Title: Grants Streamlined Detailed Universe Guide
1Grants Streamlined Detailed Universe Guide
2What is Grants data?
3Grants Data General information
- Contains Banner Grants data beginning in July
2003 to present - Converted Grant data At June 30, 2003 budgets
were entered into the system equal to expenses
(rendering the balance available equal to 0).
The remaining unexpended budget was entered in
FY04 -- period 00 resulting in the correct
balance available starting July 1, 2003 - All Banner Grants have a fund code that is the
same as the grant code. Therefore, when listing
funds on a grant, consider using a condition on
the Financial Fund data entry indicator Y.
This will help to ensure you obtain a list of
6-digit data enterable funds
4Grants Data General information
- Banner Grants data represents the efforts of
University researchers. Please treat the
available data with respect on behalf of the
investigators and intellectual credit it
represents. - Data is loaded every evening-please verify
finance data is loaded before running reports! - http//www.ds.uillinois.edu/web/Home/AboutData/Dat
a.aspx - Grant data quality issues are documented in the
Quick Reference Guide. Please review them
5Grant Universe Overview
6Finance Grants Streamlined Universe
- A universe to list Grants and answer questions
like - How many grant do I have associated with my
department? - What was the total grant expenditure by PI in my
college over the last state fiscal year? - How many grants are currently active for a
Principal Investigator? - On how many Grants is a particular Investigator
currently listed? - How many grant dollars did we spend last year
from a sponsor?
7Finance Grants Streamlined - Description
- This Universe contains
- Grant start end dates
- Grant budget, revenue expenses
- Grant sponsors/agencies
- Principal Investigator information
- C-FOAPAL reflects current information only
8Finance Grants Streamlined Intended Uses
- Intended use(s) of this Universe
- Listings of Grants and related information
- Analysis of Grant Expenses
- Analysis of Grants by research area or sponsor
9Finance Grants Streamlined Universe Limitations
- This Universe is NOT designed to
- Combine Operating Ledger transaction detail
Grant Summary Ledger in the same query -
- Original Document Number should only be used
with the Grant Ledger Detail class -
10EDW - Finance Grants Streamlined Universe
11Grants Data universe objects
Grant Code The Banner assigned code that
identifies each grant. Format is Q1234. Where
the first letter indicates a responsible campus
and the category of grant funding.
Principal Investigator Every Banner grant has an
assigned principal investigator. In addition,
grant funds also have an assigned principal
investigator and may also have co-investigators.
12Grants Data - universe objects
- Grant Year
- Each grant has its own year based on its start
date. - NOTE The first fiscal period begins in the
month and year of the start date. - Relative Grant Year
- The year, starting at 1, of the grant relative to
its start date. - Grant Period
- A two-digit code corresponding to the month
relative to the grant year. - Period 00 of the first grant year summarizes
pre-award activity - Periods 01-12 are relative to the grant year
- Calendar Year
- The calendar year of a particular grant period.
If this record is for pre-award activity (i.e.,
where Grant Period is '00' for the first year of
the grant) then calendar year is set to 'PRE'. - Calendar Month
- The calendar month (2 digit number 01Jan,
02Feb12Dec) corresponding to a particular
grant period. If this record is for pre-award
activity (i.e., where Grant Period is '00' for
the first year of the grant) then calendar month
is set to 'PRE'.
13Grants Data Concepts
Say we have two grants Grant A starts in August
2003 Grant Period 01August 2003 Grant Period
02September 2003 Grant Period 03October
2003 Grant Period 04November 2003 Grant B starts
in November 2003 Grant Period 01November
2003 Grant Period 02December 2003 Grant Period
03January 2004 Selecting Grant Period 03 for
these two grants would select fiscal activity
from different periods of time. Selecting
Calendar Month 11 (November) and Calendar Year
2003 compares data from the same time period.
Tips Tricks When selecting Grant
Ledger data for several grants,
select by calendar year and
month, not grant period.
