Chapter 4: Clouds and Precipitation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 4: Clouds and Precipitation


Sinking air is called subsidence, and is often found around cumulus clouds. ... In clouds where temperatures are below freezing, ice crystals grow by deposition ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 4: Clouds and Precipitation

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Midterm Results
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  • Grade Breakdown
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  • Your total average up to this point is circled in
    the upper right corner.

Chapter 4 Clouds and Precipitation
Thermal Behavior of Air
  • Air Parcel a chunk of air which we consider to
    be separated from the air of the environment
    (think of the chunk of air as being surrounded by
    an invisible balloon)
  • No air from outside the balloon can mix with the
    air that is in the balloon and vice versa.

Rising Motion
  • Lets force the air parcel to rise
  • As it rises, pressure on the parcel decreases.
    Therefore, the parcel expands. The number of
    molecular collisions is reduced, and the parcel
    will decrease in temperature.
  • If (parcel temp environmental temp) the parcel
    will rise, since the parcel is less dense than
    environmental air.
  • If (parcel temp will sink, since the parcel is more dense than
    the environmental air.

  • As the temperature of the parcel decreases, so
    does the saturation mixing ratio (remember from
    lab 3?)
  • If the temperature decreases to the point where
    the actual mixing ratio is equal to the
    saturation mixing ratio, then condensation
  • The level at which this occurs is the LCL
    (lifting condensation level)

Calculating LCL
  • Mixing Ratio is a function of pressure.
  • Dew point is related to mixing ratio
  • So, dew point will also change with pressure
  • Td decreases at a rate of 1.8C/km.
  • Under unsaturated conditions, the air temperature
    decreases at a rate of 10C/km
  • The height of the LCL

___________T Td____________ Lapse rate of T
Lapse rate of Td
_______T Td_______ __T Td__ 10C/km
1.8C/km 8.2C/km
How can a parcel be forced to lift?
  • Unless a lifting mechanism is present,
    condensation will likely not occur and clouds
    will not form. There are four ways to lift air
  • 1. topographic lifting
  • 2. convective lifting
  • 3. convergence lifting
  • 4. frontal lifting
  • 3 and 4 are not discussed in chapter 4.

Topographic lifting
  • As air approaches a mountain, some of the air is
    forced over the mountain. As the air parcels
    rise, they cool. If the temperature falls to the
    dew point temperature, then clouds will form (see
    figure 4.2)

Convective Lifting
  • Due to differences in heating and differences in
    specific heats of the earths surface, some
    locations heat up faster than others.
  • Wherever the temperatures are higher on the
    surface, the hot air, being less dense than the
    surrounding air, will rise.
  • Ex. White puffy clouds (cumulus) on warm summer
    afternoons. Could be the result of a parking lot,
    open field with no vegetation, or an area of
    earth surrounded by water.
  • See figure 4.1.
  • Air also sinks over the cooler surfaces. Sinking
    air is called subsidence, and is often found
    around cumulus clouds.
  • Areas of sinking air will be areas of clear
    skies, since sinking air compresses and warms.

Level of free convection
  • LFC The level at which the temperature of an air
    parcel is greater than the surroundings.
  • A lifting mechanism is no longer required here,
    since the parcel will continue to rise due to its
  • Ex. Forced topographic lifting, until the parcel
    reaches its LFC. Even above the level of the
    mountain, the air will continue to rise due to

Cloud Types
  • Classified according to the height of their bases
    and their appearance.
  • Prefix or suffix nimbo implies rain.
  • Nimbostratus clouds steady precipitation that
    lasts several hours.
  • Form by non-buoyant processes.
  • Relatively warm clouds with less vertical extent
    than cumulonimbus clouds.
  • Cumulonimbus clouds - formed from convection
    heavy but brief precipitation.

Collision coalescence process
  • Main way precipitation develops and falls in
    warm, usually shallow, clouds (e.g. stratus
  • Some droplets in the cloud are randomly larger
    than others.
  • Due to larger condensation nuclei and other
  • Larger drops fall faster than small drops.
  • As the larger drops fall, they collide with
    smaller drops and grow larger in size (coalesce).
  • The droplets eventually grow large enough to fall
    to the ground.

Aggregation and accretion
  • In clouds where temperatures are below freezing,
    ice crystals grow by deposition (gas to solid)
  • as larger ice crystals begin to fall, they
    encounter and stick to smaller ice crystals
    (aggregation). An accumulation of ice crystals is
    a snowflake.
  • Accretion ice crystals can also fall through a
    region where liquid cloud droplets exist. The
    liquid water freezes to the crystal.
  • Ice crystals that have grown by colliding with
    liquid droplets are called graupel.
  • If the ice crystals grow large enough, they can
    fall to the ground, often melting along the way,
    producing rain.

