Title: Purpose of Deliberations
1Purpose of Deliberations
- The purpose of writing deliberations or minutes
of an ARD committee meeting is to provide a
concise summary of the decisions made during the
meeting. Additionally, the minutes serve as a
vehicle for documenting, in writing, important
issues that were addressed during the meeting.
It is a summary of basic issues discussed.
2Purpose of Deliberations
- The written report of the ARD committee shall
document the decisions of the committee with
respect to issues discussed at the meeting. - 19 T.A.C 89.1050(e)
3Purpose of Deliberations
- Well written minutes provide the best evidence
regarding a fact in dispute and are typically
generated before the parties are in litigation.
4Purpose of Deliberations
- Commitments reflected in the minutes are binding
on the District. - Michael J. v. Houston ISD, Dkt. No. 364-SE-798
(Texas Hearing Officer decn November 1998
James Holtz).
5Characteristics of a good ARD meeting
- Someone is clearly the leader
- There is an agenda
- The seating arrangement is parent friendly
- Everyone is on task
- We seek consensus each step of the way
- Keep it moving and keep it interesting
- Person running the ARD is not taking delibs
6Characteristics of a good ARD meeting
- Person who takes the minutes should be a
district staff person who is not actively
participating in all aspects of the meeting. - Create a partnership with the chair of the
meeting regarding agenda and pace of the meeting. - Make the minutes reflect the agenda.
7Characteristics of a good ARD meeting
- Dont try to do a blow-by-blow. Summarize the
issues discussed the positions taken the
parents request and the districts response. - Stick to the facts avoid vague statements.
- Distinguish between Districts offer of FAPE and
offer of enrichment activities.
8Characteristics of a good ARD meeting
- Summarize the Districts proposed program and
placement at the end. - Prior to obtaining signatures, read the minutes
aloud or establish committee agreement to receive
minutes at a later date. (Remember ARD committee
is seeking agreement to program, not minutes.)
9Characteristics of a good ARD meeting
- It is a good practice to always document that
the parents agree after each section. - When discussions of goals and objectives are
generated, be specific about what kind of
progress the student has made.
10Characteristics of a good ARD meeting
- Parents are entitled to copies of their childs
educational records, but there is no requirement
that the documents be produced immediately upon
the close of the meeting. The copy is required
to be provided to the parent within a reasonable
time following the meeting.
11Characteristics of a good ARD meeting
- Use proper grammar and spelling.
- Be sure that the person writing has legible
handwriting. - Use positive and appropriate words and phrases
whenever possible.
12Characteristics of a good ARD meeting
- Remember that ARD deliberations are part of the
childs school record and no one other than
school personnel can write on the document.
13What Should Deliberations Reflect?
- Introductions
- Procedural Safeguards
- Purpose
- Input from parents, teachers, and staff.
- PLAAFP Evaluations and competencies
14What Should Deliberations Reflect?
- Additional assessment needed
- Review disability Criteria and has need for
specially designed instruction. - Assistive Technology
- ELL (English Language Learner)
- Review previous goals and progress.
15What Should Deliberations Reflect?
- Transition
- New Goals and Objectives developed
- Determination of services (ESY, Special Tran,
Related Services, etc.) - PARENTS AGREE
16What Should Deliberations Reflect?
- Schedule
- Modifications
- State Assessment note previous results
17What Should Deliberations Reflect?
- Placement
- Assurances
- Deliberations
- Signatures
- ARD adjourned in agreement.
18What the Deliberations Should Also Reflect
- Good things the parents have to say.
- Parents refusal to Districts requests.
- District offers and parents response.
- Any evaluations considered and clarifications.
- School coordinated and collaborative efforts.
19What the Deliberations Should Also Reflect
- Request for release of information and parent
response. - Meaningful parent participation.
20Appropriate Words
- Individualized
- Steady progress
- Necessary to meet the childs needs
- Unique needs
- Educational Need Specially Designed
21Appropriate Words
- Considered
- Least restrictive
- Structured
- At this time
- General education
- Committee is in agreement
22Appropriate Words
- Structured, sequential, multi-sensory, reading
program - Ready, willing, and able
23Inappropriate Words
- Inappropriate
- No strengths
- The only options are
- We dont have staff in the summer.
- Thats the way it has always been done.
24Inappropriate Words
- Regression
- No progress
- Too expensive
- We dont do that
- Thats not our policy
- Too many students in my class
25Inappropriate Words
- He takes too much of my time.
- My class is too full.
- We do not have a group that your child will fit
into. - Remember do not mention other students names.