14Grant Data universe object classes
Grant Ledger Detail There is no transaction level
data in the Grant ledger. All grants
transactions take place in the Operating Ledger
(which creates data in state fiscal year and
period) . Therefore, grant transaction detail
objects are identical to operating ledger detail
objects. Grant Ledger Summary The Banner
grant/research ledger contains summaries of
operating ledger transactions and groups them by
Grant period and grant year. USAGE NOTE It is
important to note that lack of activity on a
Grant CFOAPAL when crossing grant years will make
some CFOAPALs appear to drop out of the summary
data. Use the summary data with caution.
15Grants Ledger - universe objects
- Grant Summary Ledger Dollar Buckets
- On the grant ledger you will find similar dollar
buckets as on the Operating Ledger Summary - Permanent Original Budget Period Total
- Permanent Budget Adjustments Period Total
- Temporary Budget Adjustments Period Total
- Revenue Period Total
- Expense Period Total
- Reservation Period Total
- Encumbrance Period Total
- NOTE Period totals are derived by subtracting
the Banner ITD balance for the grant period from
the ITD balance for the previous period -
16Grants Ledger additional data
- Grant Summary Ledger Additional Dollar Buckets
- On the grant ledger you will also find additional
dollar buckets for ITD (Inception To Date).
These columns are NOT currently available in the
universe. - Permanent Original Budget ITD Balance
- Permanent Budget Adjustments ITD Balance
- Temporary Budget Adjustments ITD Balance
- Revenue ITD Balance
- Expense ITD Balance
- Reservation ITD Balance
- Encumbrance ITD Balance
17Grant Ledger YTD Buckets
- Grant BBA
- Grant Unencumbered BBA
- Grant Permanent Budget
- This is equal to the Permanent Original Budget
plus Permanent Budget Adjustments. - Grant Operating Budget
- This is equal to the Permanent Original Budget
plus Permanent Budget Adjustments plus Temporary
Budget Adjustments. - Remember to specify a Year and a Period(s) when
using these objects - Note These amounts are only calculated for
expense accounts
18Grant Ledger YTD Buckets
- Grant BBA
- Grant Unencumbered BBA
- 2 Usage Caveats
- Remember Labor Encumbrances are calculated on the
fiscal year. This includes grant labor
encumbrances. - Lack of activity on a Grant CFOAPAL when crossing
grant years will make some CFOAPALs appear to
drop out of the summary data - Remember to specify a Year and a Period(s) when
using these objects - Note These amounts are only calculated for
expense accounts
19Calculating BBAs in the EDW
2 Budget Balance Available (BBA) calculations
EXPENSES Available in the Ledger Summary
only calculated for expense accounts Remember
to specify a Year and a Period when using BBAs
20Information about Labor Encumbrances
- Banner encumbers labor on the State Fiscal year
July 1st thru June 30th - Exception is a University modification to Banner
for 9 over 12 salaried employees that sets
encumbrance end dates to June 15th - Labor encumbrances represent academic salaried
civil service employees - Labor encumbrances for salaried employees will
end on June 15th or 30th regardless of a Fund end
date - Example For a fund related to a grant, the labor
obligation will generally begin on July 1st and
end on June 30th - regardless of the grant dates.
- Generally speaking, HR Labor encumbrances are
performed by Banner as follows - Start date is the latest of
- Beginning of the State Fiscal Year (July 1)
- Job Start date
- End Date is the earliest of
- Ending of the State Fiscal Year (June 15th or
30th) - Job End date
21Business Objects Desktop Intelligence Sample
22EDW - Finance Grants Streamlined Universe Example
- Business Question I would like a listing of
Grants in my unit by PI name with funds and start
end dates
Helpful Hints A Grant code can have multiple
fund codes associated with it Utilize the Active
Grants predefined condition to obtain grants that
have not yet ended. Responsible Unit Organization
code denotes the unit associated with the Grant
23Finance Grants Streamlined Universe Example
24Finance Grants Streamlined Universe Example
25Finance Grants Streamlined Universe
Make sure all three buttons are pressed. The
first button allows the Classes and Objects
window to be seen (usually depressed by
default).The second button allows you to see
the definitions for the objects that are
selected.The third button will permit selected
objects to wrap in the Result Objects window.
