Title: By U Thein Oo
1OSS In Myanmar
- By U Thein Oo
- President, Myanmar Computer Federation
2Policy on OSS and Development Strategy
- No specific official policy and strategy on OSS
- Plan Myanmar Language Processing system in OSS
3OSS Awareness
By Policy Makers Aware that OSS can be a
counter balance to Microsoft but not
yet committed. By Developers Not
convince with the benefit and business models By
Educationists Aware that IT engineers need to
know inside
details of the source code of OS and DE. By
Users Not aware that there is OSS
4Human Resource Development and OSS
- No specific policy or strategy for OSS related
ICT HRD - Universities and Colleges start having OSS
courses - Some Private training schools gives training on
OSS - MCSA is giving LINUX Training courses
- SIG on Linux is conducting regular workshops
5OSS Applications
- 90 of the Servers in all ISPs(2) are OSS.
- A few applications in OSS introduced
6OSS in ICT Industry
- Only a very few ICT companies doing development
in OSS - Negligible in Local Software market
- Shortage of OSS Engineers
- Users have no preference on OSS
No Change
7Focus OSS Development Activity Myanmar Language
Basic Language Support
May 2004 December 2004
8Focus OSS Development Activity Myanmar Language
Advance Support Level 1
19.1.2004 1.3.2005
9Focus OSS Development Activity Myanmar Language
Advance Support Level 2
10Focus OSS Development Activity Myanmar Language
Advance Support Level 3
- Need to improve Cooperation with OSS community
12Thank You