) Build RSSD ASE Server RDC_NAS on host A
using the file systems /apps/RDC_NAS and
/data/RDC_NAS - 7. (DBA) Build Rep Server RDC_NAS_RS on host A
using the file systems /apps/RDC_NAS_RS and
31How to Build the DR System?
San Francisco D.C.
Sacramento D.C.
Host A
Rep Svr
WAN (high spd)
80 miles
Local Failover Target
Host B
Host C
Filer Cluster A
Filer Cluster B
32How to Build the DR System?
- 8. (DBA) Use rs_init to build WS replication
for PDS.INV_DB and P2DS.PRC_DB. Rep Defs are
based on logical connection - 9. (DBA) Build subscription replication based
on logical connections
33DR/HA System
34DR/HA System
- Note It is important that all subscription
replications are based on logical connections!
35DR/HA System
- Each W.S. Replication swtich-over can occur
Logical Entity.INV_DB
Logical Entity.PRC_DB
P2DS.PRC_DB..t_a ..t_c
36DR Failover Procedure
- Failover from Sacramento D.C. to S.F. D.C.
- System is running nominally,.. when the disaster
strikes - Sacramento D.C. is gone hosts A B are gone
37DR Failover Procedure
San Francisco D.C.
Sacramento D.C.
Host A
Rep Svr
Subs Rep
WAN (high spd)
80 miles
Local Failover Target
Host B
Host C
Filer Cluster A
Filer Cluster B
38DR Failover Procedure
Failover from Sacramento D.C. to S.F. D.C. 1.
(Unix SA) Break the snapMirroring from filer
cluster A to filer cluster B. Assuming data
updates and replication are continuous, filer B
may be 10 minutes behind filer A snapmirror
quiesce /vol/nas_rep/hostA snapmirror break
/vol/nas_rep/hostA Note Once this is done, all
target volume and Qtrees become writable 2.
(Unix SA) Mount the 4 file systems on host C
(filer cluster B)
39DR Failover Procedure
San Francisco D.C.
WAN (high spd)
80 miles
Host C
Filer Cluster A
Filer Cluster B
40DR Failover Procedure
San Francisco D.C.
WAN (high spd)
80 miles
Host C
Filer Cluster A
Filer Cluster B
41DR Failover Procedure
3. (DBA) Modify interfaces file on host C
Update the IP for Rep Server and RSSD ASE Server.
Push out new interfaces file to S.F. server
hosts only
42DR Failover Procedure
Before Server RDC_NAS hostA
( port 16117 RDC_NAS 9 9
query tli tcp /dev/tcp \x000237257777777d000000000
0000000 master tli tcp /dev/tcp
\x000237257777777d0000000000000000 Server
RDC_NAS_BS hostA ( port
16127 RDC_NAS_BS 9 9 query tli tcp
/dev/tcp \x0002372f7777777d0000000000000000
master tli tcp /dev/tcp \x0002372f7777777d000000
0000000000 Server RDC_NAS_RS hostA
( port 16157 RDC_NAS_RS 9 9
query tli tcp /dev/tcp \x0003333d7777777d000000000
0000000 master tli tcp /dev/tcp
43DR Failover Procedure
After Server RDC_NAS hostC
( port 16117 RDC_NAS 9 9
query tli tcp /dev/tcp \x000237255555555d000000000
0000000 master tli tcp /dev/tcp
\x000237255555555d0000000000000000 Server
RDC_NAS_BS hostC ( port
16127 RDC_NAS_BS 9 9 query tli tcp
/dev/tcp \x0002372f5555555d0000000000000000
master tli tcp /dev/tcp \x0002372f5555555d000000
0000000000 Server RDC_NAS_RS hostC
( port 16157 RDC_NAS_RS 9 9
query tli tcp /dev/tcp \x0003333d5555555d000000000
0000000 master tli tcp /dev/tcp
44DR Failover Procedure
4. (DBA) Bring up RSSD ASE Server RDC_NAS on
host C on mirror image 5. (DBA) Bring Rep
Server RDC_NAS on host C on mirror image
45DR Failover Procedure
San Francisco D.C.
WAN (high spd)
80 miles
Host C
Filer Cluster A
Filer Cluster B
46DR Failover Procedure
6. (DBA) Perform WS switch-over for databases
INV_DB and PRC_DB. New primaries are RDS.INV_DB
and R2DS.INV_DB 7. (DBA) Both DBs in dbo use
only mode Reconcile lost data on PRC_DB and
INV_DB 8. (DBA) Open up S.F. DBs Push out new
interfaces file to all client machines
47DR Failover Procedure
San Francisco D.C.
WAN (high spd)
80 miles
Filer Cluster B
48DR Failover Procedure
San Francisco D.C.
WAN (high spd)
80 miles
Filer Cluster B
49DR Failover Procedure
- Notes
- Depending on the time of the crash/disaster, the
mirror image may be 10 minutes behind the primary
image for Rep Server stable queue. Data loss
is/should be expected due to snapMirror delay - Crash test confirmed data loss in some cases, but
we are always able to bring up Rep Server and
RSSD ASE Server on the mirror image on DR site - Test on Filer Cluster shows a reliable and
transparent failover in the filer cluster
50Local Failover
- Local Failover on filer is very useful and much
simpler - Stay on the same filer and same data center
- -- No need to break SnapMirror or do anything
on filers - -- No need to perform WS switch-over on Rep
Server - Only need to mount the FSs on new target host B
- There will be no data loss on Rep server stable
queues ( because primary filer cluster remains up
51Local Failover
Host A
Sacramento D.C.
San Francisco D.C.
WAN (high spd)
DR Failover Target
Local Failover Target
80 miles
Host C
Host B
Filer Cluster
Filer Cluster B
Filer Cluster A
52Local Failover
Host A
Sacramento D.C.
San Francisco D.C.
Rep Svr
WAN (high spd)
DR Failover Target
80 miles
Host C
Host B
Filer Cluster
Filer Cluster B
Filer Cluster A
53Local Failover Procedure
- Local Failover from Host A to Host B
- System running nominally, when Host A crashed
- (Unix SA) Mount the 4 file systems on target host
B - (Unix SA) Issue the command sm_mon l hostA to
release internal lock on master device file - (DBA) Push out new interfaces file globally to
server hosts and client hosts - (DBA) Bring up RSSD ASE Server and Rep Server on
Host B
54SAN-FAS Sybase Benchmark
- With proper NAS filers and snapMirror
implementation, Rep Servers can be practically
brought up on any host in any data center for
failover - FAS960 filer performance is good
- Data loss should be expected due to snapMirror
delay. A data reconciliation mechanism should be
implemented and tested