Title: to
1Welcome to PESD!
2- Acceptable Use, E-mail, Blogging
- If you wouldnt want to see what you wrote on the
evening news - Do not send frivolous e-mails to large groups of
people - Do not reply to all unless necessary
- Do not discuss students in your e-mails
- Report inappropriate websites to MIS
- Never include last names on blogs
- Model proper grammar on blogs
3We offer a wide range of technology related profes
sional development opportunities!
Because the 2008 ISTE teacher technology
standards expect you to
- Use your knowledge of subject matter and
technology to facilitate experiences that advance
student learning, creativity, and innovation in
both face-to-face and virtual environments. - Demonstrate fluency in technology
What can we offer you?
State standards follow ISTE recommendations
5Podcasting Audacity
Audacity is a free sound-editing program.
You can learn how to use it for podcasting!
6Wikis let you create simple, collaborative web
7Want to start a Blog? Use
Start with a Gmail account!
8Woo Hoo! Start your first post!
Now tell us what is going on in your
classroom! You can even add a photo of your
students but no last names for their safety!
9- 3B
- Bubbl.us
- Comiqs.com
- Diigo
- Flickr
- Google Docs
- Ning
- Scrapblog
- Skype
- Slideshare
Web 2.0
1011) TeacherTube 12) Twiddla 13) Twitter 14) Tag
Galaxy 15) Diigo Web Slides 16) Web 2.0
Explained 17) Jigsaw Planet 18) Wordle 19)
Spezify 20) Zoho
Web 2.0
11Resize Photos With Gimp!
In the Scale Image window Choose inches instead
of pixels for Width
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15Tux Paint Math
A great program on all district computers
16Students take turns coming up to the board to
create their own unique sets of ten
Students have the program on their computers so
they can practice making sets of ten on their own.
Noreen Strehlow
PESD Teachers
18You may preview your movie while you create
You may choose the lt Back button to change things
19Movie Maker
Noreen Strehlow
PESD Teachers
20You will drag and drop your music files onto the
You can change the duration of the music to fit
shorter clips or duplicate it if it is too short
for the project
21(No Transcript)
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23Students keep the theme going on all
screens Titles, Menus, Information Cards, etc.
24SMART Teachers Toolkit
has many pre-made activities!
25Learn what is available to use in your classroom
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27- Put your heading in the merged cells.
- Open your package of fruit colored cereal rings.
- Write down the colors in Column A
- Write down how many of each color in Column B
No Eating Yet!!!
28Second Life is a multi user virtual environment
(MUVE) where there are many opportunities
to expand your professional learning community
(PLC) with experts from all over the world.
29Learn how to use a Second Life avatar in the
PESD Skybox on ISTE Island! (An avatar is a
digital representation of yourself)
Take a virtual field trip to the Great Wall of
China or attend a class in comfort. No driving
or passport required!
30One on One
Small Group
Large Group
Just ask! Make an appointment! We are ready to