26Tips for Understanding Objects in the Universe
Toggle this button
When you single click to highlight an object,
there is often a definition of the object as well
as usage tips. (see definition box below). To
reveal this definition box, toggle it open by
pressing the button with the little blue i in
the upper left hand corner of your query panel.
Reveal object definitions usage tips
27Objects in the Universe
The Grant Agency, Grant Persons, and Grants
folders contain all the basic information to list
grants. This includes data like sponsor name,
principal investigator, grant number, grant
title, responsible organizations, start and end
dates, grant fund type (federal, state, private,
etc), grant research area, etc.
The Grant Ledger detail folder contains operating
ledger transactions for budget, revenue, expense,
encumbrance, etc. amounts with state fiscal month
year as well as calendar month year.
The Grant Ledger summary folder contains summary
amounts from the Banner Grants ledger amounts
with state fiscal month year, calendar month
year, and grant month and year. Use this data
28Tips for Combining Objects in the Universe
You can use objects in the CFOAPAL folder with
most other objects in the universe Document
number should be used with Grant Ledger Detail
objects only Of the last two object classes, do
NOT combine Grant Ledger Detail and Grant Ledger
Summary objects in the same query. When using
period objects in the Grant Ledger Summary
folder, you will generally want to specify a year
and one or more periods. When using the following
objects (located in Grant Ledger Summary) BBA,
Unencumbered BBA, Permanent Budget, Operating
Budget, you MUST specify a Period AND a Year.
29Grants Universe predefined condition
For the Grants Universe, we created a predefined
conditionActive Grants When you use this
condition, only grants with an End date greater
than or equal to todays date will be returned.
30Tips for Conditioning in the Universe
If you want to place a condition on a single
Investigator (PI or CoI) name or UIN, use the
Principal Investigator UIN object in your
conditions. If you want to place a condition on
a particular grant(s), use the Grant Code object
in your conditions. If you want to see a list of
grants in your college or department, Responsible
College or Responsible Department. There is no
need to use them both. Choose one and combine it
with the Responsible Chart. If you want to
categorize your grants by the type of funding
(Federal, Private, State or Other) utilize the
Grant Fund Type Code object.
31Consider your Question
Grants is most likely defined with Grant code
and title..
Choose a Responsible Chart and College or
I would like a listing of Grants in my unit by
PI, with funds and Start and End dates
Investigators can be Primary/Principal or Co.
Grant start and end dates are located under
GrantsgtGrant Dates
32Finance Grants Streamlined Universe Example
33Finance Grants Streamlined Universe Example
34Finance Grants Streamlined Universe Results
35Business Objects Universe Common Report
Use the slice dice panel apply sorts, breaks,
and sums. Once you have selected your format,
you must click the Apply button!
A to Z sort
Sum or Calculator
Section Break
USAGE NOTE Be sure you apply section breaks
BEFORE you apply the sum/calculator. If you
dont, you may get strange format results.
36Saving your Document
373 Options for Saving your document
- Option 1 File gt Save
- This is the Business Objects default. This saves
the document to your hard drive. The location is
under My Documents gt My Business Objects
Documents gt User Docs - Option 2 File gt Save As
- This allows you to choose the location to save
the document. This location could be on your
hard drive, on a CD or USB drive or on a network
share, for example. This is also the option used
to save to a different file format like an
Excel .xls file. - Option 3 File gt Export to Repository
- This sends the document to be stored on the
Decision Support server. You can then retrieve
the document from any location or computer. - This option is very useful when you have created
the document at a workstation that is not your
own and you want to be able to retrieve it back
at your desk or you create the document at your
desk and want to be able to retrieve it in a lab
38Option 3 Export to Repository
Select File Select Export to Repository You
will then be able to retrieve this document from
any desk.
