Title: Research Plan
1JSSST 2006
Logical and Algebraic Formulation of Origami
Fadoua Ghourabi Tetsuo Ida, Hidekazu Takahashi,
Mircea Marin and Asem Kasem Symbolic COmputation
REsearch Group University of Tsukuba
- Introduction
- Logical View of Huzitas Axioms
- Algebraic Interpretation
- Applications
- Conclusion
Origami (???) is the Japanese paper folding art.
- Power of Origami.
- Origami Mathematics.
- Computational Origami.
- Computer assisted construction of geometrical
objects by means of paper folds.
4 Logical View of Huzitas Axioms
- 1989 definition of origami construction by
axioms. - Given points and lines in an origami paper, what
kind of folds can we make ?
5 Logical View of Huzitas Axioms
Why first-order predicates logic ?
- Abstraction of origami construction.
- Appropriate to model geometric properties.
6 Logical View of Huzitas Axioms
- Syntax
- Language L over a signature (P, F ).
- Terms t p l f(t, ..., t) p are
points, l are lines, f ? F. - Formulas prenex normal formula ?.
- F A F ? F F ? F F
- F is quantifier free formula, A atomic formula
7Logical View of Huzitas Axioms
Given two points P and Q, we can make a fold
along the fold line that passes through P and Q.
? P, Q ? Point ? k ? Line OnLineP, k ?
OnLineQ, k
8Logical View of Huzitas Axioms
Axiom (O4)
Given a point P and a line m, we can make a fold
along the fold line that is perpendicular to m
and passes through P.
? P ? Point ? m ? Line ? k ? Line OnLineP, k ?
Perpendiculark, m
9Logical View of Huzitas Axioms
Axiom (O6)
Given two points P and Q and two lines m and n,
we can make a fold to superpose P and m, and Q
and n, simultaneously.
? P, Q ? Point ? m, n ? Line ? k ?
Line OnLineSymmetricPointP, k,
m? OnLineSymmetricPointQ, k, n
10Algebraic Interpretation
Logical formulas
Algebraic forms Polynomials equalities
Further applications
- Realization of origami construction.
- Proof of the correctness of the origami
11Algebraic Interpretation
Logical formulas
Algebraic forms Polynomials equalities
Transformation rule
F set of formulas R set of polynomials
A F ? R
F ? F A F p10, , pn 0 Where pi ?
Rx, ?i?1, , n
12- P (x1, y1)
- m a1 x b1 y c1 0
- n a2 x b2 y c2 0
- A OnLineP, m a1 x1 b1 y1 c10,
a12b12 -10 - A Perpendicularm, n a1 a2 b1 b2 0
, - a12b12 -1 0, a22b22 -1 0
- A SymmetricPointP, kQ
Algebraic Interpretation
A applied to atomic formulas
13Algebraic Interpretation
A over origami formulas
1/ Conjunction
A ? i?1,...,n Fi ? i?1,...,n A Fi
A F1 p10 A F2 q10, q20 A
F1 ? F2 p10, q10, q20
14Algebraic Interpretation
2/ Disjunction
A ? i?1,...,n Fi p1 pn 0
lt p10, , pn0gt? ?
i?1,...,n AFi
A F1 p10 A F2 q10, q20 A
F1 ? F2 p1 q1 0, p1 q20
15Algebraic Interpretation
3/ Negation
A ?F ? p0?AF (p ?p - 1)
A F1 p10 A ?F1 p1 ? p1 - 1 0
Stepwise construction where each step is a fold
operation that satisfies one of Huzitas
axioms. Geometric constraints are defined to
specify origami geometric properties.
formulate origami axioms.
Example trisecting the angle ?FEG
(O1) Construction of the edges of ?FEG c
Constraintk ? Line, ThruQE, G, k s
SolveConstraintc Output k ?Line-1, 1,
-1 (O3) Trisection of ?FEG flines x,
y/.SolveConstraintConstraintx ? Line,
y?Line, yBringLineQEF, x?xBringLineQEG,
y Outputs Three numeric solutions
Second case is trisection of the internal angle
- Collecting the logical constraints of the origami
construction. - Translating the logical constraints into
polynomials and then into algebraic equations
Premises P. - Translating the conclusion into algebraic form
Conclusion C. - Proving using theorem proving methods. P gt C.
- Logical and algebraic formulation of Huzitas
axioms. - Constraint solving Theorem proving.
- Future improvements
Generalization of logical formulation.
Optimization of number of variables and
21Thanks for your attention
22Algebraic Interpretation
Example Axiom (O2)
A ?P, Q ? Point ?k ? Line SymmetricPointP, k