Bergeron Process (Occurs in the cold part of the
  • Liquid loses molecules more readily than a solid.
  • Therefore, the vapor pressure around a liquid
    droplet is higher than around an ice crystal.
  • Molecules will move from higher pressure to lower
  • So water vapor molecules will tend to break away
    from the liquid droplets and move toward the ice
    crystals in the cloud.
  • Ice also has a lower saturation vapor pressure
    than liquid water
  • Fewer molecules are needed around a frozen
    surface for saturation to occur than are needed
    around a liquid surface.
  • Layer of air around ice crystals can have RH
    100, so deposition readily occurs.

Bergeron Process contd
  • Therefore, when ice crystals and liquid water
    droplets (usually supercooled) co-exist, water
    molecules will move from the liquid droplets
    toward the ice crystals.
  • Since the layer of air around the ice crystals is
    more easily saturated, and the ice crystals will
    grow larger through deposition of the water vapor
    molecules while the droplets grow smaller.
  • The ice crystals eventually grow large enough to
    fall as either snow, sleet, or rain (most
    common), depending on the temperature profile of
    the air.

Supercooled water
  • Liquid water can exist and temperatures less than
    0 Celsius
  • Liquid water whose temperature is below 0 Celsius
    is called supercooled
  • Water can remain supercooled to about -40 C, at
    this temperature water will freeze spontaneously
  • At temperatures between 0 and -40 C, ice nuclei
    are needed for freezing to occur. Ice nuclei are
    small particles whose molecular structure has a
    similar lattice to that of frozen water, which
    helps the water molecules to properly align.

Why no supercooled water on land?
  • Ice does not form until the molecules are aligned
    in a certain fashion.
  • In a large body of water, it is likely that some
    of the molecules will properly align, especially
    if in contact with another surface that has a
    structure similar to frozen water.
  • The rest of the molecules will quickly freeze by
    contact with the frozen molecules
  • In the atmosphere, however, there are very few
    molecules and it is less likely that any of them
    will align into the required structure.

Types of precipitation
  • Rain droplet diameter 0.5 mm.
  • Drizzle
  • Most precipitation starts as ice, however when
    the droplets are completely melted before they
    hit the ground, the precipitation is considered
    rain (or drizzle).

Freezing rain and sleet (figure 4.7-4.8)
  • Freezing rain starts as snow in a cloud, but
    melts as it passes through a warmer layer of air.
    Closer to the ground there is a layer of sub
    freezing air. The layer is not thick enough to
    refreeze the raindrop however. When the droplets
    land on a frozen surface (street, house etc) the
    droplets freeze. Freezing rain leaves a layer of
    ice on the ground.
  • Sleet same process as freezing rain, however
    the cold layer near the surface is deep enough
    that the liquid water freezes completely before
    hitting the ground. They refreeze into tiny, hard
    pellets of ice.

  • Within the environments of thunderstorms, there
    is an updraft (a column of rapidly rising air)
  • Updrafts are strong enough to support large
    stones of ice, the ice crystals grow through
  • The stronger the updraft, the heavier the stone
    must be before it can fall out of the cloud
  • Size of hail depends on 2 factors
  • Updraft strength stronger more hail
  • Depth of the warm layer hail melts once reaching
    temperatures above freezing, so shallow layers of
    warm air lead to larger hail stones reaching the

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Problem Tips
  • 1) Just circle the answer, theres nothing to
  • 2) Use the Ideal Gas Law (P RDT) and solve
    for T. Then look at how density (D) would change
    for a warmer air parcel. Assume P and R dont
  • 3a) Use the lapse rate for dry air, which is
    -10C/km. You know how high the cloud is, so you
    can find how much the temp. decreases and
    subtract that from your starting temp. This is
    just like 7 from Lab 1.
  • 3b) Use the LCL equation on page 40 and solve for
    Td. Youre given the T and LCL (which is at the
    base of the cloud).
  • 4) Remember that you need the air to be saturated
    to have a chance of rain. Also, from the last
    lab we know that the closer T and Td are, the
    closer the air is to saturation.

Tips contd
  • 5) This has to do with the mechanisms that cause
    cumulus and stratus clouds to form. Just keep in
    mind that they form from non-buoyant processes,
    unlike cumulus clouds. Non-buoyant processes
    often evenly affect a pretty large area.
  • 6) Related to topographic lifting and figure 4.2
    on page 41. The cloud that forms from the air
    rising up the mountain is a result of expansional
    cooling. As the air rises, it expands and cools
    to the point where the TTd. After saturation,
    rain will eventually occur. Where will most of
    that rain fall? Also, if air expands and cools,
    which increases the Relative Humidity, as it
    rises, what will happen to it as it descends on
    the lee side of the mountain? Think about these
    points when answering this one.

Tips contd
  • 8) Remember, collision-coalescence processes
    occur when there are only liquid droplets present
    (warm clouds) and when there are a large amount
    of liquid droplets.
  • 9) Ice crystals grow by deposition (gas converted
    directly to solid without being a liquid). Which
    one of the 2 choices (ice cube or frost) would
    most likely also for like this?
  • 13) Use figures 4.7, 4.8, and 4.9 to guide you
    with this one.
  • 14) This has to do with one of the two things
    that determine the size of hail (page 47 or slide
    18). Which one would vary between the upper
    Plains and Florida?
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