39Retrieving your Document
40To retrieve a Document
Select File Select Import from
Repository You will then be able to retrieve a
saved document.
41Solution Library and Query Clearing House
42When getting information from the Data Warehouse,
you have these options
- Write your own report from scratch
- Look for a pre-authored report to use or modify
in - Solution Library
- Query Clearinghouse
43What is Solution Library?
- DS Solution Library
- Users asked for pre-assembled report samples to
use as a starting point for learning and
customization - Frequently asked user reporting questions
- DS Authored step by step instructions and sample
Business Objects reports designed to meet
specific reporting needs - Solution Library grows based on user feedback
- Solution Library link http//www.ds.uillinois.ed
44What is Query Clearinghouse (QCH)?
- DS Query Clearinghouse
- A place for university users to share report
templates - Any data warehouse user can post Business Objects
files for others to use as a starting point - QCH contains everything in the Solution Library
and more! - Share and work together!
- Query Clearinghouse link https//www.ds.uillinoi
45Accessing Solution Library
46Accessing Solution Library
47Available Solutions on the DS website
48Available Solutions on the DS website
49No DS Solution? Try Query Clearinghouse!
50Press on the Login Using Bluestem
51Query Clearinghouse
52Query Clearinghouse - Finance
53QCH Finance gt Grants
Try All Grants for a PI. Its a great report!
54DS Resources Help with Report writing
55What if there is no pre-authored report that
answers your question?
- Write your own report from scratch
- Look for a pre-authored report to use or modify
in - Solution Library
- Query Clearinghouse
56Who ya going to call?
57Who ya going to call?
Check for dates and times of scheduled monthly
practice labs (help sessions)
58Who ya going to call?
Check for dates and times of scheduled monthly
practice labs (help sessions)
59Email a FAC (Functional Area Coordinator)
- DSFAC_at_helpdesk.uillinois.edu
Have you emailed your FAC today?
60But I really want to talk to you
- Beth Ladd Finance FAC
- hessgill_at_uillinois.edu
61Appendix Handy Accounting Concepts
62General Ledger Concepts
Accounting concepts in laymans terms
- Assets Things that we have or own that add
value to the University. Some examples are - Cash
- Accounts Receivable ( people owe us)
- Land Buildings
- Liabilities Things that the University owes.
Some examples are - Accounts Payable ( we owe people)
- Loans
- Fund Balance
- Sum of all Revenue, Expense, Transfers, Fund
Additions and Deductions
FORMULA Assets Liabilities Fund balance
63General Ledger Concepts
Accounting concepts in laymans terms
- In Banner, the General Ledger works with Debits
and Credits. - Each type of account has a Normal Balance
indicator to tell you whether you are adding to
or subtracting from its value.
Fund Balance
Debit (more)
Credit (less)
Debit (less)
Credit (more)
Debit (less)
Credit (more)
FORMULA Assets Liabilities Fund balance
64Operating Ledger Concepts
Accounting concepts in laymans terms
- Income or Revenue Money that the University
receives or will receive. Some examples are - Tuition Fees
- Sale of products or services
- Gifts
- Expenses Things that the University buys or
pays for. Some examples are - Office Supplies
- Payroll
FORMULA Income Expenses 0 (Profit or Loss)
65Operating Ledger Concepts
Accounting concepts in laymans terms
- In Banner, the Operating Ledger works with and
-. - Each type of account has a Normal Balance
indicator to tell you whether you are adding to
or subtracting from its value.
- Debit (less)
Credit (more)
Debit (more)
- Credit (less)
In this case, a means less of. Do not
confuse less of with negative. They are not the
same in the world of accounting.
FORMULA Income Expenses 0 (Profit or Loss)