Title: Chapters 6 Cultural Human Geography of the United States
1Chapters 6 Cultural/ Human Geography of the
United States
2Overview/ Generalization This chapter
focuses on the features of HUMAN geography of the
3 History and Government of the United States
4- People from all over the world have come to live
in the U.S.
5Formation of boundaries starting in the 1600s
6What was the Columbian Exchange?
713 Colonies
8In the American Revolutioncolonists fought for
independence from
9Louisiana Purchaseimportance??
10Civil War 1861- 1865
11 12cities grow RAPIDLY (urbanization).
13Migration of population from farms to cities
after the Civil War.
- The United States becomes industrialized.
14- The U.S. became a world power largely because of
15extensive growth and abundant resources.
16Birth of Suburban America post WWII
18From 1945 to the presentmost immigrants come
from Latin America
19 and Asia.
20Economy and Culture of the United States
21 22- a stable political system
23- and skilled labor have helped the U.S. grow
24- The U.S. has agricultural and industrial strength.
25- The U.S. has an ETHNICALLY DIVERSE population.
2670 European descent
2713 Hispanic
2812 African American
294 Asian
301 Native American
31- Overall, the U.S. has a high quality of life due
32economic growth.
33Leisure time activities/ cultural elements
34professional sports
35tv talk shows
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37religion/ religious diversity
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43advanced technology
44American dependence on oil
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46trends/ fads
47fast food
48Other elements of American Culture
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524 Subregions of the United States
53The Northeast
54megalopolis- part of NE
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56covered bridges in New England
57tapping maple trees for sap to be made into syrup
58The South
59some elements of Texas culture
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61Southern cuisine
62The Midwest
- What does Heartland mean?
63Big cities like Chicago and St. Louis are in the
65Automobile manufacturing is an important industry
in the Midwest
66Regional decline in population in the Midwest
because of
67The West
68The West is sparsely populated
69but includes our most populous state- California.
70Alaska and Hawaii are also a part of this culture
71Tourism is a big industry in the West.
72Alaskas Iditarod
73Iditarod route