Title: Chapter 20 Nitrogen Metabolism:
1Chapter 20 Nitrogen Metabolism Purines and
2- Starts with ribose-5-P from the
- pentose phosphate pathway
- Inosine-5-phosphate is synthesized
- using, in part, 1C units requiring folic acid.
3. Reactions involving tetrahydrofolate are
targets for chemotherapeutic agents.
34. Inosine monophosphate (IMP) is an
important intermediate in the synthesis of
both adenine guanine nucleotides.
5. Energy is required
6. The process is under feedback regulation
4Catabolism of purine nucletodes
- RNA is degraded to AMP and GMP
- The phosphate is removed
- The base is degraded.
Or The Salvage pathway Base is reused.
5Pyrimidine Synthesis The bases are synthesized
first and then attached to the sugars.
6How are deoxyribonucleotides made?
- Ribonucleotide diphosphates are redicued
- to deoxyribonucleoside diphosphates.
72. The conversion of uridine to thymidine.